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Everything posted by Deg
That's a tough one Jack. Ruth and I have been there many times. They say it comes with having a pet but it never gets easier. We just had to do the same last fall with our 14 year old and spent the last day outside taking lots of pics. I now use them for my screen saver. Tanner loved the snow so Ruth planted a 'Snowball Bush' on her grave. It's a hard decision but it's the best you can do for her when she has cancer. Take Care, Don and Ruth
Just added another vote and she is still at 30 on page 3. Can I vote from the library? LOL ... Just trying to find some more computers.
Add one more vote Maureen. As of 12:08 this morning you are on top of page #4 and number 32. That boat is sure going to be crowded when we all get in for a ride. LOL
Congrats Maureen ... you are moving up. I've been voting everday and Mo was at 138 when I started. I emailed some friends (who don't know her) and explained the situation. Yesterday one of them called me to say that all 9 computers in their office are voting at noon. Looks like it is helping. She is now up tp 35th. I wander how many total votes each person has?
Hey Glen I think I saw a bunch of those cherry red tails floating in Lake Nipissing just after you left. Maybe you need some fish'n glue so you won't lose the next ones . LOL I could pick up some white ones for you and we can sit and dye them when I come down in Oct. if the snapper's aren't biting.
I had a son that size once Rich. The only advice I can give you is save your money ... we calculated he ate $100 000.00 in groceries by the time he was 21. That's a lot of lures. lol Seriously, congratulations on the new fishing buddy. Take lots of pics, they grow up fast.
Brian, about that glossy ... I found it but it was full of holes. Apparently Ruth hung it on the dart board and everyone's aim improved. lol Hope we are neighbours again next year. LadyW ... that computer problem turned out to be a damaged telephone in another part of the house. Hard to believe the frustration it caused. Got a new phone today and now I have to program all those numbers in again .... more fishing time lost. GCD .... man you must really want to go snapper fishing ... 3 times on one post. How long does it take for the moonshine to wear off? Hey Art ... what's a record (think you're dating yourself ... it's a CD). Actually you should be the one giving him the bump ... he's your friend. I just took him 'out' fishing .. it was Ruth's idea to bring him back. lol You're welcome Norm .... glad we found you and Maureen in camp. Chris .. thanks again for everything including the shorelunch ... great idea. Maybe we will see you there in Aug./Sept
Happy Birthday Gary ... I noticed you didn't mention your birthday or age in the email .... here I thought you didn't look a day over 62. LOL Glad you are still with us and Lakair 2008 is only about 353 days away so i will expect to see you there.
The great thing about the g2g is not only the fishing but the time spent with family and friends Not sure why Norm is asking my permission to leave. The washrooms were right behind him. lol Chuck is enjoying the time Shelley has given him off from his kitchen duties. Joey ... loved your wildlife shots, so I thought I'd throw this character into the mix. On the Sunday after we said our goodbyes to those heading home, we went out in search of a muskie. After tossing a suick for an hour we moved into a small bay and I switched baits to a large top water. It turned out to be the best day of the week. I caught several pike and numerous bass (all around 18") in just over an hour. Tyler landed an 18.5" walleye on a twister tail. I really wanted a muskie but catching that many nice bass on the surface helped to ease my disappointment. LOL Met a lot of new OFC'ers like Bernie, Cliff and Carol when I didn't have a camera handy and I can't figure out why I didn't get one of my neighbour 'slowpoke'. You think with a name like that he would be easy to catch. All I can say is if you haven't met them you are in for a treat when you do. Great people. Looking forward to the next time. Thanks again to everyone for a great week.
As the week rolled on the happy gang started to arrive. Well .. some were happy and some had a long drive Soon we had enough for a shorelunch at Tombstone. Yes Maureen your shot turned out. The hungry vultures await the offering. Great idea Kevin. A little diversion from fishing was a trip to the walleye pond with Kevin, Chuck and Graham. Digger loves to spend time in the campground. Here she is on guard for those tasty offerings. Leslie is wondering how Digger is gaining weight when she is on a special dog diet. Hmmm??
