Here are two beautiful walleye pickeral caught by my fishing buddy on the Danube in Novi Sad, Serbia. Now if you dont know much about the Danube, its a large river running through 7 countries consisting of many fish. From catfish to bass, from pike to sturgeon. Ive been fishing it every summer catching many catfish, whitefish and few pike. Their catfish population is like in a Tykyo subway. My granps would also complain after handling one, or sometimes two at a time of these specimens. He would leave every trip with many cuts and holes from the needle like spikes. Dunube use to be a very abundant, resourceful body of water, until recently when pollution dramatically set in. Every summer the Danube would see rises anywhere from 10cm to 20m, likewise were the drops. We would have some friends at a little town right on the Danube, about 10 mins from were we live. We would get calls from them about the water situation. We would decide to fish on the outcome of the houses proximity with water. Either they were flooded, which would be a bad time to go, or became davenport to the lake.
He caught them on a green and white twister tail with flakes on a jig. He says the biggest was around 5kg.