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Everything posted by BillsTheBassMan

  1. These aren't my words, but I'll take the opportunity to share them here as they are quite relevant: "We have reached the time in the life of the planet, and humanity's demands upon it, when every fisherman will have to be a riverkeeper. We are beyond having to put back what we have taken out. We must put back more than we take out. Otherwise, as you have already learned, these creatures will continue to disappear at an accelerating rate." That's from Tom McGuane. With all the commercial fishing, all the spills and fertilizer and crap (literally) going into the water you just can't have everyone who owns a fishing pole keeping everything they catch. The same people doing this will be the same ones that complain the fishing is garbage. The one thing going, is at least they generally congregate in easy-to-access-predictable areas. Let's be clear, I'm not singling out any race, age, sex, or gender. The fact is there's just a lot of idiots out there dumping their garbage in the water and fishing illegally. Anyone who sees anything sketchy should report it. There are times where you SHOULD say something. There are times where you shouldn't. There are never times where you should get physical or violent, although there are times we'd all like to.
  2. Great report and nice looking Blue Pike - awesome fish! That poor fish is probably craving a cigarette now of the second hand smoke lobby has anything to say about it and Catch & Release works . . . period. It has been proven time and time again. I'm sure I'm repeatedly catching some of the same fish, and I know for certain that I caught the same brown 3 times this spring.
  3. There's a report floating around the internet from the Pennsylvania DNR that covers this exact subject - google it if you're interested. About an eighth of each bass caught return to their home are - I believe SMB have a higher return rate than LMB. I don't like these tournaments in rivers because the fish are slighty rarer, especially for big fish. I also don't like the idea of bass being driven all around Ontario. . I don't mind these tournaments in lakes as much, and frankly, they are going to continue to be a part of things, so be thankful they are all catch and release, and that many measures are taken to keep the fish alive. Ryan
  4. I should clarify something as well - as I'm fishing braid with a fluoro leader 100% of the time, it makes no difference whether it bleeds or not. And the local store to me sells Power Pro for 15,99, not 19.99.
  5. If you can't afford am $18 license, how are you possibly affording to fish?
  6. Yeah, I'm with Timmeh. How are you 100% sure that the fish you're marking are bass? You should have picked some up tonight - at least a few nibbles.
  7. I have a 7 year old nephew who loves fishing and I think it will stick with him for sure. Also, when I'm out fishing I often see parents bringing their kids out to fish for an afternoon and it is always a good sight. Remember, patience is a virtue when teaching kids, and you need to prioritize them first - which I'm sure some people don't because they personally want to fish - this can ruin the sport for some (nothing is worse than hearing a parent or other relative yell at a 4 year old for getting snagged.)
  8. Fish the shoals. Fish from the bottom up. Fish on!
  9. But there are still plenty of people (95%) that are still too lazy to walk to those secret spots - just check your local conservation area - whether you consider it fishable or not - and it will be loaded with people riding rock walls (which is generally why many of them are unfishable due to lack of fish).
  10. From what I see on the water the sport is alive & well. Places are busy, and I'm always looking (though often successfully) for good fishing holes that not a lot of people know about. I think education is the next step - perhaps people shouldn't be fishing with 9 foot long swimming pool nets (something I saw this week during a heavy pressure situation).
  11. I will probably only use this setup 3-6 times per season, so I'm not looking to get my wallet empty right away and break the bank. I agree with you that it should be fine to get me started and I think that I'll end up taking it. The main thing I am concerned with is playing the fish - I don't want to use underpowered gear and play the fish to death. My musky will all be released and I want those releases to be successful. I left the price out on purpose, as generally, price is not an issue - but I suppose in this case it is due to the amount I'll actually use the equipment. If I get "hooked" (which I will, because I love all things fishing - from 6" specks to big stinky carp) I will upgrade my gear at that time and let someone who doesn't have a musky setup use this piece. To all those that have contributed their favoured gear, thank you, I'm sure it will help someone, and most likely me in time! Cheers, Ryan
  12. Yikes This question and thread could go on forever - smallies are NOT that particular in the expansive, though they can be in specific situations. This year, since it has been so hot, I've been fishing from the bottom up - any bottom baits ranging from jigs to tubes to dropshots have been effective. I find the senko has dropped off a bit, but you can put a 4" senko on a 1/4 ounce jig head and go to town. Berkley Gulp - particularly emerald shiner minnows and leeches are top of the line. Just don't cheap out on your lures and you should find fish.
