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Everything posted by lhousesoccer

  1. This is an awesome photo. I love the detail and the colours. It would make a great background.
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  4. Awesome
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  7. I had a nice big fat tick stuck in the back of my leg after my last trip to Long Point. Hope you checked your kids over Mike! Looks like fun though!
  8. These sorts of events are popping up all over the place now. There are dozens of them. Spartan Race http://www.spartanrace.com/#. Death Race http://www.youmaydie.com/ Good luck in this one. A friend of mine did the Death Race last year in Vermont and finished, which is an accomplishment. It's not just physical, but mental as well, like you have to carry a tree stump around with you for hours, while doing other physical challenges, then run to the top of a mountain while still carrying the stump, and answer questions on US presidents. If you get one wrong, you have to go back down the mountain to a checkpoint then come back up and answer another set. Another one was at some point you get a card showing an assembled lego piece. After 24 hours of other physical pain and agony, you have to assemble the lego from the parts they give you, from memory, from seeing the card brieflty 24 hours ago. If you get it wrong, you get sent back. Kinda crazy. Not sure I see the point. Forgot to mention - GOOD LUCK!
  9. My biggest fear is that, when I die, my wife will sell all my fishing gear for what I told her I paid for it.
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  13. Mike - I wanted to check it out on Amazon but I can't seem to find it by searching Alps 4 person. Get alot of hits, but none of the pics look right. What's the model? The Sutton ..... just awesome. Dream trip.
  14. I'm with most of the posters here ... just because some people consider them nuisances or "trash fish" doesn't mean they should be killed. I've seen "bass guys" slitting the throats of pike when they get them by accident because they just don't like them, and that should be a punishable offence with a big fat ticket from a C.O., in my opinion. No different than killing a freshwater drum just because someone thinks they eat alot of walleye eggs, or has no other benefit. Which is questionable, by the way. Guess what else they eat a ton of? Zebra mussels. And every native fish, whether they are "sportfish" or not, serve a role in the aquatic ecosystem and fish community they evolved in. Besides - anyone who's tangled with a 10-pound plus sheepshead knows what a battle they put up! No disgrace or trashiness there in my opinion!
  15. This was made by a guy from Quebec with a landlocked Atlantic salmon he caught in Lake Champlain, Vermont. I thought it was an instructional video at first, until I sprayed my coffee all over the screen from laughing so hard. Worth the one minute to watch! <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/uvCNdMiOb7A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. So - it seems to be from all the whitefish posts here over the years that the bulk of the fishing takes place mid-winter to last-ice, and then early spring. Does anyone target them in the middle of the summer? Or even late fall? I have a lake that has whitefish. It's a big lake, lots of deep water (up to 400-feet), lots of shoals, ledges, humps, deep flats. I'd like to try and find some of these tasty critters, but would like to try and narrow the search down a bit. Where do they go in the summer? Keep in mind, this is also a lake where even winter and early spring whitefish fishing isn't part of the tradition, so there aren't any well established whitefish grounds from which to start searching. I also assume the same baits in the winter and spring would apply in the summer?
  17. PikeSlayer - thanks so much for the detailed info. I had no idead the BGE's were that much money, but in the long run, it might be worth it considering I've rusted out 2 propane BBQ's in 8 years that were $300 each. I like how versatile they are by your description. Not sure I'm following how you "turn up or down" the heat on those, but I'm sure if I had one I'd figure it out. Man, now you have me jonesing for a charcoal grill!
  18. I need a new BBQ. I've been really interested in checking out charcoal grills instead of propane. How do you like the Big Green Egg? One thing that makes me hesitate to switch to charcoal is the time involved in getting it up and going and hot enough to start cooking, versus firing up the propane and having things going in 2 minutes. Any thoughts?
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