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Everything posted by Kerry

  1. . Amber light means slow down and prepare to stop. Technically running the amber light and going through yields the same penalty as running a red light. HA, In Orillia yellow means red and green is an unfortunate circumstance(must be mold or somethin on that light).Maybe we should just take up walking cause you can do that on yellows, reds delayed greens and hold up the whole bloody town if you want to stop and tie your shoelace or something! Kerry
  2. I had similar probs with mine.Tried to boost with a fully charged battery via cables.Nothing.Took out the battery and put the other one in it's place-fired right up.Put a new battery in the next day.The old one was just 2yrs old.Some last some don't.My trolling motor battery is 6yrs old and still going.Go figure. Kerry
  3. Same applies to Couchiching. Kerry
  4. I would have no problem saying that's a personal best if I caught it.Beauty Steelie! Kerry
  5. You gotta feel sorry for all that live there eh Wayne.We only saw a we bit from the road sunday.Today's report from the air sure tells a brutal story. Kerry
  6. I'm still tossin' a BIG O but in the chartreuse/white.Still clobbers walleye bass pike and even the odd crappie or perch will hit it. As to the twitchin' rapala, I always have a soft spot for the old light perch Ripplin' Redfin with a more pronounced rip to keep it down a foot or so.Great for hot to trot bass and pike. Kerry
  7. HOLY CRAP! I thought it looked bad on Sunday then they showed it on AChannel tonight from the air.The airport road has at least another foot on top or more of what was there sunday.And the poor people out there got to be under seige right now.Walleyes'll be spawning on the road rip rap this year. Kerry
  8. We were out for a drive today and I figured I'd check on the water levels out that way.Needless to say the pictures say it all: The boat launch at Stepan.I've never seen it THAT high. The airport road itself heading in before the big sweeping turn-I'm sure it's just as bad beyond. This is the small private cottage road just before Sheba Cresc or Dr-That's water halfway up the road;the cottages beyond are.. well... WET.We turned in on Sheba and it's everywhere.I figured I took enough pics at that point,no sense on expounding any more on someone elses grief. I figure it's up 6 to 7 ft and it's not going fast,folks there are going to have a long spring ahead. Kerry
  9. Yep, Craigleith P.P. on HWY 26 is open as we were up there this weekend scoping out the rainbow fishing and we were in there and talked to the warden in the park.It opened this past weekend.There were people fishing the shoreline as was I but it was blowing directly in shore which made it pretty tough so I didn't get anything.I also tried in around the Collingwood harbour for a bit with no luck either. Kerry
  10. I remember reading something about repairing cork handles in a magasine some time ago.I think all that was neccessary was to really clean it well,take a piece of cork and sand it in to a small pile, mix some house hold glue with the sandings, fill the imperfections and let dry.Then simply sand the finished handle smooth and reseal it.Course I've never tried it. Kerry
  11. Sinker, when you go into Gamebridge there is a stone bridge where the Talbot flows under just off HWY 12.There are usually some there staging to go up farther but if you take the next road left (Durham Rd 50 I think)and follow it parallel to the trent canal it takes you right to the dam just before you hit the canal road.Can't miss it cause there's always someone there. Kerry
  12. This is our furry lad,9 years old,his name is Skooby Do: He is definately a campin' puppy and loves a boat ride as long as it isn't too long. Kerry
  13. I thought there was an article on a released musky from Nippissing last year that was considered for world record status/live release?That would be my choice even though I do buy a sport license just in case I ever catch one and couldn't revive it. Kerry
  14. Not sure about Barrie,but those pics of Orillia look familiar.If it's where I think that would be awesome as it's easily accessible.In my youth you could walk across the backs of Pike that flooded that stream there were so many when they spawned.Anyway crappie do come in around Oriliia and are making somewhat of a comeback as last year was the first time in several years that you could actually see them down by the town dock.The Lankin Blvd canal(great perch fest spot for the shore angler) gets some but it's spotty.I'm sure the narrows area does especially in the reed beds by the boat launch across from Tudhope Park but you need a boat of couse.I think we need a bit more of a melt and some stabling in the water level for them to make a serious move shallow here.I've tried for rainbows in Coldwater this week but the runoff is pretty strong and water clarity is way down right now.Levels looked to be only a couple feet up tho so it may clear quick if we don't get hit with too much rain. Kerry
