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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Ford. Dodge isnt in the same class as far as build quality.
  2. Ive got no issues with the kill as long as all the animals were consumed which I assume is the case. Probably stockpiling meat for the winter months. Native rights and current political treatment varies depending on opinion and wont be solved on a supposed fishing message board. Lock it up before it gets really ugly.
  3. I'd stick with lead acid - tried and true technology. I have 2 group 31 Deka Marine batteries. No problems. Peterborough Battery is great. I've tried interstate, no good results. Never tried Nautilus, but have not heard glowing reviews. Buy your batteries at a battery store, not a retailer. Vibration kills batteries - strap 'em down well and use some dense foam between them to keep them from vibrating. Edit - many battery stores sell blems (blemished batteries) for a great deal in Feb/Mar/Apr. Mostly they are just scratched or the label is rubbed or torn. Nothing wrong with the batteries.
  4. Took a look at the photos - doesn't seem to be too much of a change in the body styling from the 2008-2013 model. It is a pretty tired design in my opinion. As far as gas mileage goes - who cares, it's a truck.
  5. More fishing pressure in the South, I suspect. They need more protection down here maybe.
  6. Awesome trip boys!
  7. Should be covered by insurance, shouldn't it?
  8. Is your tongue in your cheek BB? The only reference in that article to GM is about the Cadillac brand and the Volt, which is way overpriced and has already gone through a recall. Ground breaking news - Consumer Reports are getting more complaints about touch screens and fancy audio systems than they are 5 years ago. These types of systems weren't even available 5 years ago. I think the respnses to their survey are probably jaded this year - people are upset about the Government bail-outs and are more critical of domestic makers because of that. To base reccomendations based on as little as 100 responses to a survey is irresponsible.
  9. Just some point form thoughts: 1) No kill would never work - no where near the man power to enforce it 2) Even if it were introduced, people break the rules all the time as it is, they will continue to do it 3) Everyone needs to worry more about what they personally do when fishing. In general people worry way to much about what others do.
  10. Nice lookin truck Lew. I have the same 2010 as you, but will probably be hanging on to it for awhile. I'd like to hear how the Eco-Boost goes in comparison to the 5.4L Triton. Hope you like it.
  11. Yes this is correct. You're not legal if they are not readily available. Compartments dont count.
  12. I'm also looking for a good rain suit and have been doing some research. By far, the Simms suit seems to be reccommended a lot, and is a very good suit, but it is costly for the jacket and bibs you are looking at $1000-$1200. Mike - $600 would be a good buy if it was the same suit I was looking at Sail in Oshawa. The one I was looking at was around $600 for the jacket and $450 for the pants, plus tax. BPS 100 MPH is mentioned a lot. I think cause a lot of people have it. Reviews are generally good, but some people say they are expensive for what you get. Seem to last around 5 years. Some say the bibs on the 100MPH are too warm for summer use and go with the Pro-Qualifier bibs, which are lighter, and the 100 MPH jacket. BPS Pro-Qualifier is mentioned a lot as well. Generally good reviews, cheaper than the 100MPH. Cabellas guidewear is mentioned as a good suit as well. Seems quality is somewhere between the Pro-Qualifier and 100MPH in the scale. Some guys on BFB mention a Frabill suit that is good, but I've never seen one in the flesh yet. The Shimano guys all say the Dryfender suit is the bomb, but it is new and hasn't been out very long. I'll pass until it is more proven. I'm going to Nashville in a few weeks and will be going to the BPS down there. I'm going to check out the Pro-Qualifer bibs and the 100MPH jacket. If cash was no object, I'd probably be going with the Simms. I may try and search out a good on-line price and if I find something, will post back. Unless I get to a Cabelas to try them out, I can't see going with the Guidewear. Don't want to buy blind.
  13. I was a doubter, but the scales don't lie. Yum - crow tastes good.
  14. Boat looks real nice. Seats don't look terrible, I'd wait until they get really shoddy, then recover after that. Should be a reasonable after-market place to get some on-line. May want to check BBC. When replacing, I'd look at getting rid of the centre seat entirely. It just invites people to step on it, which is what leads to tears. People sometimes miss stepping on the centre and slide off the sides and step on the driver or passenger seat, which rips them. One other suggestion - replace that old bow roller with one of the yellow plastic ones, much softer and easier on loading. Those older ones get cracked and hard as rock in the sun, unless they've changed them somehow. Congrats on the boat.
  15. Big fish - yes. Record fish - highly unlikely.
  16. Time for a tune up. Probably a combination of gummed up carbs and the fuel delivery system. I don't subscribe to the bad gas theory, ever.
  17. Older reel with some rash - $75 for a quick sale $100 if you want to wait a bit. Get it working 100% first.
  18. Out in a 16 footer. Was it windy out there yesterday?
  19. I agree with everything here except the temperature, I cook until the internal temp of the thigh is 165. A turkey can easily rest for 30-60 minutes and the temp will continue to increase over that time if it is tented. Make sure to let it rest at least 30 minutes. Breast up/breast down makes no difference. The juices in the bird don't migrate due to gravity, the muscle is not permeable like that. If you want a real juicy turkey, brine it, but that is some what advanced, save it for next time. NEVER use the old 1/2 hour per pound thing. I ate dry, tasteless turkey doused in gravy until I started cooking my own. The only accurate wast to tell doneness is with a thermometer.
  20. If this was a thread that ASKED for recomendations for good dropshotting lures and Stoty piped up and said x-zone are amazing, he would have had a significant number of people agree with him. He volunteers that same information in this thread and a few jump down his neck. The guy is sponsored and he is using the Board to promote that, albeit overtly is some cases. Sponsorship deals are tough and the guys fortunate enough to get them need to promote the product as often and overtly as possible in the short season that we have here in Ontario. Unless there is some Board policy on promotion of a sponsor, each person on here is just providing their own opinion including me, and you know what they say about opinions..... This comment coming from an admin leads me to think a policy could/may be coming - which would be a real shame.
  21. Nice colours. What lake - Balsam?
  22. Nice - thanks for sharing Lew.
  23. I'm sure Mike P. would help you out if you sent him a PM.
  24. Thanks all for the suggestions.
  25. Pretty close to Whitfield landing.
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