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Everything posted by jwl

  1. being an older motor, if you do run at that mix and check the plugs and they still seem a bit fouled up, this could be a couple other things too.....could be your idle speed adjuster,run the motor at a slow trolling speed and neutral for a few minutes and see if wants to kick out on ya, then make adjustments higher or lower from there until you can get it to run at a nice low speed and not want to stall out on you, or else the lean/rich adjustment on the motor as well, you may have to fiddle around with them a bit as well, make tiny adjustments and run the boat for a bit, keep trying a couple different positions until you feel/hear changes in the motor and fine tune it up a bit, keep in mind is is an old motor and it will burn oil, you get used to the yummy blue smoke after a while, if you look like this at the end of the day , job well done
  2. currently I use a 1976 Evinrude 9.9 on my tinner....sure that may sound pretty old but it's a pretty die hard little motor and runs like a champ...I mix it 40:1 all the time, runs like a top..I always just make sure I get an even amount of litres of gas for mixing it easier..no guess work...don't scrimp[ on the oil either just because it's an older smaller motor , I always buy good TCW111 rated oil for both my boats, a coupl,e extra bucks on oil is a heck of alot better than a couple hundred repairing warn engine parts.
  3. ccmt.....if what you are doing is putting together some stuff that has to do with a tonne of different aspects about fishing. I have a few pretty cool photos of me helping the MNR catch and tag walleye, collecting hatchery stock for a local walleye enhancement project I help with for the last couple years. I am currently helping to raise walleye fry in a stocking pond..we plan to net out the pond and bring the minnow sized fry to a designated area for stocking in the next couple weeks...we get little micro sized just hatched fry, kinda of the size of little mosquito wrigglers, and raise them in the pond for about 6 weeks until they get about the size of an average shiner..then they have to be removed from the pond because at this stage they are getting too big to feed on the plankton and will start to eat each other.
  4. well cool going on the fish, another week and a day and it's all fair game. I was bummed to find out that opener wasn't this weekend ...for like a month or so now I been thinking this weekend was opener...not looking at the day/date but looking at it like 1st saturday in June...well I thought tommorrow was first Saturday in June My wife reminded me that it was next week and broke me the bad news that this Saturday was still May, and also pionted out shortly there after in the "team thread" when I was hoping to put us on the board with a nice one after tommorrow...oh well , another week...gives me some time to do some scoutin over the next couple days. nice you have a spot like that where you can fish in the back yard, you never know when you are gonna get a huge one on
  5. if it's a light boat you are looking for that you can tow with a car so to speak, some tinners are pretty light, my 14 footer Legend Ultralite only weighs about 240lbs, just the boat, put the motor on and load up with fishin gear and you are probably still at only about 400lbs..I think just the boat..no motor or trailer brand new comes in at about 1500 bucks or so now,I had mine for 5 years now, it's the main boat I use at my camp since I left it there, and used it at home tonnes for some smaller water fishin, it's a good little boat..also comes in a 12 footer version, but with the 14 there lots of space for fishin gear and a couple people, 2 people can just pop it in the water pretty much any where you want....even lots of bigger boats do not weigh all that much. You would be surprized really even some boat packages do not weight that much depending on the towing capacity of your vehicle, I also have a Legend Viper..boat and motor come in at about 1000lbs together, has been towed with a car before without not much trouble.
  6. but wiggles around a little more when you eat it
  7. don't let the bugs scare ya off of some good fishing...the black flies been pretty bad in the Central Hastings region where I have been going, pretty much smack dab in the middle of the Kawarthas and Ottawa...2 weeks ago it was brutal, this week not too bad..but then again when the blackflies start to go away, that's when the skeeters come out...then ya get a mixed bag of blackflies bugging ya all day, then the skeeters bugging you all night
  8. wow what a great little piece of family history there. It would be great to go back to those simpler times. That's pretty cool that you have a bit of the history that comes along with the photo, thanks for sharing
  9. could have been an incidental musky..you would be surprized some times that they aren't hooked..I have fought a few right up to the boat only to find out they weren't even hooked, they can have some pretty tough mouths, specially the really big ones. I have had a couple that I thought where on anyways, get right to the boat then they just open thier mouths and out pops the lure, they weren't even hooked, just chomped down on the lure and too stubourn to let it go. I also preffer to use lures that are not loaded with 3 big trebles for musky fishin, I use alot of big spinner bait style lures, or when using big body baits I take the middle hook off. I don't like the way all the trebles damage the fish when they smash a bait, and when you start dealing with fish in the 50 incher range or so..big teeth plus a bunch of big hooks can spell trouble. It is kind of funny that you mentioned that your kid was blaming you for losing his fish though, might not let you live that one down for a while now
  10. a minnow, that way when ya croak at least you will be doing something you love when it's time to head to the big white bucket in the sky.......FISHIN'
  11. maybe some of these guys are kinda new into the fishing thing...they come on the board, see some of the great success stories many have, and they hear every where product names..like Rapala for example...and are really trying to find out which products many people use, and think they gotta load up with everything that's "all the rage" out there in hope of being able to one day catch that big one. Half the crap in the fishing isle is just that in my opinion, they make it all flashy to catch the "fishermen" or perhaps rope in everyone that might buy a gift for someone they know that's a fishin nut. Everyone has thier choice baits that keep thier success rates high but come on..way too many bells and whistles on some stuff on the market, and I have yet to ever see a bright pink with purple and green poka dotted baitfish swimming around ever, and I do a heck of alot fishin and catching my own bait It's easy to get 100 ppl on a forum board and someone to come up with the notion that when a product gets named a whole bunch of times that soemone is trying to pull off a marketting ploy...in the world of fishing and with some of the vast knowledge of all different topics on the board, I don't really think Rapala has to try and lure ya in. That's the same as say me mentioning the fact that I have 2 different model Legend boats, one with a Merc, one with an Evinrude..I certainly ain't getting no kickbacks from any of those companies for that..as a matter of fact all those companies have cost me thousands of dollars some of the 'all gung ho guys" asking the questions probably look up to many here because of the great posts, the respects and freindships that can be forged along the way....some of the great values people share together, as well as the many successfull fishing tales and pics along the way..just perhaps over eager to learn....we where all like that at one time...just many of us have started since we where small children, and have had countless great adventures along the way.
