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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. ....This had me thinking... being that earlier in the year, it was my 1st real exposure to "Float Fishing"....and chasing after Steelies.... Had me thinking... probably a "stupid" question, but regardless... its fishing related Do Chinook eat/chase the same foods as Steelheads? Anyone?
  2. Hey Folks, Just wondering if anyone's caught any Trout/Salmon at the mouth of rivers? Although we've had some serious HOT temps...I would assume not. But then again, we DID have a storm? and weather has been sorta cold lately... who knows? I'd like to know... I'm planning on hitting some Piers.... Thanks, A2F (RoB)
  3. Congrats Dude...to YOU and the MRS!!! Good lookin' kid.... Who knew you had it in ya?
  4. Its always nice to see that there are still some decent people out there - Good on you dude for doing the right thing! .... Now go play the lottery, and share your winnings with us! .... (Karma)
  5. Thanks Cudz - I DID have intention on looking it up - but it was only AFTER I posted the thread, that I realized I was being Lazy/Ignorant.
  6. ....Read above - I DID my research!
  7. ...."You'll need a netman too!"....
  8. Awesome Dave!!
  9. Did more research on it, this is what I found LINK
  10. Hey Folks, Just curious... Has anyone heard of the ABU GARCIA AMBASSADEUR C5 Series?? I've never heard of it.... just off this "1" particular place. If anyone has, lemme know...I'm not too sure it even exists? :dunno: I'm only asking because back when I was in the market for a ROUND BAITCAST REEL, I never came across this name/model. Maybe discontinued?????? Thanks, Rob
  11. ....Come to think of it, Last season was my 1st time out on the RIVERS/TRIBS for Salmon/Trout.... So, I'm still learning!
  12. You talking for OPEN water? or for RIVERS? I can't help ya on the OPEN WATER part... but for RIVERS/TRIBS.... that's a good choice.
  13. Mitchell Avocet II goes for about $39.... best $40 I ever spent! Here's the LINK
  14. Hey Guys, Was checking out YouTube and came across . I found it interesting myself, thought I would share it with other anglers off the board. Its CAMOFLAGE for FISHERMAN...hehe...gives us MORE REASON to spend our hard earned bux! Anyone seen this in stores yet? If so, where? Enjoy! Rob
  15. Checkout the scoreboards at the Authorized Weigh Stations - They'll post WHERE the salmon was caught (Top 10 heaviest, I think it is?). If I were in the tourny, I'd go to where THE MOST (based on the Top 10) were caught... and head there for starters...
  16. You won't get a lot of response on this thread. Basically, everyone will tell you - do your own research. Use Google Maps... Yahoo Maps.. whichever. Look around... use Googles Search Engine too.... even the board Search Tool (upper RIGHT corner).
  17. From my understanding of Walleye's... on days as you've described... they're down deep. Then again... I've only read that in a book...Theory is ALWAYS different compared to practical.
  18. When I was down @ Bronte, I rigged mine up on a SLIP FLOAT RIG.... used TROUT WORM (By Berkley, I believe)....
  19. Nice catch! Looks like you guys were just rotating the boat around... and re-taking the picture of the same fish!! hahaha JK
  20. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source...mp;t=h&z=16
  21. LOLOLOL!! Right here bud! Try PORT CREDIT (Hurontario and Lakeshore)... there's a bridge there... try fishing around the mouth
  22. How old/new is your line? When was the last time you changed it? In theory, putting the bead on should help you... The only thing that I can think of is line... and its age.
  23. Were you rigging them correctly? By that I mean... You didn't forget to put a bead on, did ya? I've found that without the bead... a break is bound to occur...
  24. Yeah, doesn't look like we have anybody that does.... Monday? like... Tomorrow Monday? (Aug.10)? I'm going to be heading there Friday (Aug.14) till Sunday (Aug.16). EDIT: The only thing I know about the area... under the "Blue Water Bridge"... there's a particular spot that the locals go to and fish for Walleye w/ Power Grubs - Hope that helps.
  25. HOLY SMOOOOOOOOOKES!! Nicely done! I bet you don't feel so bad after losing that 1st fish...hehe
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