Finally finished the structure today... need to work on the window and door
Total cost so far $79.10 Not bad at all
Enjoy the vid
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Great report and pics laszlo
Is that who I think it is on the second pic??
If it is... about time you get out there and catch some fishes
Thanks for sharing
Been working hard at it today and got 50% done Temps were on the cool side but manageable Got the base, top and front done.... not easy to do by yourself but got the tools out required for a one man job
Enjoy the vid
and stay tune for some more
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Well guys like my status says..... our deer feeder has been robed It only took 5 days and the deer had a feast with our recipe
The land owner checked it yesterday and stumble upon a deer that was laying not too far from where I'm going to be setting up my ground blind
I just can't believe that last year we did not see any deer Mind you the temps were kind of like a yoyo
It's looking good so far and made a detour to Home Depot for some lumber.... going to be starting on the one man blind.... looking to build a 5' wide by 4' deep and 6' high
Will keep you posted on the development
Great report, pics and video Simon (as usual)
You're lucky to still be fishing on hard water..... over here.... ice is pretty well gone.
Just noticed tonight on my way home that Lac Leamy's shoreline has opened up Can't wait for trout opener.... April 23rd
Thanks for sharing and keep up the great reports coming!!!
No need for earth worms to feed your guppies..... what you need is dried tubefex worms or frozen ones that you can buy at your pet store.
Used to have a couple of tanks of guppies, a 25 Gal for the grownups and a 5 Gal for the babies. A big spawning female can cough up over 50 little ones at a time and god knows I've spent endless hours trying to scoop them with net.... even over nighters for that matter LOL
At some point I had so many that I gave them away for others to start their own tanks. My mom also had a pretty good supply of them. She had 3 tanks.... a 50 Gal, 20 Gal and 15 Gal.... Heck she had so many that at some point was feeding the Gurami's and angel fish with baby guppies LOL
Guess I learned from a great mentor
You have a great setup btw!!!
Baiting, in your case would make sense if only you were allowed. Up here we have a short season, riffle that is..... only a couple of weeks, maybe that's why they allow us to bait the area we are hunting.
Sounds like a great recipe Joe and to tell you the truth.... my mouth is watering right after reading your post
You could use red wine for deglazing!!! would bring the sauce to another level
My profile pic is a little wide and all of the information that use to be on the right hand side is now on the left overlapping my personal pic.... Is there a way to have it on the right hand side or do I have to resize my personal pic in my profile.