  13. All I know is that John Madden is always RAVING bout Turducken - and the man must be nearing 400lbs - tasty, but not nutricious. I bet if you google a recipe, you'll find a good one in no time. I know they LOVE the stuff in Michigan as well.
  14. Sounds like the report on Fenwick is not so good - yuck. and Lew . . . going through three Abu Reels in 3 years is notoriously awful. I always fish St. Croix Rods and usually Shimano reels. This was for a used combo I was interested in buying, but by the reports, it seems underpowered and explosive (in a bad way)
  15. Thanks Roy, I've had the pleasure of meeting a few members and also having in-depth conversations with others, as well as this classified transaction. There have been others that have fallen through, but those were amicable and everyone has always been pleasant to deal with. It's good to see that such a good community has been developed and that people on these boards are generally a pleasure to deal with. A lot of the credit has to land on your shoulders and the other moderators for keeping tabs on things.
  16. Hello Musky Guys, I'm looking at buying my first combo for Musky Fishing second hand. I've never fished for musky and I'm wondering if this is a good starting point: ABU GARCIA C4 6500 BAITCASTER REEL WITH POWER HANDLE FENWICK MUSKIE CLASS ROD 7' MEDIUM HEAVY ACTION 3/4 - 2.5 OZ Any help or insight you gentleman can offer is greatly appreciated. Cheers, Ryan
  17. Yeah, It sounds to me that they forgot to put the plug in . . . or that the old plug was no good - which is fairly common. Regardless, I'm sure a full investigation will happen now that like three government organizations had to be involved in the rescue efforts. On a bright note, the two of them seem to have had everything they needed to be safe on the water - life jackets (you can tell by his comment about the boat sinking, and no them sinking), a flare gun, a bail bucket - all these things helped save their boat and potentially them. Glad to hear these weren't two more drownings this year, and kudos to these guys for being well prepared and to the rescue services for being ready to get 'em (save for the one boat not in the water thing)
  18. GOOD MORNING LEW! Reminds me of the time when my neighbours had a dead tree that needed to come down - so they just piled mulch and earth up around its trunk for 3-4 years. It brought it down all right - killed all the roots and the rest of the tree. I was in the shower. BOOM. "That doesn't sound right." I go look out my front window and it looks like I have a forest on my front lawn. I go outside. This tree has fallen and taken off the roof of our house, though thankfully just at the corner without any actual major room damage. We spent the rest of the day cutting firewood while the neighbour watched us from his window. Let's just say that relations haven't been the best since then. Glad to see you got someone a little more handy down at your end.
  19. Hey Folks! I just wanted to send a kudos out to OFC'er FisherPete and give credit where credit is due! On late Monday evening I sent payment for some of his classified lots via email interact (which I had never done before). I sent the money on his word and he delivered - FAST. He promptly provided me with tracking information on Tuesday morning, and the package was here at my house when I got home for lunch - packed safely. Amazing! It's nice to know that there's still good folks out there and that many of them are on these boards. Thanks Again Pete. Look forward to dealing with you again . . . and the offer still stands, if you're in the KW area, I'll put you on some fish! Ryan
  20. Lots of drownings this year with all the rain and heat . . . it sounds like at least 4 people were REALLY lucky that they weren't stats on that list either. You've got to stay smart out there folks.
  21. You'll look back on it and laugh It's these days that make the amazing ones THAT much better. Hope you're all healed up and that you've got that trailer all looked after.
  22. That one really got my sides hurting
  23. Sometimes a Tim Horton's drive through can do that to you: "Hello, Welcome to Tim Horton's." "Hello, I'll have an everything bagel, toasted, Herb & Garlic and a large coffee with cream & sweetener please." "Ok, that'll be $1.52" "You forgot the bagel." "Oh sorry . . . a large cream with an everything bagel with cream cheese." "A large cream & sweetener with a toasted everything bagel with herb and garlic cream cheese." Etc. There are times where I've had to order 4 times and they still get it wrong . . . our Elmira Tim's is bad though, the rest are generally alright. ALSO, I once saw an SUV Face-Planted into the side of a shopper's drug mart - they put it in drive instead of reverse. The entire hood was smashed into the windshield. The Shoppers Drug Mart Won!
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