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rob v

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Everything posted by rob v

  1. My guess ... time for a new one - 52 inch plasma would work nicely !
  2. Nice report. Fall's a nice time of the year but I'm sure closing up is a bit sad. Not to worry - spring's only a few months down the road and will be here before you know it. BTW - where is JWL camp ?
  3. That 25 foot fiberglass unit is likely the boat they took us out in the last 3 years. They took us (3 or 4 guys) plus Mario and the boat owner, Mario's buddy Al - over to the mouth of the french. Al's from southern ontario but spends a lot of time fishing Nippising. We had great fishing out there the last 3 years and as you know Mario (and Al) know the water there pretty well. Great guys, great water and great fishing. Sure missed it this year.
  4. Craig - The weather was great Friday - so in 20 minutes or so I was there. But you're right - when/if the wind pick up it can be a lot longer. Gotta watch the weather - or hug the shore. Memart - cleaning is the price you pay. I can have them done, bagged and in the fridge/freezer in a couple of hours. That's why i don't like to keep anything much less than 8 or 9 inches or so. But it's worth it.
  5. Way to go Randy. Did you see Mario , Al or both ?
  6. Nice looking fish Dan. I wasn't able to make it to Sturgeon falls/nippissing this year for the first time in about a dozen or so years. The guys I usually went with were too tied up with work this year. Hopefully next year we'll be able to put our annual trip together again. I sure miss your part of the country at this time of the year ! Rob V
  7. Like Dan - (see previous post) I hit long point bay this weekend looking for some perch. Started out around EC. The numbers were only okay but the size was poor. Heard a couple of guys talking about perch on bluff's bar so with the great weather I decided to head out there. Glad I did. Had to mover around to find them, but when you got onto a pocket of fish they were pretty good. Took home around 30 (just me fishing) with a couple approaching 14 inches. Great day on the water.
  8. Sounds like a great day Dan - perching has been good in the bay laterly - inner and outter !
  9. Just what it sounds like. My boat doesn't have one of those toys in it so I guess I don't have to worry about that. One other question on the issue of winterizing - batteries. I installed an on-board charger this season that I leave plugged in all the time -keeping my trolling motor charged and my starting battery also (better safe than sorry). I'll be storing my boat inside an unheated building that will obviously get cold during the dead of the winter. I'm thinking I should take my batteries out and store them inside someplace during the winter - but obviously I don't want to disconnect my on-board charger to keep them topped up during the off season. How big a risk would I be taking leaving the batteries in my boat and plugged in all winter ?
  10. I add stabilizer to my gasoline all year long. I bought some of the Stabil marine forumula stabilizer that's supposed to not only keep my gasoline from souring, but reduce the negative effects of ethanol on marine engines. thanks for the winterizing tips Irishfield. This is the first year I have to deal with the issue of winterizing a boat with livewells so the info will be helpfull. One question though (this might sound dumb) but I've never heard of a powerwash in a boat. What is it ?
  11. And where does one find an "inno rack" ??
  12. Wow, amazing determination.
  13. Great Post - thanks for sharing. It certainly sounds like you had you share of misfortunes and good fortunes (fish). Unfortunately the video clips wouldn't work for me though.
  14. Lots of outfitters on lake nippissing (south shore) and calendar bay. Plenty of good fishing there also.
  15. I agree ,... it's a pretty simple thing to do and it can make such a huge difference in many people's lives.
  16. Daniel M. - I like your ideas even better. Thanks a lot for sharing. I know where my rods will be "hanging" out this winter. Thanks again.
  17. I came across this rod storage system in a fishing magazine recently. Anyone have any experience with it good or bad ? http://www.ezrodorganizer.com/ Thanks for sharing your experiences / thoughts. Rob v
  18. I found this site surfing a long time ago while looking for info on a particular lake. I do much more reading than posting, mostly because a) I don't get out nearly as often as I'd like (budget, work, family etc) and I prefer to learn from others and I enjoy travelling virtually with all the anglers on this board .. thru this board I've been to places I'd never get a chance to enjoy in real life.... but I do intend to try some of them ! This board and the people on it are a wonderful source of entertainment and information. Thanks to all of you for sharing. Rob V
  19. This is one of the reasons I enjoy this site - thanks for sharing your story. Well written. Rob V
  20. I had the same reservations, but it<s manufactured by the sta-bil people (Gold Eagle) that as far as I know are quite reputable in the field. Their web-site certainly touts the product well. http://www.sta-bil.com/sta-bil/stabil_marine.htm
  21. According to my CTC flier 30% off at Canadian tire this week. Apprently specially designed for marine applications and helps fight the problems caused by ethanol in your fuel. A subect that's been talked about several times recently on this board.
  22. Excellant report - thanks for sharing your adventure.
  23. Rocky points extending into deeper water, mid lake humps, drop offs, well defined mid lake weed lines and like Lew described, casting top waters into the shallows at night - all great opportunity for mr walled eye -
  24. I couldn't get the videos either.
  25. Another vote for Robert Orr. Simply the best !
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