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Everything posted by Deg

  1. via Don G, aka DEG. Excuse me .... I'm still trolling
  2. Did you live to tell about it?
  3. Sounds good to me Justin. As much as I like the 'Big Boys' (salmon, bows and stripers), I do miss the largemouth whacking the top water. It just gets the adrenalin pumping. I have to ask .... how long is the rod in the last pic? Lew ... if you read this, notice I didn't say muskies. LOL
  4. I loved those shots of the slop Justin. It brings back some memories of throwing topwaters like the Scum Frog and waiting for those brutes to burst through the pads. I haven't done much of that since I started downrigging. Sure miss it though. Great report .. thanks.
  5. It was a great day to be on the water Lew and I'm looking forward to the next time. It was nice having that area of the lake to ourselves. You can't beat the scenery of the north. I just wish you had blanked out the background behind me .... now everyone will find our secret spot. It probably doesn't matter, cause Whopper threw his marker buoy out when we left. LOL Those storm clouds look familiar but I've never had hail with them while in my boat. Great pics and report.
  6. Geez Phil ... how many times do I have to apologize for trying to take the dumb buoy? I thought you were done with it as you hadn't caught anything anyways.
  7. Canadianguy33 .... I make it a point not to argue on the board but I knew some people would take the comments personally. The world is filled with different folks .. some even think poaching is OK. I never said I wouldn't question the rules but this isn't about right and wrong. He was over the size limit and yes it would have been nice to get off with a warning. But then where do you draw the line ... give an inch take a mile. "Many of my fellow anglers on this board feel that ..." have you looked at how many people are on this board? A few posts are not MANY??? Tommy Douglas, David Suzuki ???? that's a stretch of about a 1/4" LOL Just goes to show light does travel faster than sound.
  8. TG, sounds like your bud is a pretty level headed guy. He knew he made an error in judgement and was man enough to take the medicine without ranting and complaining about the 'Big Bad CO'. Unfortunately not all anglers have the common sense to know that the onus is on us to follow the rules. Our job is to measure the fish and if in doubt throw it back, the CO was doing his job enforcing the law. I doubt that he is told to let you off if it is 1/4" today but on holidays and Sundays make it 3/8 or maybe 7/16. The people who complain the most about the rules are usually the ones trying to stretch them as far as possible before they get caught. In this case it was an honest mistake but a mistake none the less. Glad to see the CO was out there. Too often we are hearing complaints that they are never around. Tell your bud, I really respect him for his attitude and maturity. Great to hear that he understood who made the error ... we all make some but the big difference is how we deal with them. Thanks for reminding us to be diligent.
  9. Glad to hear you had another good fly-in, Mike. It won't be long before the next one ... just a long winters nap. Nice pics ... I see you are getting older .... really roughing it in that log tent. LOL Don
  10. I had the same thing late last night but it seems fine this morning. Just slow changing pages.
  11. But you can cook a mean sauce for that pasta.
  12. I wonder if it attracts rabbits? Playboy Bunnies would be nicer. Hey, douG can't you come up with one from cucumbers for the muskie guys? I'd be afraid to own one .... sometimes they sit in the rack so long waiting for me to get out, they would take root.
  13. Just remember Phil, she emails me once in awhile and I could use that comment for leverage, LOL I'm waiting to see what GCD thinks of it. His "Ole Yeller" comments are going to find him used as chum if he's not careful. LOL So far 'Miss Ruth' is still smiling.
  14. A few minutes before the church services started the towns people were sitting in their pews and talking. Suddenly, Satan appeared at the front of the church. Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from evil incarnate. Soon everyone had exited the church except for one old man calmly sitting in his pew without moving, seeming oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate enemy was in his presence. So Satan walked up to the old man and said "Don't you know who I am?" "Yep, sure do." "Aren't you afraid of me." "Nope, sure ain't." "Don't you realize I can kill you with a word?" "Don't doubt it for a minute." "Did you know that I could cause you physical agony for all eternity?" "Yep", was the calm reply. "And you still are not afraid?" asked Satan. "Nope." More that a little perturbed, Satan asked,"Well, why aren't you afraid of me?" The man calmly replied............ "Been married to your sister for 68 years!!"
  15. When did we start letting people from Cleveland cross the border? LOL We let those other southern boys in so you must be OK. I envy you headed to Nip. Have a good trip and enjoy. Deg
  16. Roy, I thought this board was supposed to be rated PG? That joke seems Pretty Gross for here. I'll tell Ruth you submitted it. Down one more notch boy. LOL
  17. Who are the Moody Blues? I think they must have been before my time. LOL Gary .... I've learned age is a very high price to pay for maturity. Enjoy the concert ... old timer (insert giggle).
