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Everything posted by figureight

  1. Yes, and probably.
  2. Angling Specialties reels
  3. very sad, my condolences to the whole family.
  4. I have one for sale in the classifieds if anyone is interested
  5. 42
  6. Check out this housing for the gopro. Its supposed to greatly improve underwater image quality, the sample videos look awesome. Underwater Housing
  7. Tons of guys are using revo Toro's for muskie fishing, but for the most part the 60 size. As mentioned by Raf the main purpose guys are using the winch for is for pulling big blades. Keep in mind you will not be able to burn blades with the slow ratio. I would get something with a faster gear ratio for all around use, like the regular revo toro or a calcutta 400b if you reel with your right hand.
  8. major ripoff. try uhaul.
  9. he probably wants to look like an internet hero
  10. actually they all look asleep. permanently
  11. Hey genius, just because you hate salmon in the river every one should die before spawning? A large part of eastern trib salmon are naturally reproducing. These fish sustain one of the greatest fisheries we have here in Ontario along with the hard work of many volunteers (ie. Ringwood Hatchery). Give your head a shake.
  12. hahahaha
  13. Opener is probably the worst time to target steelhead Something about catching beat up kelts that's just not too appealing.
  14. Nice thick fish, but nowhere near 20lbs.
  15. There is a difference between introduced and invasive species.
  16. Seems like some people have nothing better to do but complain. Anyone tried actually going fishing?
  17. Enjoy those lake ontario lakers. mmmmm
  18. Some people have nothing better to do. Thanks for sharing, great fish.
  19. Kind of funny how you complain about the city folk and crowds and then go about posting an internet report of your home river.
  20. Internet hero reports ruined the east all together. True steelheaders learned to keep quiet a long time ago.
  21. heres a solution to your problem.... buy an auger
  22. wow the water out east is low. those fish have nowhere to run.
  23. Awesome fish.
  24. Don't see what the new hype is of people taking pics of every shaker they catch?
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