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Everything posted by Bondar

  1. I recently purchased a 11'6 IMX love the rod but i hate the reel seat location i'm wondering how much work is involved in removing the old seat and cork and have sliding rings and new cork installed I know its possible just not sure how to go about it If there are any rod builders in the Niagara region that would like to take on this job please PM me i'll post a couple pics of the rod in a minute
  2. Good shooting !!!!!!! we got a doe on opening day of rifle mmmm venison
  3. I have had a deer hit me , It jumped the ditch and head first into my front quarter panel crushing that, then rolling down my door denting it , and than a big dent in the rear quarter there was hair and blood wedged in the trim and door handle but the deer was gone i looked that night as well as the next day , this was driving out of Burks Falls up to 3 mile lake ever seen the coyote Vs nascar one , i wont post it on here but if you google you can see it Weak stomachs need not google lol
  4. yea i just fold up my 3 peice 13' still rigged and than put the neoprene cover over my reel and the blank holds it good enough
  5. that back track sells for 70 bucks at Lebaron plus the 10% discount card if you have it stores 3 way points and gives you distance to your way point , there are some review videos for it on you tube
  6. http://www.bushnell.com/products/gps/backt...2651855145&
  7. i jig with 7' medium heavy Loomis' IMX soon to be paired with Ci4 2500 stradics but now paired with 2500 stradic FI
  8. i like those socks a lot i have 4 or 5 pairs , i like them in the waders and for ice fishing no complaints here
  9. Awsome pictures !!!!! love the drake dropping in
  10. nice perch man !!! hope i can make it out there some time soon
  11. Its not the bears you have to worry about its the ferrets oh man i laughed when i first saw this maybe its just me LOL
  12. I bought a wetskins from COSTCO in London its olive green and black Breathable good pockets , just the elastic was tight in the waist so i cut it and just use the supplied belt , I wore it in the rain today for 6 hours and didnt get wet at all , best 60 bucks ive spent in a bit
  13. fishing liciense should be banned even though he didnt have one for along time plus HEFTY HEFTY FINE Thank you CO's Job well done
  14. well now im confused too lol
  15. i didnt think it mattered how you take your deer weither it be in bow season or rifle season my tag has the small sticker you put on your outdoors card and than on that same piece is a larger sticker than says that tag in eligible for antlerless in area (whatever) which you affix to your deer after you get it
  16. isnt it october 1st when you can call in ? http://publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/View.asp?D...chment_ID=21802
  17. I got invited up to a cottage on the trent river this weekend with plans on Fishing the BOQ but , never made it out to the bay just ended up fishing in the river friday evening and saturday, friday i boated 2 walleye 1 - 4 lb-10 oz and another was 3 and change Saturday was slow i hit one little pike casting a JSR-13 rapala and the biggest of the 3 walleye that i caught it was 5 lb 6 oz other than that was some rockbass sunfish , a big sucker , little small mouth was a good time the weather held out for us it didnt start to rain there till saturday evening but by than we were inside for cocktail time
  18. you put bait on your hook for salmon????? hmmmm
  19. I would look into a used Islander gonna set you back a lil more than 200 i think unless you find a deal but its a solid reel that will last awhile alot of people use them and are happy with them for the price they are hard to beat
  20. Gannons narrows ramp is nice at the marina concrete and good docks
  21. i have the Helly Alpha bought it a lebaron i think it was 269.99 its nice and warm , but as mentioned the hood is total garbage i bought it last year and used it all winter trout fishing in the lower river from the boat and never had any issues with it , The hand warmer pockets are KEY , it is bright but if you use it alot it fades a touch and gets dirty , and i like the idea of being able to be found in the water with bright colours if i do happen to go in that day was collllllld
  22. i use just a bare jig hook fed through the tube , works good
  23. Thanks to those who replied in here and pm I've got a good idea whats going on now , i'll post my results when i get back cheers
  24. I took my gf cat fishing in the spring on the grand river , we had like a 20 fish day and she loved it cause they werent little dock fish rather like 15lb cats and its easy to do i "let" her out fish me just for bragging rights LOL , now she'll come along anytime even when she gets bored of fishing she'll read a book or sun tan i guess she figures its time spent with me since i spend a good amount of time on the water , were on our 6th year now and shes not complaining " YET " oh and shes born and raise in the city , never had a fishing rod in her hand until she met me now look at her LOL
  25. Nice !!!! looks like i got the Bay all to myself Seems no one fishes out there anymore LOL
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