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Everything posted by trophypikehunter

  1. I use the Sherpa 250 it set me back about 100$$ and works great, easy to set-up and take down the only negative was its a bit heavy purchased at Henry's.....
  2. I live in Keswick and the drive can ba a hassel in the winter with blowing snow and people driving to the conditions, the 404 to 407 moves good once it turns to 3 lanes going southbound 404, the drive north in the evenings are at times really busy one minute your going 120 the next your doing 80 but it does move well most times, try to be on by 3:30pm, and remember the 404 is being extended to Ravenshoe rd in 2012 I think, good luck oh and if you see a black 06 montecarlo ss in the mirror move over TPH comming through......
  3. I have a creek chub from 1918 so I wont dare use that but I do use a white spinner bait tipped with a Mr.twisty or the biggest johnson silver minnow, coopper colour.. I'm heading out now so will post with the picture of my trophy if she decides to show up tonite......
  4. I've been catching them in 3 to 4 ft of water but anywhere in the bay will produce try just north of Crate's marina the next little inlet, it was the old Keiffer's marina that area is good, I've been using spinner baits my biggest landed in the last few weeks out there was a 35 incher but lost one well over that.. This passed weekend was the first time in weeks I got skunked.....Good luck
  5. Keswick is where I launch and I Kayak fish so no vhf radio
  6. I'll be out tomorrow morning aswell slamming big pike, the last 3 weeks have been awesome for me but just beaware it will be a war zone in the south end tomorrow morning due to duck hunting, Good luck......
  7. I'm targeting Pike in 4 feet of water in the Bay believe it or not, Sunday I scored a 34 incher....better luck next time men.....
  8. Cook's Bay is the spot!!! oh and just got back from Lebaron remind me to never go there again pls,,,,,
  9. Things are heating up here on Simcoe over the past few weeks I've been doing well in my kayak water temps are down and the big ones are moving in, aswell as those tasty perch but can never put the pike rod down long enough to fish for them anyway just got back in from kayak fishing planned to be out late but that was short lived I got into it with a beauty Pike and as I got her to the side of the kayak she shook and broke my spinner in half as I high tailed back to the car for another spinner I broke my paddle in half from paddling so dam fast. Well off to Lebaron tomorrow for another kayak paddle and a few new spinners.
  10. I fish Simcoe almost everyday and man its slow I got 5 bass saturday morning but other then that it stinks so I decided to take up pier fishing for salmon and I went and bought a baseball bat cause I was told I will need it!!!! jk...............
  11. If only fishing was an Olympic sport
  12. I got an Ambessedaur 7000 from my grandfather and he used it for trolling Salomon in Lake O, I was wondering if I could use this for pier fishing for Salmon this year??? If this is possible I need a rod to match any suggestions??? thanks all.....
  13. I Was givin this in 2000 after my grandfather passed away just thought I would share with you guys....The rod is a Fenwick and the reel is a Southbend I have used the rod for Perch in the spring and as for the hardware I researched a few items and this is what I got the lure in the box is a Bassmaster and the one below is a Garrett Creek Chub circa 1930 and a few spinners and spoons in the bottom is a pocket scale and stringer...
  14. I own the Pflueger Trion I just got it a month ago and its amazing!!! its my first baitcaster and after a few practice runs I would swear I was born with it in in my hand and my rod of choice to handle that reel is a St.Croix Premier med-heavy power, fast action 6'6. Good luck......
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