  18. Thanks John. Craig emailed me this morning and I got a call from CSFL a few hours later. I expect to get the info by email soon. I really appreciate you helping out. It was getting closer and we knew nothing other than 'be there at 5:30 a.m. LOL Roy ... hug her yourself ... this 'we' she talks about always turns out to be a 'ME'. Next time it is her name that goes on the registration form. LOL How's 'Grumpy, Doc, Sleepy, etc' doing?
  19. Happy Birthday, Connie. Here I thought that smoke on the horizon was you celebrating. LOL Just a thought to go with your viagra .... 'I've learned that it is not what you wear; it is how you take it off.' Don
  20. Sorry to hear that you have the same problem in your area. Good advice call the police and take pics. The Grand River has been getting hit hard from late April on. I gave up with the MNR 3 years ago .. they never respond. The OPP last year at least came and charged one with trespassing. Unfortunately the fish were dumped when they drove in. A lot of large bass went out in coolers before the season started. It's so blatant that they fish at the base of the dam in Paris all through May and the local paper took a picture and posted it with the headline "Warm Weather Brings An Early Start To Bass Season". That got a good response from honest anglers. The editor printed a small apology the following week.
  21. Nauti, I have been looking for 'best boat' for 3 years and I think I have found the answer ... there isn't one. I started with Lund/Crestliner/Starcraft, etc. and worked up to a fiber glass Grady White 208 (probably one of the highest rated by JD Powers over the years). Not a boat to haul to Lakair but definitely suited for Lake Erie. Finally I started looking at 'high end' aluminum boats .. I want to tow it. The Eagle Craft is great but I didn't win the lottery. LOL Finally found the one I like, a North River Seahawk. It is heavier aluminum than anything we have here. Made for the west coast rivers and Pacific shore. Great fishing boat and definitely sets a high standard. The trouble is, the closest dealer is Ohio and it has a few draw backs when you get into the options. Example ... small bow makes a it difficult to mount an electric trolling motor and have an anchor well. One boat doesn't fit all fishing styles. All that said, I have been downrigging for several years with a 17.5 ft Starcraft (90hp) and often run to Long Point Lighthouse on good days. Buy any solidly built boat, pick your days wisely, and if the weather turns bad, take it easy and find the safest route to port. Rivets or welded doesn't really matter if you don't pound the crap out of it on every wave. The one thing I would suggest for L.E. is bigger is better .. I would like at least a 20'er to get on the waves and not roller coasting between them. Have you looked at a Habourcraft? I have never been in one but have been told they handle the lake well. Good luck and enjoy whatever you buy. Deg
  22. Thanks John for passing it on. I was hoping an OFC'er would know some one or something about the tournament. Craig is fast, I see he has already responded. Thanks again Craig, I sent you an email.
  23. In May a post on the board announced this Pro/Am tournament and my wife thought she would surprise me by sending in my registration. I had talked about them in the past but never entered one. She sent in the check and forms on May 22nd and waited for a reply. Nothing came back. We were supposed to go to Nfld in August so she really wanted to know if I was entered in order to change our plans. After several calls to Andrew Pallotta at the CSFL office and his cell phone and leaving messages at both, she finally gave up and contacted Fleming College and spoke to a Nicole. Nicole checked her records and said I was in the tournament and should expect a package in the mail from the CSFL. On June 25th, when we returned from Lakair, I found a phone message telling me that all the information I needed would be sent out shortly. Last week I still had no info and I tried several times to get Andrew Pallotta to let me know what is happening. Not one reply from my mesages or Ruth's came from CSFL (Andrew Pallotta). I tried Nicole at Fleming College again but she is away until later this week. The Tournament is August 1st, Ruth booked rooms in Lindsay for 2 nights, and we know nothing about the event other than the initial announcement. Is it still happening? Has anyone gotten a package from the CSFL ... Andrew Pallotta? We have 4 mailing days left ... not a lot of time for errors in the mail. Right now I am wishing we had just gone to Nfld. If you have any info I would really appreciate your help.
  24. Someone warn the fish on Lake Simcoe ... Shelly and Chuck are on the way. Congrat. on finding a nice boat ... looks like a great ride. Now we have to have a name??? Little Chevy Miss Walleye Walleye 4x4
  25. That's it Marc ...I'm really ticked at you now. I tell you how I feel about myself and you post it on the board. Last time I spill my inner secrets with you bud. No more couch sessions in your boat. Do you own a boat or borrow Roy's (he never uses it)?? a.k.a ...The Legend P.S. Any hints on how to catch the first muskie ... that bunch at Lakair aren't any help. A rookie caught more than they did. Right Cliff.
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