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Everything posted by Syn

  1. GCD: You're using 2400-4000 watts My little 245ds is using 800-100watts at most. Its nice to have multi beam, that sure covers a lot of area compared to the 83hz cone I use. I still wish for a really good sidebeam. In 30ft of water I doubt my cone will show any more than a 10ft diameter "circle". I think I make much more noise than the fishfinder. Turning it off also saves the battery when I'm anchored. I wish I could be fishing where you don't have to worry about noise and drop shot and catch bass in 20-30ft of water directly underneath you. Realistically though the places I go are pressured lakes and often the bass I catch have holes in their mouths from being caught before, generally neutral fish with a few very active ones this year). I like worming on the bottom for those neutral fish. I tried dropshotting before but I got bored easily, but I'll kep trying it. Dropshotting would be lethal if I found a group of bass hanging out. Probably at Gpool in 50ft. I'm more into spinnerbaits so a fishfinder showing me directly underneath the boat is not very useful other than looking at depth and structure.
  2. lol Dave's face in the last pic. http://www.goddesscruise.com/SeaSick.htm Natural remedies: Eating peppermint in conjunction with ginger and drinking coke/pepsi for some people.
  3. one blade or two ---who cares, as long as you can get them for cheap. hehe can't wait to try them out next week.
  4. But how deep were the fish. If they were in say 40+ ft of water, would prop splashing even matter?
  5. imo yes sonar pinging in shallow water does spook and/or irritate some species like bass (I don't think pike spook as easily, because I seem to catch the majority of them within 10ft of the boat and often see them striking the lure). As the other poster noted, we probably spook them much more by thumping around in the aluminum boat and chucking in the concrete anchor instead of letting it go slowly, outboard motor driving too close to where you are going to fish instead of drifting in. There are theories blaming US Subs for beached dolphins who's only escape from the loud power sonar was by getting out of the water. I use the fish finder in less than 30ft of water as a bottom depth measuring tool and for checking for hard or soft weedy lake bottom. The beam is so narrow in 30ft of water that you essentially have to be directly over the fish to see the arch show on the screen. But I wish I had the money for a good side finder. I would find that more practical in shallow water under 30ft.
  6. Casually mention you bumped into Brad Pitt in the parking lot while unloading your boat and you heard rumors he's an avid muskie hunter and is usually out on the lake at midnight to avoid paparazzi.
  7. Maybe the front two spinners are making so much water turbulence that the back blades can't catch enough water to spin? or maybe the top two spinners when spinning are pressing the brass beads rearwards and this creates too much friction on the clevises of the back two spinners preventing them from spinning freely. Try soldering in place (or wedging a wood sliver) in the brass bead hole just above the rear two clevises so that there is some space between the rear clevis and the brass bead just above it.
  8. You're all fat!!!
  9. DO we have a sticky "introduce yourself" thread. I can't remember. Also splashhoppers post could be the first private message the new person receives from admin.
  10. guys I reported the useless post. Thats all thats needed. Please continue talking fishing. I use to fish at the pond at eglinton flats, caught pike, small largemouth there. But it was exceptional for fishing for panfish, sunfish and crappy using a thill bobber, 4lb test, ans worms. Good times with the ultralight rod.
  11. Syn

    here my 2c

    ok thanks, I suspected that was the culprit. I might have need of it soon for muskie fishing. I'd ask my buddy in Forensics to see if he can "unswirl" those pics above of the fish. lol j/k hmmm... " If you can postulate the degree of the swirl effect used. Entering the exact negative amount will yield and "un-swirled" picture as if it were new but slightly pixilated."
  12. Syn

