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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. At least you got some. Better than the white stripe.
  2. If it was a windier day, use the Welland R. as your plan B. On the upper Welland, Launch from E.C Brown park and go down stream toward city of Welland. Drift troll 10' and deeper or beat the shore (lots of slop along the edges). Launch from Chippewa for the lower Welland. Go right and you're heading to the Niagara. Go left and you can run all the way to the Pt Robinson aqueduct. Lots of spots to try either way.
  3. Had a couple of free hours while the sun shone so out to the river to meet my buddy the Smerch, and pitch for smallies. Anna was out of hospital for a day of fresh air so she was camera girl. Action shots of Smerch. My small contribution to the morning. Sure beats sitting at home all day. Would have liked to stay longer, but Anna was getting tired and needed to lie down.
  4. Sadly enough, it was hard for a lot of the 'Old Sweats' to talk about what happened. You'd hear enough at the Legion at the passing of a "Comrade". The stories would also come out at "Weepers", and around Remembrance Day. Much of the details they wished they could forget and never would. Faces of the fallen that haunt them in their sleep as they relive a moment in some living hell. Uncle Bob could never face Remembrance Day or visiting the Legion. Don't blame him considering his description of Ypres and gas attacks.
  5. Long live food porn! You did a great job there Burt. Almost tempted to lick the screen
  6. Nothing like the distinct roar of the Rolls Royce merlin engine. You hear her coming a good 2 minutes before you see her flying over Beamsville.
  7. The navy did the same thing to us when we did our small craft training. Got us out in the lifeboat and then flipped 'er up. Your mission, right the boat and bring her dockside. A whaler is no small boat.
  8. I noticed the same thing yesterday. Smallies were gorging themselves. WTG on a successful day.
  9. As part of teaching nephews and neices how to canoe, I would always flip the canoe to their surprise. No better way to learn than hands on in the water, talking them through the steps..
  10. Sorry to hear you got walloped. Hope the damage was not too extensive.
  11. When trolling harnesses for walleye, slow is the key. Same can be said for a lot of fish when the bite is off. Slow it to a crawl. Works wonders.
  12. Thanks Lorne. Regretably, like her Dad, some of Anna's health problems will be life long. There will always be procedures, treatments, therapies and rehab. The hope is that they will get less frequent over time, and there will be a lot less pain.
  13. With all the running back and forth to hospitals, I've only had the odd 2 hour break for some fishing in guaranteed catch zones. Sunday was one of those 2 hour episodes while visiting my daughter. She came out for some fresh air and cuddled with the dogs. We also did a little fishing. Nothing too glorious. I was just glad to have some time together and to see her smiling. Fast forward to this morning. Regular check up with the specialist, but I got there too early. So I went in behind the offices and got a 1/2 hour of river fishing to kill time. Not too bad for 30 minutes. After being told the ticker is working fine I ran further down the river for some backpack fishing. Man was the bite on. Had a couple of smallies on plastics to start. Then the sheephead took over for about an hour. Then it was time for a changeup and I started tossing plastic craws on bottom. The smallies were on a feeding frenzy. I had 5 solid hours of action, so I packed it in while I was still ahead, and tended to the chores. Even got some of the canning done. Doesn't matter if the Mrs. isn't home right now, the harvest times wait for no one.
  14. I use the same ones. Black Fly Lures is the company. Very decent and great colour combos. We run into each other a couple times a year doing the small shows.
  15. You are looking at 16:1 as your mix ratio. The older machines always put up a nice blue cloud.
  16. I will, again, offer my thoughts and prayers for your son.
  17. You might want to consider getting a clambucket for added storage on the roof. Great for storing some of your lighter and bulkier gear. The interior of the van won't be quite as crammed with stuff.
  18. I'm sure there are a few of us at OFC that should be adopted by WFN
  19. Well done you 2. See here folks. It's not that you were a bad angler, TJ, you just did not have the right gear. Now nobody has an excuse to pick on ya no more. WTG
  20. Square back canoe or the 12' tinny. Easy to pop onto the car or on top of the pop up trailer.
  21. It's not the toys. It's the angler. neat vid.
  22. As you approach them retirement years, you get a second chance to do the things you wish you had done. You only live once. I hope once I can have my family out of hospital that we will be making some of these adventures we have always put off.
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