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Everything posted by jwl

  1. right on, that's a great day out...funny you mentioned the "never get skunked spot", I got a couple spots like that and I always feel the pressure is on when I bring someone to the spot I see you had nothing to worry about there, your spot paid off pretty good, and you got to show off to your dad, can't beat that for the day
  2. now that sounds alot more fun than staying home with my little one making 4 colours of home made play dough today ..we had planned to take the kids to a big park toboganning all day today a couple weeks back, but all the snow melted since then Awesome report, the kids will remember fun times like that forever, I see you are not new to taking the kids out on an adventure.....if the fish aren't biting it doesn't take long before you start hearing..."I'm hungry"......" me too,can we have a drink?"....."I cold!"..and so on. Looks like you had more than those bases covered
  3. used to do that all the time when I was a little kid, if we rode our bikes to a fishing hole, and started running out of bait,if we where keeping a few fish to bring home we would do that, first was the eyes, then little belly strips. I have also used belly strip from perch as a sort of "jig'npig" or"sluggo" kind of baits for pike fishing,it's awesome watching the white strip go through the water, then a green flash and no more bait....set the hook and ya..hoooo!!!
  4. right on, gotta love that right in your back yard. I love spring pike fishin, I do lots of foishing off my dock at camp with a slip float and big chubs for pike it's alot of fun, you got some real pigs there what happened to your tourney entry???
  5. right on, I am sure that will prove to be a great fishing machine for you..can you smell the musky snot on the carpet already?
  6. we have a sort of imaginary boundry....for example below the 401 and 402 is considered VHS possitive, and you are not supposed to transport bait from this area to above the 401-402 considered to be the VHS negative zone this has been in place for a couple years now another example of this is a walleye stocking program I am part of..since VHS was a big issue a couple eyars ago, when ti was determinined that our brood stock came from VHS possitive waters, we had to change the location of where we stocked our fish to what is also declared "possitive" waters, the same things are in effect for this seaosn as well..my 3rd year on the project but the MNR is also going to suppliment this year with 5000 fry from "negative" supplies and stock then where we used to stock them in the "negative" zone as a boost to the program Same issues where also raised in the US pertaining to tournamant fishing ect where as the tourney might be held in one state but partcicpants fishing in the same body of water, but in a different state, there where issues surrpounding what they called "transporting" fish from state to another state ect...
  7. those are cool pics, love the way the camera captures the action alos cool to see the wood ducks in the other pics, I am a trustee for a conservation club and we build and set out wood duck nesting boxes in a few areas, I have yet to see on, but did have good sings this season when we went to check and clean them..there where 2 hatched eggs there;s litterally hundreds of water fowl right now on the upper Niagara by my place.
  8. nice fishin..you guys must be the first people to say a chunky little pike like that is only 3lbs , it's really probably bigger than that..even a nice chunky 26 incher for example is pushing 5-7 lbs
  9. gotta love it..open water fishing in the lake and ice sports all in the same report nice looking fish, shows ta go ya that you just never know until you get out there fishing
  10. I agree man,,,good job, sucks about your hut, but way to go for being someone who took the responsibility for it and got out there to clean it up
  11. that was pretty funny, the guy knew it might bite him...lucky he got off with just that There's been the odd big snapping turtle hanging out at my dock in the summer I wouldn't want to tangle with....have had a few nice walleye eaten off my stringer as well...be sitting around camp having a few brews, hear a big comotion down at the dock, go down to find only the head of my fish left, or just in time to see the turtle trying to run of with my fish.
  12. you could always just make your own at home and put this in it.....
  13. could always change it to a trout fishin trip
  14. soft water?...whatcha 'all talkin about, I been fishing softwater a couple days a week since November pretty much
  15. my trailer on Moira Lake..12th season now The view from my patio...
