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Everything posted by trophypikehunter

  1. I use sardines and mackerel for bait and I believe the rule is "you cant use a game fish to catch a game fish"....
  2. Last year I was ice fishing in Cooks Bay and I spotted this guy, I was in 18fow and was able to get a picture with my digital camera to me it looked HUGH compared to others I was in a hut rental and I guess the last to use it through some dead fish down the hole cause thats what this guy was after and he carried it off too..
  3. There great if your walking but the only down side is the wind, even when it is well anchored anything above 35-40 km and fishing is no longer enjoyable, the hut wants to fly away and thats a pretty expensive Kite.. I just purchased a 3 Man Frabill Excursion from BP it weighs around 100lb so you have to be in shape to pull it but they say its meant for guys on foot... Good Luck!
  4. The Police were out today and will be out tomorrow as well.
  5. The Police have open the Bay and are letting people out but are asking to keep an eye out and call if they see anything. The Police were checking shoreline property this morning on the East side here in Keswick..
  6. From what the news said it was 3 men in a boat that flipped and only 2 were wearing life jackets the other life jacket was spotted floating in the water.. The police boat is still out there this morning..
  7. Search and Rescue is actively looking for 1 missing boater at this time out in Cooks Bay, and they just called for divers over the police scanner..
  8. :worthy: Taro "Fish City"
  9. Thanks everybody!! For three years I roamed the waters in search of the forty, my search has ended.. now for the 50!!!
  10. I started the 2010 Pike season with one goal, and that was to score a 40+ incher and I did!! Thanks to Taro from "Fish City Tours" who put me on big Pike all day, I tried for 3 years here in Cooks Bay to score a 40 but 36-37inch was all I could do..
  11. I've done a little research on Simcoe Musky and between 1868 and 1904 they were commercial fished and after 1904 the sale of muskie was prohibited. There was also alot of poaching in the Holland Marsh during the spawn which was difficult to control.. In the 1930's pike became abundant and took over.. In the last 4 years of Pike fishing exclusively in Cook's Bay I have caught a few hundred pike and this July I scored a 7lb walleye but have yet to see a Musky.. The picture shows 3 Musky that had been seized from poachers in the Holland Marsh the musky weighed between 38-42 pounds
  12. Nice Fish Bud!! glad I could assist...
  13. I can speak Mandarin so when I pass by a Chinese Angler I'm able to have a little chat about the days catch and the smile on there face is hugh guess there surprised a redneck can speak there language..... Hello in Chinese is - Knee-how.........
  14. Great Job out there Alex anytime you need the 411 on Cooks Bay pike drop me a PM.....
  15. I kayaked back to Tom Thomson Lake for 2 days and scored some smallies... You have to go through hell to get to heaven....
  16. The last few weeks I've lost a few at the boat but I dont mind cause they STINK! if its an average size pike I dont really need the picture, I got lots of those.... I use a Muskie rod and Reel and 50lb pp, I dont horse the fish but I say when its time
  17. Thanks guys for the advice but I think I might buy some bright orange construction pylons, I want to catch fish not an assault charge :lol
  18. I was out fishing for pike today and a sledder came through my area doin mac 1 and ran over one of my tip-ups this isnt the first time they've come close to my gear and even when I place an object like a green propane tank or my gas auger in front of the tip-up they still come zipping through I guess I need to rope off the area, any suggestions.... oh and I lost 2 pike at the hole...
  19. I was there the first week of july and caught a bunch of smallies on a white spinnerbait Good luck...
  20. I'm taking a day trip to the Park tomorrow for some kayaking, I will be bringing my rod but I'm more focused on kayaking and taking photos does anyone have a suggestion as to what lake I should try, I thought about starting at Source Lake and onto Bruce, then Raven I would like to keep to the west side of the park between Tea lake and Lake of Two Rivers, thanks all
  21. For the last 7 days I've been pike fishing and I notice alot of boats with stringers full of pike and I noticed last nite a group of shore fishermen with coolers and everything they caught they kept, for the benifit of the doubt will say everyone was with in there limit, well here's my question what if we all limited out every time we fished would there be any fish left and what would it be like in 5 years? the last 7 days I caught 28 pike all be it 3 of those days I could of taken 6 home here on Simcoe but I dont keep any and it makes me angry when I see everybody else not practicing C&R I'm not saying throw everything back but limit your catch, almost makes me not want to fish anymore maybe I just need to get over it cause things might not ever change
  22. You can find me on Cook's Bay(but I hope you dont) searching for that 40+ incher,
  23. Anybody know of any wholesale tackle companys in Canada or the U.S.A..... Thx Happy Easter!!
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