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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Is the flux capacitor within operational parameters?
  2. Seeing how they spray it on all types of metal areas when insulating I would believe it to be fine. It's not really any different than the original foam except it is denser and closed cell. The two agents may be a little different but there is no reason to think it would harm the hull any more than the factory stuff will. In fact I would believe that the factory foam would be worse as it holds water that would over time cause corrosion at the points where it is saturated.
  3. Have your local insulation contractor spray the areas with Walltite-Eco 2 part polyurethane foam. The original foam that is put in boats is open cell and is the reason it fails. The Walltite is a closed cell foam that won't absorb water.
  4. Some updated news out of the US. http://www.kulr8.com/story/30496958/cabelas-employees-say-managers-confirm-store-will-close-jan-1
  5. I hate when things get all fluxed up!!!
  6. Yep. I have been dealing with them since the early 90's. Going to get them to fix a couple of dinged props and re-pitch the High5 stainless prop I got for a song this summer.
  7. Good to know. I have a couple of props that need some work.
  8. Dan the one you posted is one of the two that come up in a search.
  9. What # are you trying because 2 different ones come up doing a search. The other one that comes up is 905-677-0316 Let me know what one you get through on as I need to drop in and see them next month when I'm visiting.
  10. Another awesome report Mike!!! Looks like you and the fam had an awesome trip!!!
  11. The guys in PA use minnows all the time. Pretty weird seeing them with their little minnow bottles walking the river.
  12. Happens a lot. Ho's be lookin' fo' some $$$$$ yo!!!
  13. LOL http://www2.tsn.ca/bardown/Story.aspx?Watch%2BStamkos%2Bbuild%2Bhis%2Bvery%2Bown%2Bsnowman%2Bby%2Busing%2Bhis%2Bslapshot&id=564940
  14. Told ya it's a super El Nino year. Should be good all December if we're lucky.
  15. My dad had a Bell turbo hub when he was living in Bellwood. It worked very good. Maybe something to look into. Or the Rogers equivalent if the service is better in the area.
  16. He should sue her for defamation of character and undue stress as well as anything else his lawyers can come up with. With the info that has come out it's pretty clear this chick was just looking for a pay day. The best piece of info was that the sexual assault kit showed 2 different male donors and neither was Kane!!!!
  17. Until I read this I was completely unaware that we had an openly ginger Minister!!
  18. There used to be a moose in Anchorage that would get looped on fermented crab apples every fall. There was pictures of him wandering around down town all pissed up with Christmas lights all wrapped up in his antlers. It was pretty comical. The media named him Buzzwinkle!! Unfortunately a few years ago he ended up with a bad rear leg possibly from being hit by a vehicle and had to be put down.
  19. Well I hope Southern Ontario is above freezing for the whole month of December!!!! I want to chase steelhead!!!!!
  20. Just leave it in the road on your way to work tomorrow!!! Someone will find it. Now it it was a dog...... Full page ads in all the newspapers, tv and radio spots........
  21. OH Dude!!! I'm so sorry to hear that!!! That's horrible!!! At that rate you'll never get out ice fishing. Maybe you can drive North to find some?
  22. PFFFFT!!!! Time change don't mean squat this far North. It's dark when you go to work and dark when you come home. Actually it's dark during morning and afternoon breaks too!!!! At least it's somewhat light during lunch.
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