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Everything posted by Matt15

  1. great job guys
  2. Oh thanks so much irishfield, I was wondering what that was for.
  3. great looking eyes. Great job
  4. This summer I bought an old Penn Peer 209 reel at a garage sale for ten bucks. It looked like it was in decent condition. I thought it would be an alright trolling reel for musky for now and then probably be a backup. I'm wondering if anyone has this reel and can tell me if its normal for the line not to come out very easy when you in gage the spool. the line doesn't come out by itself wen the lure is in the water. I had to like pull the line out with my hand. Is there any way to fix this problem? Does the reel maybe have to be oiled and greased? I know the reel didn't cost me much but i thought it would be a nice little project for me to fix. Any tips or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  5. So today me and my dad winterized the boat and on our old boat we always brought the fish finder in for the winter but we were wondering if thats really necessary. What do you guys do with your dash and bow mount units during the winter?
  6. Thanks everyone:)
  7. awesome report man, great looking fish
  8. Nice smallies. Great job
  9. Amazing report, thanks for sharing. those were some nice gators you guys caught.
  10. great Report and i really enjoyed the video. Congrats on all the pbs this year and goodluck with the deer hunt. Matt
  11. We decided to go out to cooks bay for a few hours to do a little pike fishing. The fishing was pretty slow, we mainly trolled minnow baits and crank baits. We boated one small pike. It was funny because when I looked in the net the lure was already free but there was still a hook in the pike's mouth. The pike managed to loosen the hook from the split ring. My dad holding the catch of the day.
  12. Great report. beauty fish, nice and healthy
  13. Really nice musky your buddy got. Good luck on your trip.
  14. Great report. Thanks for sharing
  15. Thanks guys, yeah the last one was pretty skinny, it would of been a nice fish if it had some girth on it.
  16. Very Nice Musky. Good Job
  17. I just had a movember presentation at my school last thursday. great cause.
  18. This fall I decided to strictly target musky. I'm pretty new to musky fishing and have only caught a few in the last few years. I think that my patience and determination has really started to pay off this fall. The first musky was caught in the middle of September on a 8" walleye believer (casting). the second fish was caught just before thanksgiving on a super shad rap, perch colour (trolling). The third fish was caught this past Sunday on a 8" walleye believer (trolling). after the last few outings i don't want to fish for anything else but musky, and maybe the occasional pike.
  19. Very Nice Ski
  20. Nice gator
  21. Now thats one heck of a trophy fish
  22. Nice Job. Great fish
  23. Nice pics, great report
  24. Nice lookin fish
  25. Did you fish the same lake the Fish nCanada show fished on a fall episode last year, cause i fished that lake last year and caught one small musky.
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