Finally got my computer problem solved and I end up fishing and not uploading pics .... isn't life tough. LOL I'll keep the comments short as most others have said what a great week it was and have thanked everyone who made it possible. We left Monday morning and everything was going great until we turned off Hwy 69. We blew the transmission hose and came to a quick stop. I called the lodge to let them know we would be late and after only a minute or two we lost the conection and couldn't get it back. An hour later this friendly guy with a big smile pulls up beside me and wants to give us a hand. It was a familiar face ... Chris aka muskiestudd who had driven all the way out from the lodge to tow our boat in. Thank you Chris and Kevin for being so considerate. It was great just seeing we had company back to the lodge. From that point on everything improved. We were greeted by that familiar sound ... the jetboat. And the other southern boy. Fished that evening with GCD and his night vision eyes Met Rich for the first time and spent a few days on the water together Our evening fishing trips always had this crew near by to chat with when Graham wasn't telling the rockbass off During the day we kept an eye out for the yacht ... the only thing missing on her is arm extentions for us short guys to reach the water This is a shot of the USS Minnow .... if you squint you can see Gilligan And of course the muskie hunters were out in force
We had a computer problem for the last week and got it solved (hopefully) today. We couldn't stay connected for more than a few minutes and it was running at 2.5 kbs (very slow even for dial-up). Turned out to be a damaged telephone in the kitchen ... most likely from a storm that went through when we were at Lakair. We managed to send a few pics out by mail but it took hours of rebooting to get them out. We just wanted to say it was nice seeing all of you again and meeting some new OFC'ers. We spent several hours going through the posts and loved the shots and reports. I started to make replies on some but decided that bringing them all to the top again isn't fair to those who have seen them ealier. So this is a general thank you for sharing your camera views of Lakair. I will try to post a few pics later if our gliches don't return. Thanks again for a great time. Ruth, Tyler and Don
Thanks for sharing your pics Joey. It's always great to come home and see Lakair through someone elses camera. I can see why you 'hang around' for a week after the gang heads home. It sure was quiet on Sunday night at your campsite. We actually got to sit and talk to you and Paul. Great pics ... love the wildlife ones .... and don't mean from that cabin by the docks. LOL
Had a great time with you guys again. Those evening walleye trips are always fun .... especially fighting off the mosquitoes. Tyler says thank's for the pics ... he's started an album of his fishing trips. Graham didn't have to talk to the rockbass .... Ruth already warned him earlier. lol Enjoyed those fillets you cooked up .... now we have a replacement for TJQ if he can't make the pike tourney due to other commitments ... ballet dancing, etc.
Hey Glenny, it seems like over a week since I saw you. Finally got the computer problem fixed now it's time to try to catch up on all the Lakair posts. Great seeing you again. Nice pics and glad to see your northern skills are starting to match your southern ones.
Board Name:Deg Real Name:Don Number of people you are reporting for(...including you):3 (Ruth+grandson Tyler) Accomodations (Camping or Cabin or off site):Cabin #5 Bringing boat? Yes Renting Boat? N/A Using restaurant facilities? Yes .... breakfast **** Are we doing a pot luck this year?
Hi guys, Joe tells me you have been looking for us. I didn't even know I was lost ... damn old age thing. First let me say that the blackflies were biting well this last weekend. Just ask Ruth. They are getting ready for the tender southern meat. Tom ... glad to see you are coming this year, looking forward to finally getting to meet you. Just read who you are bunking with. My deepest sympathy! I noticed they forgot to tell you to bring a white shirt. Joe and Art can explain it. Don't ask GCD about it, he doesn't own a shirt. lol 13 days to go for us. Can't wait. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Gary, I guess I will just have to stop in and see you and Amy on our way south. Deg
Sorry we missed seeing you at the show Gary. Like you, we decided that Saturday looked like a better day to travel to London. Got there at ten and the parking lot was already crowded. Like others have said the show seems to have gotten better each year. I bet there were more people on Saturday afternoon than we saw at the Toronto show on Thursday. We met Gman and Boston on the way in and did some catching up. Was nice seeing Gavin again. As usual I didn't buy anything if you don't count the two Spin Doctors, the 6 Shurstrike flies, and a number of lures. Ruth knows this is nothing compared to the $750.00 reel I put back on the counter. lol Catch you next time.
Make it 35 ... Ruth and I will be there from June18th-25th.
Hi Roger, We are like Irishfield, booked ages ago. We have the same cabin as last year ... think it is #5. Kevin, have you renumbered them? He does that every year in order to keep Roy guessing who he slept with. lol
Nice ride. Always knew you were a bit of a 'suck' ... whine a little and the wife gets you a new toy for Xmas. Bet that won't work on Ruth ... hehe. Come to think of it, that's how I got the one I have now. Hmmm .. wonder if I can get a boat under the tree. No kidding, it's a nice vehicle ... enjoy.
Hi Sandy, Ruth and I used to do a lot of wintering camping but haven't done it for a few years. I ran a camping-survival club at school and took kids out 3-4 times a year. Plus with having a team of siberan huskies it was easy to travel into remote areas in the winter by dog sled. Never worried about them not starting in the morning ... always went with a 'kick starter' though.lol Did the Algonquin thing but you are right .. no ice fishing. I can give you some of the places we went and may even have a couple of topo maps ... no promises .. I've slept since then. (-: PM me if you are interested.
Sure is easier to read. I like it. I like having chat too Rick. lol ... even though no one was home. Geez GCD, you have me conditioned. When I saw it was your post I immediately thought it was a pic of you with frost bite.
We aren't the only ones feeling the shock. I called Ohio tonight and my fishing buddy says it is cold there and the guide we use in Kentucky is freezing his butt off guiding clients for crappie and stripers. The fish are in shallow and biting but the temps are making for a long day. Even Mobile, Al registered 34F this morning. Hope GCD had enough sense to put his shirt on. lol
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