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Everything posted by frozen-fire

  1. Send me the GPS coordinates of where the sunken treasure is! I'll go jigging for it!
  2. Hey Geoff, I also use Raven 10lb mono as mainline. Hasn't given me any problems. You need to convince Will to get back into river fishing!
  3. Brian and Terry: it was nice to meet the both of you. I thought we were going to eventually see each other downstream, but I guess we will share a drift next time
  4. That smallie is a pig! Well done!
  5. It's been a long time since I posted up a report on here. Members of this community have always been helpful with my inquiries, so I figured I will share some photos while I wait for ice to form The year started off with decent steelhead fishing with the warm temps Then it finally got cold and I was able to hit the ice Ice went away and steelhead started again Love the odd bonus fish! Redhorse sucker. Spring slabs Openwater whities Spring carp Hit some resident trout I was taught new techniques for eyes Summer Bassin' Fish with teeth Early fall salmon Fall slabs Special fish Fall steelhead I'll continue to go steelheading and perhaps try BOQ eyes until the ice is good to go. Bring on the lakers!
  6. Trip of a lifetime for sure. The fishing was fantastic and it was great to experience it with people that share the same passion. Advice for anyone going for bulls: Do NOT stick your fingers into a big bull trout mouth to get your hook back. Use pliers.
  7. Everything you need to know should be in here: www.cca-acc.com/documents/cca82/cca82.pdf The levels of mould remediation should be dependent on the total affected surface area.
  8. Fantastic footage...Gets me going for sure.
  9. My question is: Why is it OK for so many people to hold big pike vertically by the gills, and no one gets flamed for that... but it's always the muskies? I personally hold any big fish horizontally no matter the species. BTW, sweet muskie nancur
  10. Now you know how I feel. While going through your pics, I was looking out for the big buck brown that violated me last year. Soooo glad you didn't get him Did you try for him in that wood?! Fantastic photos. The fact that you're out there by yourself taking these shots is awesome. One of these days we'll get some half and half shots with the angler in the background
  11. This is the Ontario record for the silver redhorse: 8.81 lbs 27.0" length 17.0" girth You think it was a potential record?! I put it between 8-10lbs. I do think it was longer than 27.0" though... and it definitely had some thick shoulders!
  12. Awesome! I wish North Bay was closer, so that I could get my 14' squareback fixed up. She's got a few leaks and is generally looking older these days. Your ride looks brand new!
  13. An aquatic biologist contacted me and asked me some questions. Without a proper look at the mouth, it's hard to tell the species, but he thinks it's a greater redhorse due to the size. People have told me that it is a silver redhorse though. Here's a better shot of the head and mouth.
  14. MJL and myself went off to our river of choice this morning in hopes that the recent rain may have moved some fish around. I didn't have a lot of time to work with as I had to be back by around noon, so we quickly fished our usual spots and got into a few small shakers. Drifting a juicy jumbo chartreuse roe bag in this sweet looking run, my float shoots down and I set the hook into what seemed like the bottom of the river. This snag suddenly started to move ever so slowly back and forth. At first, I thought it was just a log or branch that came off and was coming in with the current. It wasn't until it surfaced that I realized it was indeed a fish. First thought was that I had hooked into a carp as it was very thick bodied and dark in colour. After some thrashing around at the surface, we clued in that it was a sucker. A big redhorse. I know it's not a huge chrome steelhead, but this fish totally made the trip for me! Being quite familiar with the small size of the common white sucker, this redhorse was a treat! When MJL told me that they get much bigger than this, my mind was blown. Move over steelhead... it's time for carp-sized suckers
  15. Nice pics! Love the nifty fifty. Best bang for your buck! Also no need to blur the background
  16. I just picked up a Hero 2 from Best Buy after price matching an online retailer. Having not used it yet, I can't say what my experiences are... but doing some brief research has led me to a few sites that sell flat lens upgrades. I believe the housing is the same for both the new and old versions, it's the lens that needs to be swapped. The curved lens that is on the housing you get when you buy it causes the blurriness and lack of focus. You need to swap in a flat lens to correct this. I saw some vids and it makes a noticeable difference.
  17. Thanks for the input guys. Appreciate it
  18. That is something I have not considered and it makes perfect sense. Thanks.
  19. Is there anyone here who has owned a duck tolling retriever? We are looking to get a dog in the near future... after we move in to our new place. I'm looking for a loyal and active dog. One that will go everywhere with me. Runs, hikes, fishing trips, etc. The description of this dog seems to fit my wants perfectly. They are not very common, but I have seen a few. From my brief interactions with them, I know I definitely want one. I love their red coats and the white blaze on the forehead that matches their white paws. I have signed up to run a full marathon later this fall and will be in training mode prior to that. It would be great if I could have a companion run with me...especially at night LOL. I'm wondering if dogs can handle running 20-30km in one go. Any input is appreciated
  20. I was out two weeks ago on Cooks Bay and it was safe. I would assume that the ice is even thicker now. But as always... play it safe.
  21. We were contemplating hitting it after Simcoe as well LOL. We figured we already had all the ice stuff and thought there would be thick ice in the slower sections of the river... but I'm guessing it's completely ice free?
  22. Thanks guys... If it is indeed the blades going bad, then perhaps I got a bad set. As the current ones were replaced late last season. Likely less than 10 trips since I put them on.
  23. Just noticed you use an x67c... do you notice a delay? Got a friend with one that has a very noticeable delay.
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