  15. At least try it with your sump pump and see if it'll actually run it.Some equipment will have a surge start that's higher than what you have for watts.I found that out with a coleman 1850 that wouldn't even turn my furnace motor or power washer.As it turns out the receptacles are supposedly rated for 15 amps but the unit had a 12 amp circuit breaker which kinda DEFUSED any real use.OK for lights,a radio,small fridge,power saw as long as you don't force it,charging your boat battery when you're camping.If you use an extension cord for anything use a 12 gauge size outdoor cord to get the best out of your unit. Kerry
  16. You might try looking under your carb bowl first and see if there's a spring loaded fuel outlet.Mine has one and when it starts sputtering you just use the plastic chute tool to push up on it and out comes the water.Gas is lighter than water so it comes out first.Try and catch it in a container of sorts to dispose of and then put some conditioner thru it or leave it empty till next season with the cap slightly loosened so it won't build up condensation. Kerry
  17. Ditto! and you can watch their stuff on-line which is great.They put on a good show,lots of enthusiasm and really good pointers.That being said my #1 favourite is the original IN FISHERMAN on TNN as well as many that were on that channel. Kerry
  18. Seems pleasant enough from that view,at least he's smiling.Some people eh, you never really know what they're thinkin. Kerry
  19. Your buddy wouldn't happen to be Gord from Orillia would it Wayne? I have a Panther and it is a trail sled(real heavy for a fan cool) more than a lake sled and 6" of slush is enough to slow you down considerably.If it's upgraded with a 1 1/2" paddle track at least that'll help you float and move.Would have a lot of fun doing drive and suspension associated bearings though every other week being constantly submerged. Kerry
  20. Fortunately theirs is only about three years old,so it's all lined stainless.I think they didn't get nearly as much hardwood mixed in as they probably should have.The chimney sweep came in this afternoon and they are OK to burn.I think they will be a little more wary from here on as will I seeing as it's along my driveway side. Kerry
  21. Had an early morning wakeup call as the fire dept. rolled up at 5:40 this morning.Turned out our neighbours next door just woke up in time to see the pipe inside the house turning red.She gets up early for work.Thankfully the boys in RED took care of the situation and all is good.HATS OFF to them as it's biting cold out there this morning.Turns out the creosote was really built up at the top.They are very meticulous about getting the chimney cleaned each fall but I think when you have a long period of winter such as we have had this year it's probably a good idea to do it again half way through especially if you burn for heat daily.Anyway other than having a certified sweep come in,clean and inspect for a pass from the fire dept. everything and everybody is safe. Sorry I don't have pics of all the vehicles(two trucks and seven volunteer vehicles)as I never even thought of a picture,just wanted to make sure our neighbours were OK. Kerry
  22. My 2004 Panther 570 fan takes up to 6 pulls if I do it by hand.I just had it all rebuilt and it still does the exact same thing even with one size larger jets.Some are just like that. Easy things to check: Choke settings- toggle freeplay 1/16-3/32 or somewhere round there'll get you close. Make sure you are pulling the choke right over to 180 degrees and not just to the first 90 degree notch-that'll definately require a lot of pulls cold. Rubber carb boots not cracked.(between the carbs and airbox.) 1999-I'd want to put a new gas filter on just from age. Air pulse line from crankcase to fuel pump is tight at both ends as well as the gas lines. Air box doesn't have a mouse nest or anything in it. 1100 miles doesn't mean your crank seals may have dried a bit over time.Easy check on the clutch side is to spray Wd40 at the seal behind the clutch while it is running.Any change in RPM and you're looking at seals otherwise you'll lean out the motor for sure.Of course don't get the oil on your belt or clutch. A little more involved: Carbs cleaned-usually just need to be cleaned and can reuse the gasket.May need new needle and seat.Make sure all the jets are removed and cleaned.The pilot airjet is the smallest one and is the one that affects low speed the most.. Fuel pump might be getting weak from age.Usually a Mikuni kit to rebuild. Kerry
  23. Thanks Mike,great report BTW.Dollars used to have lakers at one time apparently too but all we ever caught was whities,walleye and pike in the winter months.Glad to here there's lots of ice.Last year we went up to inspect the cottage and couldn't go in for slush.Long way in and off the snowmobile trail. Kerry
  24. Question for you Mike.What is the ice thickness up there.A buddy of mine has a cottage on Dollars lake up there and we've gotten whities up there before. Kerry
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