  16. right on that's cool then, if you feel they captured your fish better than you had expected, Thanks for sharing your take on that, I wondered what your point of view was on it when you got it back...it is a great replica no doubt and you must have been proud of that trophy when you CPRed it for sure. I was wondering how the mount compared to "the real deal" to you from your pics. Thanks a bunch , I have also seen alot of work ranging from the most detailed scale by scale painting of the finished product you could see...actually one of the coolest mounts I ever saw was a stringer full of black crappies winding down a tree branch..there was 6 or 7 fish on it, the detail was amazing..all the colours, every little dot, reflection of colour ect captured in the work...fish like that are probably some of the hardest to do of all because of all the colourations.....then other the other end of the scale I have also seen some mounts of fish like salmon that just look like someone spray painted the whole thing silver and added some black dots on it. You must be super happy that you finally got your mount after a long wait
  17. that is a nice fish, a good size by the looks of it in anyone's book specially for a white crappie. I am not trying to be one of those guys that always dumps on everyone's posts Just wondering something....do you have a pic of the original fish to compare it with????, I am only asking because to me...the replica does not very well replicate the true colour patterns of a white crappie, or even a black crappy for that matter.....it's not detailed enough with all the little dots of dark and lighter colours on the scale patterns ect....don't take this the wrong way..that is a great fish you caught, and a great choice you made to let the fish go and get a replica mount made. I just personaly think the detail and thought wasn't put into the finished product, I realize when you noted that the pic does it no justice..but I have seen some mounts by small independant taxidermists that put 1000 times more effort into the details of the fish. again, I am not trying to stir the pot...just an observation, that's why I asked if you had a pic of the original to compare it to
  18. lots of guys will bleed the fish if they plan on not keeping them alive until they fillet them up.....some guys just grab 2 fingers under the gills and snap thier heads back until they pop other guys will take a knife a stick the fish through the heart to bleed it out
  19. then that would fall under the exception to the rule and there is no open or closed season or liscnece required to fish there as well. I know someone who looked into this before, I was going to answer some points but a couple people beat me to it earlier. As long as the pond is completely on private property and there are no creeks, or adjoining waters that fill it up it does not fall under most MNR rules. However, like stated you are not supposed to go out and catch fish to stock your own pond...do do so requires a permit from the MNR or else the fish have to be bought from a hatchery. You would be surprized though if the pond is in proximity to other water ways and is frequented by water fowl or wading birds often sunfish and bass eggs for example are transferred from the birds and after a few years there is a population of fish in the pond
  20. yepper, warranty on Mercs is transferrable to the next "non commercial" purchaser they just need to send the registry card in again to transfer the warranty into thier name The marina may even do that for you, at least they will point you in the right direction to do so. I have the booklet for my Merc right here at my desk with my paperwork for my boat
  21. right on man, that thing is huge, and to boat it by himself is a whole other feat right there I have caught a couple muskies into the lower/mid 50 incher range and even with help was a task getting them in,my 3 biggest ones never even came into my hand,no pics, no nothing, 2 where released at the side of my dock with a quick flick of the plyers, and one on the bank of the Upper Niagara while like 10 people stood there like this when I got it to shore, knelt down and popped my jig out without even handling the fish at all. I have been in the boat by myself and hooked and lost a couple I wouldn't want to deal with at boat side anyways being solo There is a big difference between a 3 footer one many people catch in the K system than fish getting into the 30-40lber range. Thanks for sharing the post and the link
  22. I personally.."legal" or not would never consider a fish caught "around" the mouth a legal fish
  23. saving my cash for the Niagara show in April, helping keep a friend company at his custom rod booth for the couple days
  24. that is a huge bass and I realize in some places there are different regs than here what bugged me was comments like...."get out there every day during the spawning season" and also the fact that they retained a snagged fish to bring it in and get weighed ect on a rope....if that where here in Ontario, soon as the fish was put on a stringer, that's an illegally kept snagged fish 25lbs sure is one honkin bucket for sure
  25. perhaps these ones as well
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