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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. What? We get to roll over unused sick leave. You don't get paid out for unused leave when you retire or anything like that but you can rack up time that you can use if needed. There are several people here on staff that had cancer and needed extended time off for treatment and recovery. The ability to use sick leave is very beneficial as you can't apply for disability payments for 12 weeks. I know I would have a very difficult time with no $$$$ coming in for months. I'm in pretty good shape if something should happen with more than 31 days in the bank if needed. A couple of years ago I was off for 7 weeks due to an illness and never missed a dime in that time. The bank did empty pretty much though.
  2. If you believe that I have some prime swamp land in Florida for sale. It's the case for all of them here, the US.................................................
  3. Of course they are. I't's all about the all mighty $$$$$.
  4. I will say I have never voted Red or Blue so I can sit back and bust on both parties!!! Having said that, say what you will about Trudeau or Harper, the fact is it's not one person deciding the fate of the nation. They are just figure heads for the party they belong to. Just a face/persona to represent the party. The bulk of the decisions are made by a group of senior party members with backing of the general party members. The figure head just regurgitates what his/her puppet masters tell him/her to.
  5. Great report Drew!!! Now you know what us Plummers guides have to deal with. Most of the crap that happens is due to that one or two Richards in camp and not the guests. Over the 15 years I guided on Bear I had my share of run ins with guides like Truck Tire and believe it or not most were Plummers rookies although not guiding rookies who thought they were all that and treated guides who had been there much longer than them like they were idiots and morons. Luckily these "professionals" generally only lasted a season if that. The one in question didn't make it through the first month before being put on a plane South on his own dime. But guide long enough and you will run into guests lake that too. I haven't guided in quite a while now and every once in a while I miss the enjoyment of being in the bush for a couple of months. I can tell you I do not miss those giant celebrity shore lunches though. They always take too long and cut into the fishing time. Rookie guides always get the short end of the stick. They are the first ones to be shore bound when there is a lack of guests and they get all the menial tasks that the "experienced" guides are too good to do. In my rookie year I got to insulate the roof of the lodge on Smith Arm of Great Bear. Nothing like crawling around a 100* attic installing crap loads of fiberglass insulation!!! Your story brought back memories of my rookie year on the Bear back in the summer of '95. Good times!!!
  6. How bout a shiny new mop? The wimmin's love new mops!! If that's out of your price range they also like shiny new toilet brushes!!!
  7. 36 years ago for me. It was a great little place to work and the food was awesome. The place was called Papa Luigi's and was located in Sheridan Mall in Mississauga. I remember cutting the fresh toppings by hand when we weren't out doing deliveries. We also had to shred the cheese and fold boxes. My buddy worked in the back making dough by the ton!!! I had a lot of good times there and made some great friends too.
  8. Just had a look see annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd it's gone!!! Replaced with a Pizza Pizza.
  9. The place I worked for had the best pizza I have ever had bar none. I miss it big time. Might have to see if it's still there when I come to visit. Pretty sure it's gone as the owners will be long retired now. That big night we had only 2 drivers on staff (it was a Thursday) and for some reason the place was busier than a Saturday for orders. We were taking 1/2 dozen orders out for delivery @ a time. No time for breaks until close it was that busy.
  10. The difference in the way they play the game. Better defense, more compete, breaking out of their own zone, puck posession. Give them a year or two and you will see them much higher in the standings. They are already a much different team than they were in the first few weeks of the season.
  11. I know EH!!! Best ugly Christmas sweater ever!!!!!
  12. That happens in the Niagara in the spring too.
  13. Yup!!! It's like the lure chucker or bottom bouncer that worms their way in between a line of float fishermen on the river. Go with the flow yo!!!
  14. You can have the underside oil sprayed. Plenty of places that do it. Doesn't protect the doors and other panels though.
  15. Joey Bats Christmas sweater!!! Get em while they're hot!!! http://www.foxsports.com/mlb/story/jose-bautista-bat-flip-sweater-toronto-blue-jays-holidays-alds-texas-rangers-112515
  16. Here are a link to give you an idea on pricing on what you need. http://www.cabelas.com/product/boating/boating-outboards-accessories/power-lifts-trim-tilt%7C/pc/104794380/c/104752980/sc/104512680/cmc-pt35-small-outboard-tilt-and-trim-by-t-h-marine/700191.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fpower-lifts-trim-tilt%2F_%2FN-1100538%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104512680
  17. Yes I did. It's funny either way. FYI there is this in the emoticons palette on the site.
  18. The boys in Alaska know how to deal with poachers and game thieves!!!! Canada could learn a thing or two from this!!!! http://www.ktuu.com/news/news/sportsman-channel-suspends-reality-show-after-alaska-charges-host-fired/35290124
  19. HAHAHAHA!!!!! Funniest thing I've read in quite a while!!!!
  20. They are grown on farms in the prairies!!! I'll take pictures of the bomb farms on my drive back to Ontario in a couple of weeks.
  21. Pretty sure they will be vetted by Tiny in cell block C!!!!
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