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Everything posted by Skud

  1. That joke I can relate to.
  2. Those perch are pigs alright. That is how I look(or at least feel) when I have dinner at my Mother in law's. Italian food is so good.
  3. I see a poor attitude in my children when it comes to this. If they feel that they can't succeed at something they won't even try. And it comea from both sides of the spectrum. My daughters are gifted and breeze through all their school work but in their everyday life not take on challenges if it won't be easy. My boys struggle at school and give no thought to rising to the occasion and get good marks. Just no worth the effort in their minds. Very frustrating! I due warn them how this poor attitude will catch up to them in their adult years. Life takes effort even though effort can still lead to failure.
  4. Thanks for all the comments guys. I have to admit that the time it took me to finally shoot was not due to my patience but because the buck could hear every move I made due to the silence in the woods. The bow was across my lap and it took a long time to raise it into position. My shoulder was on fire with muscle burn from holding the bow up so long. I have taken a still photogragh from the video and given it to a local artist to do a painting of it. I will post a pic of it in a month or so when I get the finished product.
  5. Great Brown. Many fine fish have been caught while not paying attention to a dropping lure dockside or boatside.
  6. Great read Mike.
  7. Richyb; I have the Bowtech Allegiance. I bought it the last year it was made. Farsider; I was hunting in the Cookstown area. I throw down whatever apples I can get my hands on come September. The does and their young come at all times of the day to eat. There are very few apple trees in the area so it must be a treat for the deer. Solo; I can still easily recall how hard my heart was pounding in my chest. Just like a hammer!
  8. Thanks. It was nerve racking
  9. Yep!
  10. Last fall was my 2nd year of Black Bear hunting. The year previous (2010) I harvested a young bear with a rifle although my intention was to use my bow. Circumstances didn't allow that to happen. I got another chance when I went up to Eddie Norths camp last September. I was up with my Dad and Son fishing for the week but I also set up a trail cam at a bait sight to see who was in the neighborhood. By Wednesday a bear was coming to the site and I was able to get video and pictures of the bear. It was small so I waited hoping for a larger one. By Friday there was still just the same bear so I set up that afternoon to hope for a shot at it while videotaping. The bait was 28 yards from my stand. Being skeptical of the far distance I was practicing with the same scenario every day back at camp until I felt confident. This video is shorter since the bear was just laying in the grass eating up until he exposed herself to a broadside shot. The shot looked to be a little to far back on the body when it hit but the arrow found the center of the heart. The bear ran about 50 yards. You can see my bow coming into the left side of the screen. I was doing that on purpose just trying to get myself in the video in some way. There are no great after shots since the bear was small. Field dressed she was only 135 pounds. Enjoy <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/J9huineuhYg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. Fishrking; I agree with everything you said and also would not endorse the shot I took. I did have plenty of time to think about it as I waited for a broadside shot and made a choice based on my personnal knowledge of myself and equipment and circumstance. The Buck was only 18 yards away and at that distance I can hit a dime all day long. My bow is set at 70+ pounds and shooting just over 300 ft/s. It took only .17 of a second to reach the deer and video shows that the deer didn't flinch until the arrow was already inside him. The shot wouldn't have been made if it was over 25 yards away. The only reason I could even take the shot was because I was in a ground blind downhill from the target. That angle was for sure going to hit vitals. And I did take into account the Buck relaxed enough to eat another apple. Hope you like my next video
  12. I have been hunting Whitetail with a bow for 20 years now but have done so very passively. Going out only a few times a season or missing several years in a row has kept my success very limited, as in only one doe harvested up until last year. I always enjoyed my time alone in the woods when I could get away from work and also enjoyed a few outings with Misfish. The last few years I have been hunting from a ground blind due to the lack of large trees to put a stand in but didn't mind it since it kept me out of the weather. My trail cam has got me many great pictures from that spot the past three years and i have personally watch several does feeding as well. All the large bucks only came around at night but there were plenty of young careless ones that came during daylight hours. Nov 1st of 2011 I played hookey from work and went hunting in the morning since the wind was going to be blowing in the right direction. There actually ended up being no wind and the woods were dead quiet except for passing cars in the distance. A young Buck materialized out of the tall grass at daybreak 18 yards away. I had a video camera ready and I turned it on and was able to zoom in a bit before I was almost busted by the deer. It was so quiet that the Buck could hear my every move being so close. I am sure it could hear my heart beat it was pounding so hard. The video is grainy due to the low light on this cloudy day but you will see how it unfolds. It starts a little slow but bear with it and enjoy. It is of decent quality (HD) so it can be viewed in full screen. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/VP-e8HO1lHQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> If this Whitetail was any older and wiser I am sure it would have bolted before I had a shot off. I was waiting for a broadside shot but realized it was not going to come so I shot head on. I put the arrow straight through the heart(have the pic to prove) and the deer ran about 60 yards. My first buck ever.
  13. Good of you to have the young ladies go on the ice bare footed. It will get them used to the cold tile floors in the kitchen. That's what I call 'future planning'.
  14. I have been out also with nothing to show for my efforts. Actually it has been several years now with no treasures found. Will be out again tomorrow with camera in hand
  15. I have a 2011 SuperCrew 4x4, 6.5 box Ecoboost. Bought it last May and now at 32500 km. I have noticed the occasional vibration now and then but I always thought it was snow and ice jammed into one of my rims because it eventually goes away. I will take note to see if it happens during the coming summer months. This is my 4th F150 and they have all treated me well. However, I am not impressed with the Ecoboost's gas mileage. I get 16mpg highway, 14.5mpg town and 11mpg will towing a 3500lb trailer on the highway. How the heck are you getting 28mpg out of yours Rob C?!
  16. Sweet pics of the rocks Dave!
  17. Thanks for the offer Rick. Maybe another time.
  18. Steelhedrmatt has come to the rescue! Thank you Sir and I will see you tomorrow.
  19. I am heading north of Capreol this coming weekend to do some fishing and photography. The last 50km is Snowmachine access only. I have borrowed two Snowmachines for my Bro and I. Had a sled with a towbar and cover lined up but the guys is up north himself until Friday and I am leaving Barrie Thurs morning so I can't get it now. Anybody here not going to use theirs this weekend and willing to lend it out? I work in Aurora and live in Barrie. I would need it for tomorrow evening. I will pick it up and bring it back if it is in the vicinity of those areas and in between. I just need it to bring in my luggage and sleeping bag, etc. Please let me know. Thank you.
  20. Wow, that is a pretty sweet day out no matter what time of year it is. Well worth the effort on your part.
  21. Yes, OFC has many members now. A hand full of them spend way to much money on gear and would be into your concept of purchasing. Most members do not spend a lot of dough on there hobby. You could not get 5000 members buying the same product constantly. The numbers wouldn't be there to convince a manufacturer to sell direct.
  22. Good work, great pics
  23. Sweet pike Dave. Looks like you are continuing to shrink away. How much weight have you lost now?
  24. Nice! Like to see how it holds up to a 4 foot Musky crushing it.
  25. Just hunt for the sheds in a few months
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