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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. so i started off around 11 and got nothing till i accidently ran into SNAG, man that was a blast fishing with you, much thanks for ur insight u r now my guru lucky lure worked like a charm, still trying to figure out how to replace the last treble here she is, just under 10lb, 9.8 i believe same one just close up
  2. right off? what do u mean, its pretty much all open now
  3. oh its coming, just wait, i know ur on the edge of ur seat
  4. perhaps u dont know how to gracefully work the lure, or else u would have cought some haha
  5. ur lures arnt dodging the right way, it must be done gracefully
  6. WOW ur chain shines more then the fish, grabbing my shades now!
  7. hahahhaha that made me laugh! I REALLY HOPE UR SAYING THIS ONLY CUS OF UR LACK OF ABILITY TO HOOK A TO PIKE hahahah i felt exactly like u, im riding some confidence now though went 20 times no pike
  8. i was out yesterday caught 41 inch at the waterfront, warmer weather on the way should be good ill report with pix later
  9. hello yall ive noticed most steelies rods are med. to fast action, now im wondering what is the difference between a slow and a fast action rod, more specifically for steeleahd river fishing, perhaps on a 11'6 , 6-12 lb rod any imput would be appreciated
  10. noone? is this rod really that old or just crappy?
  11. well im looking to trade first, but ill sell it for 50 bux Okuma Aventa
  12. hey yall, im looking at this rod to trade for my okuma aventa, its 10.6 foot just wondering how the backbone is on this rod, and overall if its a good rod I want to go back to the 10 '6 i use to use, 13'6 is kind of to long for my taste thnx
  13. ok even more off topic is anyone selling their ps2 games?
  14. i may be at the humber aswell
  15. only diff i can see is the pound test each rod can handle, MH usually takes 10-17 lb pound line?? heavy 20-40lb
  16. haha i play that game at my friends, its sickkkkkk wicked
  17. mmmm riblja corba! or halas le the finest!
  18. very cool, did u see the serbian monastery?
  19. haha that made me laugh well, i was straddling along with her all day, places i dont like to go, shopping etc, it was on the way home and she decided after all that i been through with her haha to let me cast a few, first of all, about the cleaning, she would rather buy a fresh salmon from loblaws, i usually do the cleaning
  20. thnx for the update, i ended up making a few cast at another location on the waterfront, only stayed about 15 mins, mom was waiting in the car
  21. hey yall may head there today but i would like to know if there is any open water, my mom hates driving for no reason
  22. haha wow it looks sick!
  23. there are new shimano exages in telescoping and in various sizes and actions aswell, that may be pricy for u, the older version is great! 6'6 M or MH not sure, a lot cheapier aswell
  24. yeah this is good, although the laws and enforcement are still slugglish. In a poor country such as Serbia when it becomes difficult to help its citizens, it doesnt have enough money for officers of the environment. And most of the few officers we do have are private famers who take their own time to protect wildlife. They are paid very low by the government.
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