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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. What are "Gullets"? 1st time I've heard this term being used?.... got any pictures?
  2. HAHA Sucks to hear L2P!!! I feel for you buddy!!
  3. Thanks again for everyone for trying to help someone new to this sport of Steelheading & Waders world! I finally got around to testing for leaks - none! Only 1 problem... and although I know they're new... it was pretty tight around the boot... not to mention the mid-section! (dammit, I knew all those years of drinking in College would finally catch-up!)....So, I've come to a final decision and going to just sell them... But before I do that - quick question - Are they supposed to be "tight" around the body? It was pretty tight around the feet (boots)...But I figure cause they are knew, they need some time to "work-in"? .... are the supposed to be tight like that? Geezus, I felt like I was putting on a 6yr olds t-shirt!! SOMEONE HELP!! :wallbash: EDIT: Sorry, I'm thinking I'm over-exaggerating a little bit... the body/torso area fit was TIGHT - but not overly tight...like, I can handle it. But the boots, not so much... it was really tight. I was wondering if I should just deal with getting Waders w/ Neoprene Booties? I need help and suggestions!
  4. OMG!! It looks GORGEOUS! Great job!! Quick question: Why was there a MIRROR in your OLD KITCHEN?
  5. I'm looking @ BPS website, which ones did you get?? I may just get new ones too
  6. Ok, probably another stupid question from "yours truly"... Anyway, I've never heard of this type of line called "Copolymer"? 1st time I've ever seen it was when I was out @ Lucky's Fishing Tackle Shop....one thing I've noticed, is that they're all "lighter" line? ranging from 2lb to 8lb? Is this type of line designed for Float fishing? What is it meant for? What are its benefits? down-sides? etc...? Thanks! RoB (King of stupid questions!)
  7. Yeah, but I'm worried about the water being so cold, thus forcing me to quit fishing
  8. I think the most I've ever spent on a single visit to BPS/LeBarons was in the neighborhood of $600... mostly on lures, after I sold my paintball gun!
  9. Thanks for everyone for the tips/comments! I really appreciate it! I just had a quick question... Can I buy this and attach it to the waders? then just wear wader boots over it? Should that work out ok? EDIT: not necessarily those in SPECIFIC, but just NEOPRENE SOCKS in general that I could attach? Or should I just "face the music" and cut my losses?
  10. CONGRATS!!!! Now, don't waste time... buy your kid that popular kids fishing game...
  11. Hey OFC'ers, I recently picked up a pair of waders from a guy on Kijiji. Now, when I 1st contacted him, he told me that the reason why he was selling it was that the size shoe/boot they had sent him, doesn't fit him; Hence, why he's selling them. He also told me he attached the waders to the boot with some wader glue; and that he also water tested it and had no leaks. Now my question for you wader users are the following... 1) Does the boot normally come already attached to the wader? or does it come detached, and you have to attach it yourselves? 2) I also noticed when I tried to put my foot into the waders that it created some sort of suction at the boot; preventing from my foot fitting into it completely? Is this supposed to happen? Is there some unknown technique to "undue" this problem? I was thinking of stuffing some clothing or newspaper into the boot to help "stretch" it out - but when I had tried that method with shirts, it STILL created a suction effect! I would try using some newspapers, but I would assume you'd need A LOT to help stretch it out! My question for this is - Is there some unknown technique to "undue" this suction problem at the boot? 3) Could I get away with detaching the boot from the wader; wear the waders but with water-proof boots/shoes? (high enough to cover up to my calf muscle; with wader tucked inside?) *I'm assuming doing this would post risk for leakage into the boot?* (I know its a stupid question, but I had to ask being its my 1st time using waders) If it helps, its made by a company called "Tommy D Sports". I tried looking up the company website online, but didn't find the waders they have/had. I'm assuming they stopped production of the waders? Here are some pics of the waders if it helps any... Thanks Folks! I really appreciate the help! RoB
  12. MAYBE.....M*A*Y*B*E.... the attractant? just to see how well it performs compared to others on the market...
  13. Gorgeous catch! I still can't wait to hook into my 1st - especially with my new Matrix by Raven setup!
  14. I checked their website out - they look interesting enough to give them a shot - just not too sure about quantity in their packaging... ranging from as small as 2 to 8 per package! I hope they don't cost a lot! Where do you work? Any idea where else we may be able to find these? I personally prefer Gulp!Alive - mainly cause they're biodegradable. I don't mind paying the price, for the amount I get in their packaging. Its certainly more than what TriggerX has to offer. My 2 Cents...
  15. Yeah, it was pretty wild - considering it was my 1st real time using it. I loved every minute of it - only thing that buggers me is the casting
  16. So, a few buddies and I decide last minute that we were gonna do some fishing late last night. We got up, headed out of the city and arrived at our destination around 9:30am. Started fishing @ our 1st location - nothing hitting, not even snags! So, after fishing that area for about 30min - we decide to hit another location a lil more north of where we were. MAN!! Was it crowded!! Must've been at least 100 people there, MINIMUM!! ... But man were the crowds worth every minute of it. I gotta tell you, today was the 1st time I've got to use my Centerpin for more than 2hrs fishing. What an awesome experience!! Now I can fully understand why most anglers prefer this type of fishing over anything else - Every little bit of weight of a fish, felt like a tonne, especially since we're all running pretty light line (most was 8lbs). Most of us got our PB's ever...Catching 1lb sunfish, bluegill, and the very odd perch! Managed to catch 1 bass oddly enough - that was pretty cool! The pictures of all the crappies - he kept the smaller ones, because my lil cousin wanted to keep some to fry 'em up - whatever, his choice. Anyway, here are the pics! ENJOY!! ***************************************************************** ***This perch was obviously attacked by a Pike recently... and it SURVIVED!** ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** ***************This catch was unexpected and a surprise!**************** *****************************************************************
  17. Better not to go there - if you are caught fishing there, i'm assuming it'd be a hefty fine...
  18. That'd be the one
  19. Yeah... Here's what AILE GOBY was talkin' about...
  20. I think Carp are in there too....check regs... i remember reading something about that park.
  21. I've read before (not too sure if its in regs) that you aren't allowed to fish in there - I've also heard of people catching Catfish in there...
  22. w00t!! Awesome Anatz!! EDIT: You gotta let us know when its up! I've never fished outta that pond, but would like to give it a shot sometime.
  23. Yeah, that I understand... But what I was asking was about 'Suckers', being they aren't mentioned in regs?
  24. Hey Guys/Gals, I was just curious... if you're fishing (say out of season; like in April) for typical fish in Zone17 - are there fish you CAN CATCH that AREN'T LISTED in the REG's? And ARE LEGAL to catch? IE: Suckers? I've checked the reg's - and noticed Suckers aren't listed - are there ANY OTHER SPECIES you CAN CATCH? Thanks in Advance, RoB
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