  12. looks like a good potential feed there for sure, couple real nice ones in the mix
  13. hey good luck on the mission, hope you get into some real hogs, will try my best for the team too starting Sunday morning, heading to camp Saturday night for a couple days. Wis I knew I was on the team the last few days, just got back yesterday, got a decent pike that would have made a welcome for our team. Should be getting pretty nice out Temagami way this time of year.....go deep all the way if you are trying to find good numbers of eyes, that seems toi be the pattern at alot of places so far this season, for example this time of eyar at my trailer I generally try and fish them in like 8-9 fow , this year that pattern is a little behind and the good numbers are being caught in like 25-30 fow. Have a ball, will wait for some pics when ya get back
  14. gotta love that, I can do the same thing at my trailer..this last couple days..shore was bettere than going out in the boat for me anyways...go figure...thanks for sharing the great pics...sounds like you got youyr own little chunk of paradise happening there
  15. I am due for a good 60 incher this year..that's about the sure fire way I know I will beat my PB...man I make it hard on myself over the years . You need to figure a time this year you can get up Hellfish, we will make the best of it..if it's musky hunting then I will make sure the bigger boat is up there for more comfy travels if we put a few miles into the quest
  16. looks like a great day on the water, a good mixed bag and a bit of friendly competition along the way..nothing like a good day on the water ended with a big chow down like you guys where cooking up there
  17. always a thrill when that happens for sure, I have had a musky come and hammer a smallie I was fighting before in the Niagara River, the bass was crushed big time!!!, have also had a big pike come after fish hanging off the side of the boat on a stringer...that scared the crap out of me and my buddy floating on the lake all quietly . I was fighting a hammer handle pike before and had a huge one maybe like 30lbs come out after it..it never hit it but stopped to check out the commotion for a while. I kept one musky a few years back to get a mount done, it had a big lumpin it'sbeely so for curiosity sake at the taxidermist we checked it out...it had a 15 1/2 inch catfish inside.. Would love to get some of that action on film like a couple of the pics...I hope you guys got a good thrill out of that and the big onescome out to play some more after opener
  18. nice pics, hope this season fares you well too
  19. nice to see the little speckies like that, little rooster tail type spinners always work pretty good for those guys..I try to use ones that have brown hair on them, seems to work pretty good and gold colour patterns
  20. could be worse...gas right now is still a bit cheaper then it was a couple years ago..and that really didn't put a stop to my trips to camp and using the boats..not gonna this year either..maybe costs an extra 20 bucks a trip here and there if that when going out..maybe at the most 5 bucks more for the trip for boat gas...the way i figure it if I am going out fishing for the day or making a fishing mission up to my camp...if 5 to 20 bucks is gonna put a big hault on my asdventures then i got worse problems then putting gas in the car or boat
  21. hey it works, right now using my 14 footer, I don't have my dock in yet either, I built a little A-frame a few years ago just to pull the boat in an out of the water with, works great for the little boat,onlytakes one person to shove it around, and i use it all the time when i am not at camp..don't like leaving my boat tied to the dock when i amnot up incase a storm bashes it against the dock or it fills with water. As for the fishin...I had better luck from shore this week on my trip than in the boat...it happens from time to time ..main thing is keeping the skunks out...my Viper we got new 5 years ago right out of the box and it has never seen a skunk day yet...The 14 footer got that same year in the winter for $200 bucks off(just the boat) no motor or trailer, and it hasn't let me down either...even it you pull off a last minute rock bass on the way in...still counts as a no skunk day
  22. Steve-Fishmaster's is a great guy to get out with if you are looking for some real brutes, he knows his stuff out there
  23. great report and pics...awesome way to show the rugged north country right from the fly-in to the beauty fish in the pics, looks like a great hardcore fishing adventure to me...some real pig pike there.
  24. hope all gets fixed up for you no problem..if you call the dealership about the warranty issue,I am curious to see what they cover if the boat is already a few years old. I have a Legend Viper, has a lifetime/leakproof for life warranty but I am pretty sure that warranty is for the main hull seem, and if you look at the warranty it starts off 100% coverage then gradually decreases over time to 90% then 80% and so on...good luck with the fix
  25. couple more days you will, heading back out Saturday night for a couple days
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