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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Right on Chris Voted and got her up in the standing..... COME ON FOLKS USE YOUR ADDRESS BOOK!!!! Leechman
  2. Congrats Drock on your PB She looks mighty fine Leechman
  3. Nicely done Pete You're having a great season so far and by the looks of it.... them ski's cannot escape your lucky lure Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing!!! Leechman
  4. Excellent report and pics Marty Looks like your son kick your butt on this trip I love seeing younger anglers getting into fish of a life time I bet he's going to be talking / bragging about it for a long time Congratulations to Dawson on those impressive catches Thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Thanks Craig!!! LOL the smell in the trays will disappear after a few good wash I bought a couple of extra trays just for that Thanks HH!!! Thanks Tony!!! Totally agree..... nothing like it Thanks Vinni!!! Thanks Brian!!! Long process for the cleaning part but well worth it
  6. Good one Brian
  7. Congrats to the both of you on your 2nd place finish Steve Jitterbug is one of my favorites for top water..... I also like using a hoola Popper in black when it's pitch dark. Leechman
  8. Right on Vinni Sweet reward for your efforts Leechman
  9. Good going Pete Nice one Leechman
  10. Awesome report and pics Jay You guys sure got into some nice ones Doesn't get any better then that!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. Great report and pics fishgreg Nice bronze back Thanks for sharing Leechman
  12. Great report and video Simon as always What a fish factory that Lac Seul is Congrats to your wife on her PB That was the icing on the cake.... WHAT A BEAUTY Mrs Limey rocks Thanks for sharing Jacques
  13. LOL Alex.... Thanks man!!! Good idea Johnny!!! I'm tempted to try next time out
  14. I had similar results on opening day..... lost 3 near the boat on a spinnerbait and it spit it right at me tail walking head shaking. My drag was set correctly but the rod tip was too high. Like slowpoke said, keep your rod tip down when it gets near the boat or shore and keep constant line pressure. Next time I'm going out for pike will be using this modified spinnerbait Added a trailer 4/0 Octopus hook on an O ring with added piece of plastic tube to hold it in place. Leechman
  15. Carp on a pin Sounds like fun.... Great job floatman55
  16. You guys remember this pic It's been drying for the last 3 weeks and today was the day.... I keep my garlic in the freezer all year round and here is how I do it. Started to separate the bulbs from the heads and this is the longest part about this recipe. Separating is easy but removing the skin from it is a bit of a challenge..... sticky as hell after a while I managed to clean half the crop (had 30 heads to clean) and ask my wife and daughter to help me while I was processing them in the food processor Here's my half Results after processing Once it was all chopped finely.... added olive oil extra virgin to the mix. I don't have the exact measurement but you want to obtain a good consistency similar to a mush.... add a little bit at a time. In this batch used 1/3 of the bottle. Here's the results.... you can see the oil in the mix Once finish mixing.... pour into ice cube trays like in the next pic Put in the freezer for 24 hours. The next day run the under side under warm water so that the content detach from it and wrap each cubes into all purpose food packaging film. Then into a zip lock bag freezer type and back into the freezer. Garlic will keep for over a year this way and you won't need to chop them when you want to use in a recipe Now the smell of garlic is all over the house but I'm not complaining I kept the largest 6 heads for planting next fall. I placed them into a paper bag and into the cupboard. Leechman
  17. Cool surprise to catch an eye on a spinnerbait Sounds like you had a great time out on the new lake Yes it's nice to get out of the city.... got out for a few hours late afternoon yesterday also and got a couple of pan size specks.... went 2 for 25.... had steady action from the very start Thanks for sharing Eric!!! Leechman
  18. Nice bucket on the second pic Terry Have a great time on your fly-in and take lots of pics Leechman
  19. Good going Beans Congrats on the ski and PB Memories of a life time Thanks for sharing Leechman
  20. You're on a roll dude Nice
  21. Life is good to you Dan Cool shots of the sunset
  22. Great report and awesome pics Dutchy Beautiful scenery up there Thanks for sharing your trip with us!!! Leechman
  23. Nice walk through the bush Brian..... but I still think you should tell her that in the fall it's much easier than that
  24. COOL.... but ya can't blame a guy for trying
  25. LOL TJ, not sure which program you use for creating vids but I use Windows Movie Maker and it allows you to import vids, audio and pics. I use Photobucket for my uploads but are real pain for MP3's. When creating the vid in MV, the trick I found is to re-size it to remove the beginning of the song which contain the copyright information that Photobucket or Youtube scans for. I know that Youtube will remove the audio of the vid that's being uploaded and let you share it without sound and you will have a chance to select from a list of songs that are not copyrighted.... Photobucket will deny your upload. That being said.... here's a vid I made last February while ice fishing with my daughter... most likely seen it and you'll notice that I have 4 different songs that are playing throughout.... my kind of tunes Enjoy Leechman <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2010%2FHardWaterFishing-FatherDaughterDuo.mp4">
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