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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Good one Roy!!! Here's another oldie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORAvMk-iXec
  2. OK lets get this party going!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fzvFARYffI
  3. Just for you G!!! A little trip down memory lane
  4. Congrats Lew Nice ride
  5. Awesome Dave Nice Gar
  6. Nice suit G...... but where will you find cold waters down in Bama J/K Looks pretty cool G!!! Jacques
  7. Ya did better than me Pete just got back.... ice has thicken, had a good 8" Sounds like fun!!! Leechman
  8. Glad you're able to drop by G Was kind of concern for a bit Want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas my friend!!! Jacques
  9. ************* UPDATE on PAINT ************* Enjoy!!!
  10. Thanks ColdH20guy!!! To do this right, you need the proper tools to under take such project (i.e. bandsaw, press drill, jobmate with dremmal etc...) otherwise you ain't going to achieve the results that you had anticipated.... also, time and patience is another factor and that's about all is required. Leechman
  11. Thanks fishinguypat!!! They sure do...
  12. Thoughtfulness and respect is what comes to mind when the name GCD aka Glen is mentioned to me.... wish he could chime in.... really miss him. Leechman
  13. To get away from the day to day stuff.... I often find myself wanting to stay longer out just because of the peacefulness being out nowhere!!! Leechman
  14. De très belle photos Randy Beau Buck Merci de les partagers!!! Jacques
  15. Awesome report and pics walleye_man Got to love to Ottawa river for it's diversity in fish species Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work!!! Leechman
  16. Kind of mild up here today but dipping into another deep freeze overnight..... should be good to go tomorrow Leechman
  17. Thanks Tibbs!!! Just updated the report with some awesome pattern.... Check it out.
  18. Thanks smalliefisher!!! Thanks Corvy!!!
  19. Terrible news Mike.... wish your dad and family good luck.... thoughts and prayers are with you Jacques
  20. Hope you guys and girls had a good Christmas and that Santa was good to you. For me was all about my family, good company, good food and a few drinks Did manage to hit the hard stuff on the 24th in the afternoon for a couple of hours but did not get sniff Had a good time and felt great to be back at it Weather wise is not the greatest up here so I kind of refrain from going fishing..... but later in the week will certainly give it a go Had a lot of rain and freezing rain coming down on boxing day so decided to remain in doors and tackle another wooden project.... this time wanted to make crank baits similar to BigO's, but not the same I did last summer..... wanted to make it a copy cat of the original..... well I came close.... here's the results: Now needs a coat of color and they are good to go!!! Will keep you posted on the development Hope you enjoy! Leechman ******************************************************************************* @@@@@@ UPDATE @@@@@@ ******************************************************************************* After a few coats of color..... here is the transition results Under belly orange Chartreuse on top Not quite finish.... but almost Got some little details to work out.... will keep you posted on the development Leechman
  21. Last year got myself a Blue Ice jigging rod / reel combo with large guides at Walmart and real happy with it. I think it was $19.99 plus taxes. I coupled it with Power Pro Ice braid 15Lbs test.... toughest line you can get IMO You can always tie a fluro leader to the main line using a double Uni knot for the finicky ones. 6" auger should be good for what you are targeting and personally did not hook any fish that didn't go through a 6" hole. Bigger is nice to have but not necessary. Hope this helps you out in your decision Tight lines & good luck to you on the hard stuff Leechman
  22. Awesome report and pics The Rock Wish I could target speckies this time of year but unfortunately trout season is closed up here You'll definitely have a great meal out of those!!! Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  23. Great report and pics Wayne That's what's all about right there.... great time fishing with good friends and even getting into some Just doesn't get any better than that!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Last year I bought a 6" Sub Zero at Walmart and love it..... cuts through ice like butter and good price
  25. One word Drew..... PHENOMENAL Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!!! Jacques
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