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Everything posted by blarg

  1. So because the mnr might not have the perfect start of season date it's ok to purposefully catch fish out of season..i didn't know that.
  2. So because the mnr might not have the perfect start of season date it's ok to purposefully catch fish out of season..i didn't know that.
  3. Ruin it how? By not taking a picture of an oos musky or by not showing it? Maybe she's a better sportsman (woman) than you are, maybe not, but either way, strange comment.
  4. I can't say for sure in this particular situation, but those differences in direction are certainly possible. That said, other than this past week with the nice days we've had the forecast hasn't been right for North Bay for more than 3hrs at a time, it's been particularly bad this year imo.
  5. Nice fish there, I caught a couple about 22-23 ins yesterday and another about 20, im catching more big fish than anything on Nipissing this year.
  6. ive been using a quantum catalyst pti for a long time now, maybe 6 years caught lots of big pike with it, and it even survived me taking it apart to clean and lubricate it, best spining reel ive owned, and there have been a few others that i wore out in less than a season on those same big pike.
  7. You sound like a brianwashed liberal, oh, and when was the last time you saw a flock of osprey? silly comparison, think for yourself.
  8. I wonder what all of the steaks and hamburgers and pork chops think of statements like these. You do know how most of our for food animals are raised and killed right? If not maybe you should check it out. What about all those fish that are held out of the water for photos while they suffocate? Or the ones that are released back into the water to suffer a slow death perhaps while being picked apart by other predators...how cruel of us. Im sure you have never caught a young fish that was hooked too deep and died...you must be special. By all accounts the seal population is in no danger, and making a distinction based upon the age of an animal is absolutely ridiculous, you think those year old pigs wanted/deserved to die any more than a few days old wild animal that hasn't been kept in a cage standing in its own feces and pumped full of chemicals for it's short life? Also, your views on the inuit are completely wrong, they did at one time use all of the animal, that is no longer the case, i've seen it first hand. It's quite clear you've been drinking the liberal urbanite koolaid for too long. Frankly its saddening to see comments like these from a sportsman, what we do to fish is no different than what a hunter does to a deer or a sealer to a seal, you may choose to believe that it's different, but you're simply wrong. It's life and death, we are the apex predator, we use animals for all sorts of things and have for a very very long time, there is nothing wrong with that as long as it's sustainable. In most parts of this country people are still close enough to there environment to understand that, the endless suburb that is southern Ontario has unfortunately become disconnected leading to views like yours imo. Finally I would suggest you look into the european fur industry, or veal, or even bull fighting! perhaps you will see that this is all politics and maybe you will switch your brand of kool aid.
  9. according to the animal shelter where i got him thats exactly the mix my dog has too, though my fella weighs in a 160lbs so maybe there something else in there, he's a very good dog, couldn't ask for better from an animal his size, congrats im sure you'l have a blast with her.
  10. Another uncomfortable day on nippising, i was hoping to get out in the morning, i might anyway, but the east end of the lake will be boiling no doubt, i need better timed days off. I haven't been out since the season opened, the weather has been pretty terrible at times.
  11. I agree that would be the best idea(not drinking), but this is pretty ridiculous, How can you have 2 legal limits? That is effectively what we have now. It seems to me the gov't is trying to have it both ways, they want almost zero tolerance (which id be fine with) while still allowing people to drink some and not pissing off the bar and restaurant owners too much. When this got into the news last year it was being said at that time, that if you get a warning and a suspension you still wouldn't have a criminal record because the legal limit is .08, but your insurance company would get a report of your warning and your insurance would triple or more. How can it be legal to punish people with fines and what not when they haven't gone over the legal limit? or then again have they?, is .05 the new limit? It's a pretty strange law imo. If the gov't is serious about reducing drinking and driving why don't they just lower the legal limit from .08 to .05 or lower?
  12. I don't see a problem with taking a pic of your pb fish, regardless of when you caught it, but you should always be fast about it, wether its spawn time or not. But honestly, I don't understand the need that some people have to take pictures of every fish they catch, have we all not caught many average size fish of whatever species before? You want to post a picture on the forum or wherever fine, but really, how many 15" smallmouth pics do some people have? Spare the fish the trouble and release it right away imo, especially if its oos. I have been very lucky to spend hour upon hour catching big northerns on great slave lake, I have one picture, wasn't my camera and i didn't ask for it to be taken, its a nice pic and a cool reminder of those days, but, a 15lb pike for the most part looks like all the other 15lb pike..., tho it would have been nice to have the camera for the 25lber
  13. Its in incredible in Ontario, with there being so much gov't regulation to begin with, that some people want to be held even tighter to the bosom of the nanny state. Tax Grab, period.
