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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Brian scratched it out before posting a photo and I will change the colour to a easier seen colour
  2. i still have the yamadoo i am going to try to put the same tracks and tracks on the Ski-zuki but will not know till i try if not i will go with the store bought 4 track system
  3. LOL that was cool
  4. Fishing for me last time I played golf the only 2 good balls I hit all day was when I stepped on a rake
  5. nice going
  6. Coles notes this is Canada. Lol
  7. oh thousand island bridge
  8. Damn that looks good nice going dude
  9. Oh sure bust his bubble. Lol but I think you may be right
  10. Or calico bass as some call them.
  11. I’ve seen my box. that sounded wrong. Lol
  12. Yes it is. It even says that on the box but you can update sonar charts on line and if you register it you can get a deal in the future on another card.
  13. yes, we are a sovereign country we can call it anything we want some countries call it a trunk while some call it a boot..who's right groundhogs or prairie dogs we know what they are
  14. first the MNR referred to them as yellow pickeral and knew that chain pickerel were different species , so the "no thats walleye not a chain pickerel" does not hold water only because they made an agreement with the US the mnr now refer to them as walleye hell the US doesn't even have a firm handle on English ask them to spell harbour or neighbour next the argument will be do we call it a sofa or couch or chesterfield everyone knows what each name means so just except it and move on
  15. i guess with the changing dollar it just depends on the exchange rate of the day
  16. again that is us, it says free shipping but , when you click canada they add 15 bucks shipping the cost in canadian bucks is 88.12 canadian all in
  17. tracks are good
  18. plus shipping come to 88.12 canadian
  19. Sounds like you have the adapter card not the Navionics card/chip with the maps on it Do you know what S O L means sorry
  20. Ok. I’m not eating any fish that you need a pair of tin snips to cut into the skin.
  21. nice fish
  22. I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous ?
  23. right handed right for baitcaster , left spincaster
  24. yup I feel your pain I am thinking about dropping a bunch of bell packages I would like to go from 140 to under a hundred for their crappy service over 3/4 of the channels i get i dont want or dont speak the language but they come with the package
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