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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Well by the looks of it.... it wouldn't surprise me if you get into another nickel by end of softwater season. You work hard at it..... I still can't believe the size of that brute :w00t:
  2. Great report and pics Steve Some nice looking bronze back and a great looking gator... congratulations Leechman
  3. Great report, fish and pics Cliff And don't worry, this time I won't be razzing ya You and bly certainly got to spend quality time together and got into some beauties Way to go girl.... those are some fine gators Good on you guys for stopping by to see Big Cliff and Sue. I'm sure that they appreciated your visit Again great job you guys and thanks for sharing Leechman Oh and by the way.... that is a good looking smallie Cliff!!!
  4. Wow you certainly didn't waste any time getting your new toy out on the water eh Good job on the poster shot They say that the more you take pics and pose in front of the cam.... the results gets better Great report, fish and pics troutologist Some real good looking eyes Good luck tomorrow!!! and thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Great report and pics Joey Too bad the fish weren't out to play but at least you got to spend quality time out with an old friend!!! Looks like you guys had fun nonetheless. Thanks for sharing Leechman
  6. If the weather holds up.... we might just be riffle hunting on the white stuff
  7. AWESOME report, fish and pics Kev Look at that EPIC BEAUTY :w00t: :worthy: Second nickel this season.... take a bow son.... you deserve it :worthy: Thanks ever son much for posting this report and congratulations Jacques
  8. Looks like you two had a blast out there Thanks for posting Ryan!!! Leechman
  9. Awesome looking ride troutologist Congrats Leechman
  10. Nice report and pics Chris Sounds like a good time out on your favorite lake Nice smallies btw and I won't comment on your wolverine look a like Thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. I've seen a few pellets come down today over here..... man that was kind of weird to see Going down to zero overnight Just might have to take the ice fishing gear out tomorrow morning Leechman
  12. Congratulations on your PB Ultyma316 A real beauty Thanks for sharing Leechman
  13. Great report and pics Rob You guys sure got into a great mix bag..... some good looking ones in those pics Thanks for sharing Leechman
  14. Some pretty drastic weather change you guys got into Glad you changed your mind and not camp over in those condition Thanks for sharing Leechman
  15. Looks like you guys had a good time!!! Great report and pics Aaron Thanks for sharing Leechman
  16. Oooohhhh I was so mad G them graphite rods are great and light but somehow so brittle The good thing is, I have my receipt and if they (the Store) don't give me another.... I'll just buy a brand new one
  17. Broke the end of it just before leaving :wallbash: now it's a foot short Will be heading to the store where I bought it tomorrow morning and see if I can get another
  18. Well Glen.... I did go out for a couple hours with my daughter..... not even a sniff and I had my camera with me Also broke my brand new medium heavy action rod :wallbash:
  19. Nice cam shots Brian That six pointer would be a nice deer to get.... Hope you get better soon and go sit in your stand They seemed to be intrigue by an odor.... I wonder what it could be Jacques
  20. Thanks Kev!!! Yes, Movie Maker, what a nice little program..... lots of options to make great videos Glad you liked it!!! Leamy's got great potential.... I guess when the fish are active, they'll come out to play Missed a heavy fish last time I was there but I know it's still there.... will have to get busy in the area I was and see if I can catch it. Thanks again Kevin!!!
  21. Thanks Dan!!! Was an absolute thrill to make
  22. Thanks Brian!!! Glad you did
  23. Thanks Don!!! May be we could meet and talk about your ideas.... I'd be more than happy to help you out
  24. Right on mon ami Thank you I've been looking for those for quite some time now.... guess I'll have to head out to LeBaron Thanks again GBW!!!
  25. Thanks mojobass!!! I'll see what I can do about that Thanks Mike!!! Thanks Glen... glad you liked it!!! and hope you make one.... would love to see you live in Bama Thanks Tony!!! May be I should Thanks Fish4Eyes!!! It sure does Thanks Jet!!! I'm trying Thanks muskybugged!!!
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