  14. I remember a day I spent casting at Atlantic salmon for a couple hours at the same spot on a river, trying every different technique i knew, while i was fairly young I wasn't that inexperienced. In any case I had basicaly given up and while chating to another fisherman on the bank i was lazily casting upstream with a wet fly and not really paying attention. I watched my fly sink down to the bottom in front of a group of 4 salmon, the fly snagged on the bedrock, as i was about remedy the snag i watched the largest of the 4 fish swim upstream a few feet and literally pick my fly off of the bottom. I was pretty dumbstruck by this, i did manage to set the hook but the fish went pretty crazy, jumped a half dozen times, nearly on to the opposite bank, and broke me off, it was a decetn fish, probably 13-15lbs. The other fisherman was equally suprised. What this fish did was about the opposite of what i was taught that salmon were supposed to do, goes to show you never know.
  15. So, despite the fact that the registry does nothing to prevent crime it increases overall safety? Well thats logical. "if you dont commit the crime you have nothing to fear." Except of course the eventual confiscation of your firearms and the demise of sport hunting. Might be ok with most liberal city dwellers, but then what the heck do they know about anything outside of the city?
  16. if your against killing a wild dangerous animal that is in close proximity to people then i assume your against the killing of any animal or fish for that matter, in the end it is just an animal with no more value than a cow which we kill by the millions every year. i choose people over the cougars or the bears.
  17. Im happy with mine overall, its a 16ft crestliner fishhawk, with the 60hp four stroke and the heavy vynl flooring which i like alot, and even with the 60 it can be a bit slow to plane when all 4 seats in the are filled, so i was happy to get it over the 50. If i had to do it again and had a bit more cash id get a 17ft or a bit more, cant have too much space, especially with a couple of kids slinging lures..and probably a full winshield, other than that its been a good buy.
  18. thanks for the replies, i figure its likely no big deal, but it was bugging me.
  19. its a mercury 4 stroke 50, and the shaking is very slight
  20. Hey, im having a couple of small issues with my boat, its a new crestliner fishhawk, the first issue is i have quite alot of play in the steering before the engine starts to move, its a safe-t model, and my outboard shakes a little on idle, i didnt notice this when it was brand new but i know ive seen it on other outboards. So, would anyone know where or how i could find info on how to adjust the steering, and is the slight shake anything to worry about or can i tighten it. thanks
  21. Unsightly? if i can still turn the lights on and still go fishing can put up with alot of windmills.
  22. thanks for all the replies, i bought some more pp and am going to respool my spinning rod, this is my second go around with flourocarbon, maybe 10lb is to heavy for my reel idk, but i tried 10lb vanish with lots of twists and loops, went back to 10lb trilene xt with no probs, figured hey maybe i had a bad batch of floro, tried it again with the same result. So for now back to pp and im going to pickup a lighter action rod for my baitcaster and try tossing the light baits with it.
  23. hey guys, i was wondering how light could i go with lures and a baitcasting setup, id like to get away from spining as much as possible. I started with a baitcaster for the first time this year and im tired of the line twists with my spinning gear, now i know that spinning gear has its uses, often with lighter baits. But i have a fairly large spinning reel, its a quantum pt series from a few years back, and with 10lb flouro carbon all i get is twists and line jumping off the reel, ive done all i can think of to reduce this, but to no avail. My baitcaster is great, with heavy lures, its a curado 201, the rod i think is the biggest issue as i bought a mh shimano compre, while i like the rod its just too stiif, i cant really load the rod well unless im using a heavy lure. So, im thinking of grabbing a medium weight rod, but before i did that i wanted to ask, if i want to cast light baits, even down to unweighted plastics, say 5" senkos with a baitcaster, what rod or rod reel combinations would i need, and would i need more than one class of rod and weight of reel for plastics to say 1/4-1/2 ounce baits. or should i just try to figure out my spinning reel issues.
  24. I drove in to vaughn mills from North bay a couple weeks back, and if you love to fish you gotta go to bps at least once. There was nothing i had ever seen or heard of that wasn't there, and about a million things that i hadn't seen, i didnt spend much, but it was worth the trip just to walk around it imo. We didnt go specifically for bps, my wife wanted to go shopping, and the mall has alot of stores for the ladies as well.
  25. while im not 100 percent sure and am too lazy to check, i dont believe anything is trucked to nain, its in a remote part of labrador. "The next they are giving out quotes at 3 times the price you would be charged whenever the government is buying something from them" that quote is very true, the companies doing the flying up there are milking it for all its worth, and we are paying for it. if there is gov't money to be had they will fly in almost any conditions at any time. they are all too happy to send two or three small aircraft into tiny communitiees everyday instead of one larger and more efficient flight a couple times a week. the inhabitants dont mind obviously, but if you live in a remote area you shouldnt expect the same type of service you recieve in southern canada. you would be amazed at the number of flights in and out of these places daily.
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