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Everything posted by ciceri

  1. You don't really retrieve them, well i dont, I just cast in a spot that may have a fish or where a fish will see it fall, if i don't get anything I reel it in quick and cast in the next spot. The odd time you will get one while reeling in, so if you want, just slow your retrieve.
  2. about 10 more from me. Looks like #2 made a video and put a hotter girl in it with a bikini. We need to find you a girl willing to do some fishing in a bikini or something, haha.
  3. I'll take care of TONY for you, lol.
  4. I'd love to see the picture.
  5. no weights, i believe its the slow fall to the bottom that triggers the fish, while falling it wiggles, so slower the better I'd say. I've been using circle hooks, and I used a hook like in that picture, it worked fine too. They just cant be too small is the main thing really.
  6. Nice clean looking boat. They named it Tony? Not many people would name a boat that, usually girl names.
  7. Oh, wacky, it's just when you take your hook and just simply put it in the middle of the worm, yes simple as that, you just cast them where you want, let them float down to the bottom, see if your line moves or you feel tugs, and set the hook. and you'll catch plenty of fish. http://www.avidangler.net/photos/wacky.jpg
  8. Your in 5th!!
  9. These one were actually pulled out of Scugog. Lol, I never had a mullet? Maybe it looks like it in my avatar? I just have curly hair when it's longer, it all curls up at the back, sides, and front.
  10. Bring a net next time is the best thing you can do
  11. Dang! I just bought a new pack today, Watermelon i think. Next time though. I don't think theres any bad ones, just scent is different. I had a pack of pumkinseed colored "wave worms" and they worked excellent, but lost them all from fish flinging them off while jumping and headshakes. And today I bought a pack of YUM, 12 pack for $5. We got about 20 small largemouth with them today. And, I think fishing with real frogs is illegal now a days?
  12. That is a Monster. But how do you mistake that for a Muskellunge? You better start sending him pictures and quizzing him.
  13. 55 lb thrust Duramaxx trolling motor on sale at Canadian Tire for $199.99. http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...ing%2BMotor.jsp
  14. I got a 33 incher on tuesday, then later in the day i was reeling in a half pound smallmouth and a huge muskie grabbed it, took plenty of drag, but couldn't get it off bottom, it eventually let go and i never saw it. But, it was BIG!
  15. Carp are weird creatures. Nice fishin.
  16. You should have just got one made up, but nice fish either way.
  17. Yea, my "senkos" are called Wavey Worms. We were using them last night and nailing the smaller bass, biggest only being 2.1 pounds though.
  18. 9 more from me.
  19. A whale.
  20. 2 soft water, and 2 ice rods.
  21. http://www.lebaron.ca/pdf_files_sp09/fishing/daiwa_steez.pdf I want that bad boy Looks like a really good place, prices are right. Wish I had a vehicle!
  22. Just gave you 5 more. Just so you guys know, you can use friends emails, or just make one up, I think theres 5 votes per IP address.
  23. apparently it's the wrong one, but the guy didn't say what the right one is
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