    here my 2c

    Very cool fish pics. What program did you use to make the swirls?
  13. yep did it a few times, scared of sleeping in a tent because it offers no protection whatsoever. So sleeping bag needed for sure, and I had bug netting I taped over a partially opened window (2") for some air. Kept the car keys nearby just in case, bear or Jason, etc.
  14. You could get the length and height of your fish by taking a known measurement from the picture (say the distance between the center of you pupils) and by using a ruler and a math formula. a is measure between you pupils in the picture. photo aspect ratio must be not altered in printout or on screen. b is the measure of the length of the fish in the picture. divide a/b and you get a ratio. then measure the distance between your pupils in real life using a mirror or a buddy with the ruler. This will give you value c. so you have a/b=c/d. cross multiple and you get d the length of the fish. Use the same method to work out the figh height. You could also work out the length and height of the mouth using your thumbnail as value a. I painted small 5" intervals on my bass rod so I just hold my rod by the bass to get a quick measure. or just carry a tiny dollar store 3ft measuring tape in your pocket. Its keychain size.
  15. I don't expect much good bass fishing in metro lakes but imo Toronto Islands should be better because lake Ontario is much bigger. Also godd salmon fishing going on in the Humber river (and Credit river in Mississauga). http://www.wfn.tv/experts/protips/fishingtips114.html http://www.wfn.tv/experts/protips/fishingtips115.html http://www.dailyxy.com/lead-stories/the-tr...ing-in-toronto/ and http://www.fishingfury.com/tags/toronto/
  16. Accept yourself for who you are. People will name call other people because of their looks fat or skinny, pimple faced, old wrinkled skin, what clothes they wear, what car they drive, etc. You can't let them stop you from enjoying life. Life is too short to be stopped by someone name calling you. We've all experienced name calling at some point in our lives. or you can do like this guy and then maybe the name callers will be so freaked out that they'll be scared of you. Just totally freak out on them and yell at the top of you lungs while shaking your fists at them http://www.break.com/usercontent/2009/9/a-...ts-1201219.html
  17. I have one of those metal soap shaped things from Canadian tire that is made for taking off bad smells from hands. It works ok but not worth the price. or http://www.howtogetridofstuff.com/odor-rem...-of-fish-smell/ "Here are some tips to make washing more effective: * Use antibacterial detergent. Ordinary detergent works fine, but it may not be able to kill the germs and bacteria that come with the slime, water, and fish odors. Use antibacterial detergent if it's available. If you don't have antibacterial detergent, add a bit of alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to your detergent to give it antibacterial properties. * Keep the water running. Keeping the hot water tap turned on may sound like a waste of water, but it's more expensive to take your family and dinner guests to the hospital. As much as possible, use hot running water when you wash your hands and your cooking utensils to remove all the bacteria and the fishy smells. * Sanitize your boards. Don't forget to sanitize your boards after you have prepared the fish. Cutting boards can still harbor nasty bacteria and odors no matter how well you clean them. A capful of ordinary household bleach works best for sanitizing your chopping boards. Don't forget to rinse your boards well before storing them. Use Kitchen Ingredients Some common ingredients from your kitchen can also help remove fish smells: * Lemons. Lemons are not only great for cooking; they can also help remove the stinky fishy smell on your hands when you prepare fish. A couple of halves of lemons soaked in water make for a great way to rinse your hands after preparing fish. You can also use lemon wedges and lemon juice as an ingredient to help enhance the flavor of the fish, and remove unappealing odors and flavors while cooking it. * Baking soda. Plain baking soda can help take away not only the slimy residue when you prepare fish, but can also help remove odors. It also helps to keep an open box of baking soda inside your refrigerator or freezer compartment if you store fresh fish. (For other baking soda uses, read 75 extraordinary uses for baking soda) * Vinegar. Like lemons, vinegar is a great way to remove fishy smells from your hands when you handle or prepare fresh fish. Cane vinegar is OK, but it's best to use distilled white vinegar for washing your hands. You can also add vinegar to some fish dishes to remove the fishy odor and taste. "
  18. Lactic acid is actually muscle fuel, contrary to popular belief.
  19. Great pic and a healthy looking fish. Did you get a measurement? Hard to tell from that angle. Over 44"??
  20. lamest topics ever. Hoping it was muskie talk, live bait quick strike vs lift off rig vs other rigs, which have better hooking percentages vs fish mortality.
  21. That video does not show him fighting the fish from a first person perspective (holding a rod and reeling in and watching it jump from eye level, etc) so how can you even compare what I was trying to achieve to his video. He has to bring the fish into view of the camera (its a 3rd person view) and hope for the best because he can't see what he's filming. I'm focusing on filming the fish as if the viewer is the person fishing. When you have a camera mounted to your head or shoulder, etc and later watch the video at home you feel like you are the one participating first hand. That was what I was trying to achieve. Also with the camera sitting there I can't tell exactly what it is capturing because the LCD screen is on the other side of the camera. If I wanted to film myself holding the fish yeah then the timer is useful, but useless for a FPS view. lol Must be a full moon out or coming soon. I seem to attract them. Heres an example of FP fishing at chest level. I like filming better at eye level because it looks better and much less shaky.
  22. I wanted to film video of fighting a fish and landing it from a first person perspective while having both my hands free. The self timer is useless for that. The camera mount did work really well at doing steady panning shots of the scenery too.
  23. Built this last winter while watching a fishing show on TV and wishing it was summer and I was fishing from a boat. I tried it a few times and had some fun with it but it is not a serious camera setup but awesome if you like the FPS view in games. Parts: Lightweight camera that has the standard tripod mount hole with thread. fishing cap about 15" cut coat hanger wire (you decide on this distance based on your focal length) 1 bolt that matches the camera tripod thread 2 washers 1 nut 1 lock washer 1 1/2" paper clip (the one you squeeze to open) 2 pieces of 1/8" thick rubber for the clip (helps improve grip while preventing it faling off or leaving a mark on your cap) Put together as shown in the pics Camera in the storage position. You could use a thin elastic band around the top part of the cap to ensure it does not fall off in case you forget its there. Here is a side view of the down position, I adjusted the bolt so that the camera in the down position ends up in a vertical position and does not allow for camera swinging forwards and backwards. Also I tightened my cap strap tighter for a more secure fit and angled the cap up a bit to offset the weight of the camera wanting to pull the cap down from the front. This is the view from your skull. I adjusted the distance of the wire so that the camera is far enough in front so I can see what I'm filming but not too close so as to block my field of vision to a great degree. Also I like how the camera record button is on the right side. Picassa program has a button for automatically turning video sideways (right side up) so no messy conversion steps. View from the left side Close up of the bolt, washers and nut Close up of clip with rubber Note: you may want to put this on your cap once you are way out on the lake and away from people giving you strange looks. lol
  24. Possibly? http://www.go-marine.com/coast/do/catalog/...p;search=gluvit Don's Trailer Service 7-350 Shirley Ave , Kitchener ON, n2b 2e1 519-743-1162
  25. I had what I think was a small muskie strike a white senko on Balsam. I use to get a few catches of 20-30" pike on sparrow using yellow floating power worm. Both times I was fishing for bass. This was before I got addicted to spinnerbait pike fishing.
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