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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Seems like a pretty good price but I would go for at least a 60hp motor (it's rated up to 75hp) and a 55# trolling motor on it. Grew has made some good boats over the years. I also thought they were gone, but I guess I was mistooken.
  2. I made another video after the success I had with my Ice Road Fishers video and this one is currently looking good to win in the summer video contest. The video was shot of the course of several hours on the Whitefish River in the NWT and features hungry pike attacking home made topwater lures constructed from aluminum cigar tubes. So if you could take some time to have a look and maybe vote and post a comment if you have a minute I would be most grateful. You need to register to vote or comment though but it's no different than registering on youtube or photobucket. Exciting Topwater Pike Video Thanks for your support it is muchly appreciated!!!
  3. Yeah for some reason I was logged out. That's why I was seeing them thar ads.
  4. I don't know about you guys but I hate having to deal with ads in the middle of a post. What say you?
  5. Here's some shots of my little pound puppy Sahtu. See a pattern here?
  6. Another vote for glass lens here.
  7. UPS BLOWS!!!!!!! I refuse to deal with any company foreign or domsetic that ships with them. Living in the NWT I mail order a crap load of stuff. There really isn't a week that goes by that I'm not expecting some toy in the mail. UPS doesn't ship by road to us so they charge stupid amounts of money for shipping. For instance to ship a USB thumb drive from Toronto to Yellowknife is about $60. Now get this, they say they only ship air to us and not truck but they don't fly the freight here. What they do is fly it to Edmonton and put it on another carriers truck!!! So we get dinged for a ton of cash to fly stuff in that comes by truck. What can brown do for me?..................................GET STUFFFED!!!!! They will never get another penny from me.................................EVER!!!! Rant over, we now return you to your regularly scheduled rant. Thank You, Come Again.
  8. Got you covered!!! Habervision make some great fishing shades and they are always having sales too. Here's this weekends sale Haber fishing shades page
  9. I got home for lunch just after noon today and after dropping a couple of hot italian snausages on the grill heard some jets running around out back. Off I go to have a look see. It's the annual Yellowknife Air Show this weekend so I figured it wasn't Westjet. LOL I was right!!! It was the Snowbirds running through their routine for tommorrow. I ended up watching them for nearly a 1/2 hour so needless to say the brats were burnt (but still edible). I snapped a few shots (sorry about the quality though)
  10. Looks like a great place to store old broken Yamaha outboards for parts.
  11. Here's what I would do. Put an access cover on the inside of each gunnel to acess the nuts. Pick up a couple of these covers (they come in 4", 6" and 8" and three colours. A 6" is probably perfect.) and install them on the inside wall of the gunnels in the proper location. Then just bolt on your mounting plates and go fishing.
  12. Is the boat aluminum or fiberglass? We need pictures to give you options so break out the camera.
  13. The further back towards the stern you can get them the better it will be. My boat has a hatch right at the back for access to the bilge/bilge pumps the three batteries and storage for spare prop, manual bilge pump, fire extinguisher etc. I have been getting about 5-6 years or so out of the CT Nautilus batteries I have been using over the years.
  14. Use a white tube jig over structure. Plus you can troll just fine with a canoe so drop a spoon down there and paddle around. In fact canoe trolling can be really good at times as the lure gets an erratic action from the paddling.
  15. Pike are diurnal meaning they are most active during the period from dawn to dusk. While it is always possible to catch the odd one at night you are better off fishing during the day if you want to catch them consistently.
  16. Back in late 1999 I was laid off from my position as an assembly line supervisor at a truck upfitting plant. I took the opportunity to go back to school and learn 'bout these newfangled 'puter thingies. My course was a year long and cost just over $20K but UI covered 1/2 and paid me UI benefits while I was at school (not much but better than nothing). I graduated in March of 2001 and had a job lined up before graduation. It's now 9 years later and I'm an IT manager working for the government of the North West Territories. The year long investment was well woth the time and money, me thinks. If you like working with your hands there are plenty of good carreers out there (mechanic or any of the trades). Take time and think of what you want to do and got get em!!! PS I was 37 when I went back to school and since I graduated and changed carreers my salary has increased by nearly $60K per year.
  17. Black Strap Resivoir is south of town and is full of nice eyes. Also if you have wheels and some time to roam there are plenty of great fishing opportunities Deifenbaker and Last Mountain Lakes to the south are excellent fisheries and Big & Little Quill Lakes to the East are also good. There are plenty of good lakes to the North towards Prince Albert as well. Here's a link to some mapping of the area, you can zoom right in on the areas you want. <<<MAP>>> A couple of Black Strap eyes.
  18. Mike Holmes would be beating his head off the wall if he saw that. I hope your whole house isn't built like that.
  19. Yeah, I know. But any way you look at it a portable colour fishfinder for under $150 is a pretty good deal. If I didn't have over 1/2 a dozen finders already I would get one. I see it's $349 and $139 pricing down south for yoose guys. Eagle FishEasy 350C Fishfinder Portable
  20. An even better deal is the Eagle colour fish finder SKU# 79-8535-4 regularly $367.49 on for $146.99!!!! Great deal on an entry level colour finder.
  21. Yep, Like Toyota or Honda. Toyota: Made in America Honda: Made in America
  22. I would rather have it cooler too. A little snow and I would be ripping around town on my sled as well.
  23. Ok, so I came across this site last week and it has some pretty funny stuff on it. Why you don't ask a disgruntled graphic designer to help you find your lost cat. This is just the first in a long list of funny stuff. Enjoy!!!!
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