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Everything posted by pameladallaire

  1. I love the shot anyway. Are you entering any photo competitions with your photos? You should. Pam
  2. I have a wish list for Santa, I hope he checks it twice. Snowmobile boots, a new computer chair (an OFC necessity for long hours of reading), warm gloves, a waterproof windproof fishing jacket, and a computer tablet and stylus to use with Photoshop. What's on YOUR list? Pam
  3. Please keep in touch with your fishing trips in England! We should have a section for international fishing. I love seeing the photos from all around the world. Good luck and stay safe. Pam Dallaire
  4. Very nice. I would do some cropping to enhance the focal area. Pam
  5. Thank you guys, yes, it was done from a photo. Pam
  6. Well, I didn't know where to post this with the changes to the board, but I know the photographers will enjoy it. Swan Song Pam
  7. After seeing your photos, I talked to my brother (an avid astronomer and sky photographer). He gave me sites to visit on-line and I was actually able to see the comet last night during a brief interlude of our constant cloud cover. It is a spherical comet that is confusing scientists because, although it is travelling farther from the sun, it is getting brighter every night. Weird. Anyhoo, here is one site he told me to visit for updates. Pam
  8. Very cute. Pam
  9. My husband complains that I don't fear bears enough. Telling a hungry bear to shoo at your screen door isn't terrified of bears. I am talking about my own experiences and reading the research on-line about the Algonquin bears. Some of the links are still on-line. Read at your own leisure. Black Bear study. Pam Ooops, someone already posted the link.
  10. I sleep with my arms....my hands too! LOL Now, don't go giving my husband any ideas about a rod and reel holder for the bedside. I don't relish the thought of a treble hook under the sheets. Pam
  11. Thanks for reminding me, BUT, I don't remember the last time I was able to watch the sky. It has rained up here all summer and is still raining! Yuck. More bad weather on the way. I'm actually praying for snow so we can dry out. Pam
  12. Uhm, I dissagree. I haven't camped in a Provincial Park since I was very young. All my bear encounters (except the last 5 years in my backyard) have been in deep, dense, unpopulated bush where the bears have very few, if any, encounters with humans. They are predators, and intelligent scavengers. If they smell food, they will take advantage of the situation. And when the bears have not seen people, they just think they are a new weird food source. Why should they be scared if they are the top predator in their home range? It is up to the people camping to be smarter than the bears. As for the Algonquin bears. It was my understanding that when a bear grows large enough to take down a full grown moose, they start taking down people as well. I researched this a few years ago when the bears were huge up here. People make a lot less fuss than a full grown moose. Pam
  13. Cute Picas.....LOL.....make some more videos Brandon. Pam
  14. Everyone knows how I feel about bears, especially when there is no berries. I love to see them, but I've met up with them too often, been tracked by them on a road walking and our prospector tents have been ransacked. We always leave the tent door open so they don't make a second door out the back. Bears don't want to be seen, they will visit your tent when you are away from it. They will eat each other when berries are few, and they will eat people too. Noise doesn't scare away a hungry bear, take the prospector that was attacked with a running chain saw in hand. Bears think Citronella is catnip, so use a deep based repellent in the bush. Always walk away from a bear slowly keeping eye contact and never run. Man, they are fast. When you head to the outhouse at night, with a flashlight, and see two shiny eyes reflecting the light. Walk slowly back to the tent and drink less coffee next time. Pam
  15. Actually, I have to hurry up and finish my self portrait and another one of a trail in green bush for our November show here in Timmins. And a cello painting for next Monday. Then I get to paint what I want.
  16. Well, the snow hunters asked for it. Pam
  17. I have about an inch of snow so far, anyone else wake up to the white stuff? Pam
  18. Sorry, I missed it. I know how you feel. I'm waiting for my nephews made for tv movie this month. Pam
  19. Hi Dan: Great shots as usual! Pam
  20. Hi Lew: My camera wasn't expensive, isn't an SLR but takes great raw images and has 2 stages of image stabalization. It also zooms 12x optical. It is a Lumix FZ7 and I bought it from an OFNer Dave Chong who sells cameras. I can be bouncing around the front seat while hunting and take the photo on the go, no problems. Pam
  21. If you did try it, you would see this before you keeled over. Pam
  22. The FIRST thing you have to say is, "I AM AN ARTIST", and then everything that comes after will take care of itself. If you want to adjust your own photographic artwork, you have a perfect right to do so. It is art and therefore something that can be altered, flipped, whatever YOU as the artist decide. As for Photoshop, I am starting to teach it this month as part of our Art Club's 60th Anniversary. Every member is expected to volunteer time to other artists and the general public and teach what they are best at. I happen to use Photoshop instead of sketching and many of you know that I change photos before I paint them. If you need help, give me a shout. OH YEAH, if you don't own a version of Photoshop, DON"T BUY IT! Download the free Open Source version called GIMP. You have to download a small program before the main download. Pam
  23. WOW, that's cool! Pam
  24. Dan, your shots always blow me away! I love the atmosphere in the first shot, but the 4th shot has the best composition. Great job! Pam
  25. I agree that photography is art when you set out to make art in the first place. But impressionist art is very specific. I do impressionistic painting, and there is a specific set of rules that applies to this. See this website for specifics. So keep clicking. And have fun. Pam
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