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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. LOL! That's insaaane!
  2. Awesome! Thanks Guys!! EDIT: And Gals!
  3. Do/Can you recommend a particular brand? Anyone else recommend BRAND and SIZE(s)? THANKS FOR THE HELP GUYS/GALS!
  4. Dave Mercer's Facts of Fishing is on Saturday and Sundays @ 9am and Sunday @ 2pm on The Score (53 here in Toronto). and on WFN its on Wednesdays @ 8pm, Saturdays @ 9:30pm & Sunday @ 9:30am. WFN schedule is FOUND HERE I wish I had WFN All other shows, I'm not too sure... you'd have to check their website (most have a schedule)
  5. So, what would you guys are the most commonly used sizes? 10, 12 & 14?? I'm gonna pickup some tomorrow.
  6. Ok, now I'm officially confused... how does the hook-sizing/system work? It's #8 hook by Raven if that helps any....
  7. Based on 2 common replies, do you guys (KelFun & efka) advise I try using 12-14 size hooks? Do you think size 8 is too small?? (or is there such a thing as too small for steelhead) I'm asking, cause I'm new to this type of fishing
  8. Whats the LARGEST hook that can be used for steelheads? In contrast, whats the SMALLEST? Just a curious question...Right now I'm using size 8. Wondering if there's a need for a plethora of hooks? Also, is there a COMMON SIZE that can be used? Or, is there a particular reason an angler would choose a LARGER hook, over a SMALLER hook for Steelhead? Thanks OFC'ers! I hope to one day join the "Steelheader" group! Still chasin' after the "Illusive". RoB
  9. Gorgeous Colors/Fish on the 1st pic! Thanks for Sharing!
  10. Awesome stuff man!! I'm still lookin' forward to catching my 1st Chromer with my new setup! Ahhhhhhhh!! The suspense is killing me!! Thanks for sharing...
  11. BillM - Hehe... I think you're talking about Cold-Heat - Those things are GARBAGE! I bought 'em for my Electronics Engineering course for college... 1st couple times, they're pretty awesome... then they slowly became defective! I know Crappy Tire sells em...it's not something they always keep in their stock... its usually a "isle"/"sale" item...prolly wanna call 'em 1st if you plan to hit a CT. LeBaron sells them for sure. Not too sure on the price... but I know they have 'em. (seen 'em)
  12. Yeah, BPS does carry then... Here's the link ... Also, go to BassProfessor.Com - he's supposedly the "orginator" of the snake lure... He's also got a few videos on that site, plus on youtube (just lookup Doug Hannon or Bass Professor) Not too sure on how productive they would be (as others have mentioned; hookup percentage decreases) also... depending on where you are fishing - Do you think there would be snakes in the area?... just a few things to consider before purchasing... You could do the same exact thing with a long enough Plastic Worm... Just hold the rod tip high while cranking in the lure... thus, keeping the "snake swimming"...
  13. Ha! I didn't even think of that - Thanks!!
  14. Well, its not so much tossing out the line sideways... I see guys that can overhand cast... yet they do it so smoothly... without 'tangling'.... argh! I know experience is the best way to learn, but If I can get "tips" along the way... it'll greatly speed up the "learning curve"... Thanks guys!! I'm lookin' forward to the next outing!
  15. BUT WAIT....THERE's MORE!.... If YOU CALL NOW, WE'LL THROW IN MORE STUFF!.... THATS RIGHT!! MORE STUFF.... Awesome stuff!!! I love this place!! Anything to keep it alive and well!!
