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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Winds from the east.... they bite the least Winds from the south.... put it in their mouths Winds from the ouest.... is at it's best Winds from the north.... Leechman
  2. Right on Vinni Good thinking Can't go wrong for the price Jacques
  3. Nothing like watching your favorite race on a full stomach Thanks for sharing B Jacques
  4. Good going Randy Love the dark colors on that one Quality gold Thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Thanks Joey!!! Been working my butt off to rid the weeds back there.... I still have some but it's more manageable now Thanks Dave!!! Nice shot of the rabbit laying back I work on it during the week and sometimes on weekends but that doesn't happen very often
  6. First Saturday in a while I haven't been out fishing.... so today, spent my time in the back yard and thought I'd share some of the work I did Planted additional veggies for the garden and cleaned out the flower beds of weeds Don't get me wrong.... fishing is always in the back of my mind and my tackle is always ready To begin.... my favorite place of all, where I sit down with coffee in hand first thing in the morning This pic was taken this afternoon but early morning, the tree brings shade My second favorite place to be in the afternoon.... very comfortable Tomatoes Sweet peppers Garlic Cucumbers and zucinies Wax Beans.... just planted the seeds... not showing yet Additional pics - little tour Now my wife just handed me a Seagate 1.5TB external drive.... guess what I'll be doing now Hope you enjoy!!! Tight Lines Leechman
  7. Excellent Ben White tube is killer for lakers and whities Another killer lure for lakers is a Black Furry #5 Thanks for sharing Leechman
  8. Awesome Rigged Congrats to your buddy Thanks for sharing your trip with us Leechman
  9. Nothing better than going fishing on a 30th, with great company and getting into some Again.... Happy belated 30th to the both of you Thanks for sharing Simon!!! Jacques
  10. Excellent report, pics and video Simon Only one word comes to mind "Priceless" Thanks for sharing Jacques
  11. Great report, fish and pics Ryan Looks like all 3 of you kids had fun High fives to Averie and Luke I see you got your boat a new look.... NICE Thanks for sharing Jacques
  12. Nice Cat Lip-ripper and welcome to OFC!!! Leechman
  13. Good going Corvy Sounds like you got slimed also
  14. Great report, fish and pics l2p Thanks for sharing Leechman
  15. Nicely done Rob Good looking eye
  16. Thanks Jamie!!! Thanks Corvy!!! We sure did
  17. Congrats to your Dad Drew
  18. Homer... I'm also a newbie as far as targetting Lakers but one technique that produce well for us last Sunday was simply to locate points, drop off, submerged structure such as: tree stumps, rocks and cast to the shoreline a 3" power tube in white tipped with half a worm, let the tube go down a bit, retrieve by raising the rod quickly, reel in the slack and let it go down again, repeat, etc... The lakers I caught all took the tube on the way down and basically smashed it. Another technique that we used was to work the shore line by casting a Mepps Black Furry #5 orange dots on the blade, treble dressed.... That thing was the number one lure and lakers literally smashed it.... Ask my friend Paul and he'll tell ya Paul's boat is equiped with an electric trolling motor at the front which he use to position the boat and let us drift in specific areas on the lake along the shore. We also worked underwater flats with tubes and buckshots jigging vertically while drifting or being anchored. Hope this makes sense and helps you out. Good luck with your laker quest!!! Leechman Edited to say: Lakers seemed to keyin on white from what I observed on the lake we targetted.
  19. It looks similar to a flatfish.... but don't have a clue what it is Neat looking bait though
  20. Thanks WeedLine!!! Thanks Brian!!! TEETH
  21. Thanks Mike!!! Not a single mark on them... beauties for sure
  22. Hey Paul... Thanks for the additional pics Some beautiful shots by Cathy The clinic you put on with the Black Fury was something else... them lakers were hypnotized by it.... truly a laker magnet That was an excellent day out there and truly appreciate being part of it Thanks ever so much mon ami Now it's time to move on to wallies and snakes
  23. Thanks Kev!!! The technique we used was casting to shore with white tubes and spinners.... Paul had to upper hand with his Black Furry.... Lakers went for it like a magnet He put in a real clinic with it I also caught one on a white crank bait I had made Anything white in this lake produces well no need for trolling..... we drifted most of the day and it worked very well Thanks Tyler!!!
  24. Thanks Bruce!!! They sure are
  25. What a story and what a fish Congrats to your buddy Thanks for sharing johnny!!! Leechman
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