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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Another couple of days work and I've completed the siding under the deck.

    Still needs to be trimmed but the bulk of the work is done.


    Have also been working on building trim boards to go between the big windows and the upper smaller windows on the front wall.

    The trim boards are 2 pieces of 2X8X12 foot long that have been pinned and glued together.


    Took a lot of time gluing, planing and sanding to get it like this.


    Will get the one side installed tomorrow and work on the trim over the left side angled window.

  2. Outlets or lights near by should be on the same circuit

    On mine the outside lights and an outlet outside are all on the same circuit along with outlets on the outside wall in the dining room right near the outside lights


    If the OP is set up similarly he should check the outside outlets as one is likely a GFCI outlet and maybe tripped.

  3. GRRRRRR! I just paged back to the very beginning of this to remind of how the foundation was done. Dave, I guess those were Pbucket 'cause they ain't there no more! I had plans to review the entire post but that profit mongering outfit has ruined it for me and everyone else! What remains is still a work of art and genius, but it ain't all there for full impact! What a dirty shame.




    All that stuff is on my cabin building blog. ;)

    All the new stuff gets done in the fall after freeze up.



  4. Drifter you live in the town of Yellowknife? I actually bumped into Moosebunk in Yellowknife on his way out from up north. If there is better pike waters then Talston I'd like to fish it. This place is remarkable for the amount of 33 inch plus fish per km. At other spots I have known large pike to gather in strategic ambush spots under specific conditions...but just the amount of large Pike that blanket this area is pretty remarkable.


    Catching a 50 inch fish there is not uncommon and happens every season from what I saw looking at the records. In our group of 6 we had 4 pike at 46 inches to 48 inches for the week...and that was below the average of other weeks. I think there have been a few 51, 52 inch pike caught over the years and I saw a pic one of these chunky fish that absolutely had to be 50 plus inches.


    Yep, I'm in Yellowknife. :)

    Another good big pike spot is Trout Rock Lodge on the North Arm of Great Slave.

    It's an early season fishery as it's all shallow there.

    They are fishing big pike before the main lake ice goes out.

    Once the ice goes out the fish move off shore and disperse there.

    A friend of mine guided a 53 1/2" fish there one spring.

  5. Haven't got a whole lot done since my last post as it's been raining since Sunday. :wallbash:

    Got a bit done outside on Sunday but nothing more until yesterday when it was just cold and cloudy. :rolleyes:

    Woke up this morning to freezing temps and finally SUN!!!!

    Managed to get some inside work done on the rain days and I got some scaffolding planks built out on the covered deck as well.

    Yesterday the scaffolding went up and I framed in the gable end of the porch roof.

    Then I cut up some of my sweet Western Red Cedar 1X6 T&G that is going to be my soffit.

    Oiled it up last night so it could be installed today.

    Had to move it from upstairs to a sunny spot on the main floor as it didn't dry over night.

    Might have been the temps. :whistling:


    Ran into town for supplies while it was drying and got it put up when I got back to the lake.




    Supposed to be nice for the next week so hopefully I'll get a bunch more finished. :good:

  6. Great work on your "cabin". You certainly have a lot of technical know how!

    I have been following your thread since the beginning with great interest as I have also been rebuilding my cottage at the same time.

    I had to get building, plumbing and ESA permits with follow up inspections. Is it the same or different up there?


    NAH!! We don't need no stinkin' permits!!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

    No permits needed out side of the city limits. :D

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