  16. Happy Birthday Monique & Kemper!
  17. Hey OFC'ers, So, today I headed out with a couple guys from the board. Tested out my new toys Here's the post, incase you missed it. Anyway, As I was playing with my new toy... I found on occasion it would get frustrating! Are there any tips anyone can provide? L2P already pointed a few out to me (ie: Hold the float reel sideways when tossing it out)... But, I'm wondering if there are anymore tips? Also, I've tried looking online on "How to use a Float Reel" as I did when I 1st tried using Baitcasters (Love using them!)... but no luck... Anyone have any LINKS of some sort to help a fellow fisherman out? Thanks folks! I'm crazy excited to head out again!! RoB
  18. Yeah.... we didn't hook into many at all. Had a couple bites... but no full on takers... Prolly cause of water clarity.... Oh well... was good hookin' up with you FishinFanatic69
  19. Get a membership to LeBarons... I think you save 10% on each purchase (memberships last 1 full calendar year)
  20. w00t! Goin' fishing today for Steelhead! Hopefully catch into one! L2P, FishinFanatic69 and Myself
  21. ROFLMAO!! Yeah, I was lookin' forward in going today.... but I doubt it, cause of the stupid rain!
  22. Gonna try and make this quick and to the point... Just recently, I've been introduced to this "new" type of fishing... Longer Rods... Odd looking reels?! And then on top of it all, fishing for the infamous "Steelhead". Never caught one before... This is getting me all excited already.... So, L2P and Myself hooked up in the afternoon @ around 4pm. We decide to hit a few tribs in and around his area. We pull up to the bank... 10 people fishing! (aw crap! not much room for many people) not even 10min into fishing... L2P (Mark) hooks up.... WHOA! Could it be?! I may actually get to see what a STEELHEAD looks in PERSON?! ... But after a short fight... It was a sucker! ..... Then, not even 10min later... I hook into one! .... MAYBE THIS IS IT?! ..........UGH! NO!! ANOTHER SUCKER!! .... We both fished no longer than 30min... and already hooked into a sucker each!! Time to try another area....On we go... So After that... we decided to hit another trib... the one we were at was getting way too packed with people!! And off we went.... This place was just as bad.... if not worse... but the best part... LOTS OF SPACE between anglers! We walked to our fishing spot.... probably fished for about 2.5hrs there... L2P hooks into a sexy JUMBO PERCH! Whoooooooo!! There's a school nearby... So, we take pictures...I toss in my line abouts where he caught the perch; but no luck... Here's the pic of the perch... And... On we fish... another 1hr goes by... at one point we both hooked into what we believe to be an actual STEELHEAD... But NOTHING!!! We were getting hits, but no hookups... Here's a pic of the beautiful sky Mark caught... After awhile that was taken... I hooked into one....UGH!! ANOTHER damn ugly SUCKER!! Whooooooooooo... I gotta say though, it was a rush watchin' that bobber dropping into the water - kinda reminded me of fishing for small fish as a kid! Brought back a lot of memories... Soooooo... after we call it quits for the day... we head to the local tackle shop.... Lucky's Tackle Shop....immediately thought I should get the "right" gear...Oh man! More stuff for me to buy! LOL!! So we go in... grab all the gear I'll need... 1) Shimano Convergence 12"6' (Holy smokes, The longest rod I used to own was a 7-footer!! THIS IS A MONSTER ROD!) got this paired with a MATRIX by RAVEN... Oh, of course I can't forget about the terminal tackle... I dropped almost $400 on new gear and tackle! :| To top this all off... Tomorrow my wife is gone for 2 days... and I don't have access to a car! I WANNA GO FISHING!! I wanna try out my new toy!! Anyone planning on heading out tomorrow? L2P and Myself will give you $20 gas money! I posted it in the other board area...ish (frig! my brain is fried right now; SO TIRED) http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=30286 Hopefully, I'll get a Steelhead this season! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
  23. Hey OFC'ers, I was driving around the Whitby area and drove along Victoria St and passed by some really 'promising' areas for fishing. I was curious, has anyone ever gone fishing around Whitby area? How is it? ie: for Pike, Steelhead etc.... This is the area that I saw in specific... From Victoria St view... there was a nice bay that had some good weed growth along its edges.... I was really curious on how the Pike are for that conservation? If anyone can provide some healthy information about the Whitby area... I'd appreciate it! Thanks! RoB
  24. Hopefully I can head out on Sunday with L2P and Floatman Mike... Hopefully. Can't wait!! Wife is gone for the weekend!!
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