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Everything posted by frozen-fire

  1. LOL Will...I guess you couldn't resist after Kevin and myself using them that day.
  2. Picked this up a couple days ago. Thanks DanC. I'm not very satisfied with the build quality...but holy light output!!!
  3. This is tempting
  4. Bingo. Same ones I've been using.
  5. Lovely cardinal. What gear do you use?
  6. Never EVER release fish you have kept in an aquarium back into the wild. You can potentially introduce viruses/diseases into our natural systems.
  7. Damn man...your first fish of 2011 beats mine.... a 6" perch Nice work!
  8. Are snowy's that common around here? I don't think I have ever spotted one.
  9. Awesome!
  10. Seriously. I was blown away by their size too when I first came across one. Fantastic shot.
  11. Definitely lake trout over 5 lbs!
  12. white crappie? Nice fish! Same story up here. 1 or 2 fish per hole. Have to keep moving.
  13. Nice vids! I was out on Scugog a couple weeks ago and also had a hard time finding the weed edge. Once I found it though, I managed to ice half a dozen crappies. Bite is definitely tough. I think the key is going with a light presentation. Slow jigging will eventually entice them. I used small plastics. I think I managed to catch all the fish that showed up on my sonar. Not many fish around when I was out....but your hole looks loaded with fish! MJL just got a Marcum camera too. We were up at a lake yesterday trying it out. Pretty cool to see fish reacting to your offering. Can't wait to check out some underwater footage of steelhead!
  14. Never got a measurement on that fish. More than likely around the 12" mark. No PB by any means though... still looking for that 15 incher! Fish actually hit twice. Aggressive jigging above the weeds drew it out of the cover where it lurked. Eventually I slowed my presentation down as it approached to entice it to attack...which it did. Rod tip jerked down, and I set the hook, but all I felt was the weight of the fish. It took the tail end of my jig without getting it's lips over the hook. The fish quickly went back down into the weeds. After a few choice words, I lowered my presentation down again... guess who came back? LOL. Same thing... slow the presentation down to barely any movement. Rod tip dips and set the hook. Then the beauty slab popped out of the hole. I continued to catch maybe 3 more fish out of this hole before I had to move on. The crappie are holding tight to the weeds/cover and are not actively moving. You had to go search for them if you wanted success. This made for tired arms with an 8" auger. Fishing is slow, but hopefully things pick up as we get into the new year. Stay safe out there. About 7-8" of solid ice all around, but surely there are spots with not as much build-up.
  15. Nice looking muskie for sure. Is it just me, or are there hawks everywhere right now? I can't seem to go anywhere without seeing several of them.
  16. Love your work. Keep it coming!
  17. Simcoe rainbows....interesting! An incredible story for sure.
  18. Somehow I knew it was you who started this thread hahaha!
  19. Oh mannnnn! Already! Thanks for the report!
  20. I always enjoy watching underwater vids of fish in their environment... Thanks for posting!
  21. Despite the temps and snowy conditions, we still managed quite a few fish. Much like ccmt, I got steelhead and a bonus brown LOL. It was the first trip back for MJL since his surgery, and let me say... he's still got it! He managed to pull off something that can never be mentioned I was devastated... but eventually landed a fresh chrome hen and a bonus brown with a monster kype. Victor schooled us both with his secret super power that he can keep to himself LOL
  22. Very nice shot!
  23. Got my vote!
  24. Nice bunch of fish Aaron...especially that big buck steelhead
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