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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. Can't really help you but I haven't had a blackberry that didn't screw up on me weekly. Including my new bold.
  2. haha been there (1st fish-a-thon) We may need to figure something out if we have a ton of boats. But don't worry, everything we be figured out and it will run very smooth, I hope We wanted a date set early this year and we will worry about the details in the next couple months.
  3. I will have my buddy Matt in my boat, my wife and my Dad. My tinnie might be full as well. Hopefully someone can drive back to the cottage
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYpydtdlWxA
  5. BUDDDDDYYYYY!!!!! 16 confirmed Fish-a-thon'rs so far
  6. Hope you can make it, It would be great to meet you. BTW your baits looked amazing last year
  7. Not much of a difference than putting a hook in a minnow or worm
  8. We already have more participants than the first year! For anyone that would like to join but doesn't have a boat, canoe or anything let us know. We can most likely arrange something.
  9. Isn't 55% - 60% the normal percentage for inside a house
  10. Done
  11. Enter that into the WFN contest for March
  12. bump
  13. I get spares for the work vehicles at a local shop. They did the chipped ones no problem for around $40
  14. Speak for yourself
  15. Back to the VHF talk. What is the difference between an 8 foot antenna for $50 and an 8 foot antenna for $100? I was at BPS shopping for them and couldn't figure out the difference.
  16. The perch would be killer for pike
  17. The only rod good enough for that is a Spiel rod, otherwise I agree with DanC
  18. That's not much bigger than mine
  19. repost is fine, that story is always great to watch
  20. Can't wait!
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