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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. You did ask for TOTAL goals TJ 296 still stands. But if it means I'll catch more fish this year, I'll give'em to Motorhead, if he sings Ace of Spades at the next m+g !
  2. General Fishing lines LTD. 296 goals scored
  3. We did 2 rough-ins today and boy was it frigid! I think it'll be an early night tonight, the cold takes everything out of you. Tomorrow should be fun
  4. If you knew you were going to get dropped off somewhere, wouldn't you eat for the two days before you left? Now if you were kidnapped and placed on a lake...and it was a gas auger
  5. Its easier to slow your retrieve during a long day than it is to speed up. If its my reel I'm picking one up with a higher gear ratio for the fishing you described. Also a bigger spool than the 100 has, likeOhio said, go with 200 or better.
  6. That looks like it was one of the hut operators on 12Mile lake. Not up at the narrows, though. Good thing no-one was hurt. turtle, thats crazy, I never heard about that many fatalities. Crazy stuff!
  7. Hey PF, too bad about the pipe freezing again. If you live near Brooklin, I'd come take a look, but would it be a big problem to move the waterlines? If theres an adjoining bathroom or w/p going upstairs you may be able to put in a TEE and go through a wall or something. Not something to wake up to on a Saturday morning at any rate. Just to add to what Daplumma is saying, not only is it the hot waterpipes that freeze first, but pipes on the NW corner of the house tend to freeze quicker than on other sides of the house. One thing that no-one has mentioned is sediment build up in the wp itself. Do you get good flow when the temps are above freezing? We had a guy call during the summer and the copper pipes were full almost to the point where there was almost zero water going through the pipes. Something to consider. I've only been plumbing now for 4yrs, so I'll never second guess what these other guys are saying. I haven't seen nearly as much...crap as they have. As for last nights water test, I went to the store for ten minutes and when I came back both glasses were frozen.
  8. hey oldschool, nice to have you aboard! We've done this on nights like you're describing and also have tried out this myth. Cold water does freeze first! I wasn't too sure if I was imagining it, so before I posted,I wanted to make sure of this. So I took a glass of cold water and a glass of cold water and put them in the freezer(outside). elapsed time so far...18mins. neither one is frozen yet....will post final results since the experiment is underway.
  9. Love everything from James Brown and Maceo Parker to Mettalica and Sepultura, The Temptations and Commodores to Medeski Martin and Wood, Red Hot Chili Peppers to Fleetwood Mac. Music is the goods. Fav artist right now ... I've been listening to some old Helmet and Pantera discs so I guess I'll call them my favs right now. Most underrated band of all time: DREAD ZEPPLIN Good pick Daplumma, Me first and the Gimme Gimmes and Pennywise are awesome. How come no-ones mentioned The Police? They've got to be in my top 5.
  10. Was up there today, looks like you should bring the long rod. Some shore ice outside the cottage maybe2in or so .Walked out 2 steps CRRRRAAACK! Even the smaller lakes that we drove by looked pretty sketchy.
  11. Happy New Years to you Lew, and everyone else at OFC! May all your lures get fresh teeth marks this year !
  12. Hey, fishboy. Was up at the inlaws on 12Mile today. Some shore ice here and there on the bigger lakes and sheltered bays have a good skim coat. Some of the smaller lakes are covered, but I'm not sure I'd be willing without water-wings. Hope alls well with you and yours. Happy New year!
  13. James Brown WHAT? Dang. Hope your hand isn't too messed up.
  14. 1210 in the first three tries. Another hour later finally beat it I'll never have that hour back, will I ?
  15. I suppose, but what are the chances you run into them when you're hammering fish down on Duffins?
  16. Congrats!! Thats awesome!
  17. I think that theres a solution that would leave both sides satisfied. Take a picture with your fish, lets say you got it at Duffins. Photoshop it so that you get a backround from the Notty. That way you get a nice looking fish with some great natural scenery and not divulge even the smallest crumb of info on where you were at!The people reading the report can be "satisfied" that its a natural shot, and the guy/girl writing the report could laugh their guts out! I wouldn't know how to do that, but I'm kind of surprised no-one has thought of it yet. Cloak and Dagger Fishing
  18. Absolutely, Bojangles. Nice pics. Take it easy.
  19. Thats the point, Bojangles. If you're worried that people are going to recognize the stream you are on, take a shot like Paulus showed. If, like ua1990 said, you'd rather have a pic with yourself in it, then take a nondescript picture. While you're at it take a wicked shot of the stream, yourself and the fish and don't post it. Instead, keep those really good pics all to yourself so that you can pull them out any time you want to check them out or show off to your buddies. Bojangles, these years of steelheading are just like any other. When the temps dip, people stay home. If you've got guys who are hoarding on your spot because they saw ONE fish and spot posted over the internet, you've got the last laugh on them. Take it easy.
  20. I have to agree with Pigeontroller. The fact that you posted a report is great, but these rigged pics drive me nuts! If you can take the time to take a pic, take the time to take a pic with your back to the woods if you don't want people to see where you're fishing. The trees ALL look the same right now. Or, take a picture with NO trees and all water. The rivers are no secret, and if you saw three guys on a spot the next day after posting a pic, chances are they've been there before. That being said, congrats on what sounds like a fine day. Nice looking steel.
  21. For all you folks that haven't already done so, nows a good time to shut off all outside water taps. If the lakes are freezing, so will the water in your pipes. Take it easy.
  22. One of the first pics taken on my new,at the time, camera. It was the first fish pic taken with said camera, can you tell I haven't had many pics taken with fish? 41.5in fork length, Haliburton 'ski. Awesome pics guys! Keep 'em coming!
  23. Born in T.O. moved to Markham with the family at age 12. Stayed for 7yrs there then spent the better part of the next 3yrs couch surfing between Montreal, Scarborough,Toronto,Vancouver+V.Island. Back to Markham to start a family and just moved this past Aug to Brooklin,ON.
  24. Its a small world. Jeff used to play keyboard in a few bands I was in during my high school days. Great guy.
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