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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Done. Prayed for him and the for the doctors.
  2. Nice job Brian. Will see you out on the lake. Stay away from my spot.
  3. Sorry to hear about that. Being in a wheelchair would not be cool but I can't wait to get into depends. Think about how much down-time you can save while fishing.
  4. Cudz


    nice pattern. nice fish
  5. We have fought twice. Both times at a bar. I won the first tilt and I am pretty sure the second fight was a draw. He is big. About 230 and strong as can be. He is my workout partner as well. We might go again. I really don't mind a good scrap.
  6. It is a big fish. And as much as I am ragging on him I have to give him some props too. He managed to catch and land the fish using 8 pound mono and no leader. He also did not have a net! Good effort. Too bad it wasn't a musky.
  7. Those boats are a bit less stable than new aluminum boats. On a side note, Do you think your minivan is loaded down enough? haha
  8. My fishing partner has a 14' Sylvan sea snapper with a 20 merc. That is what we fish out of these days. Pure luxury compared to TONY
  9. The Seine is a dirty river but does hold fish. I would try trolling a rapala off one of those Bateaux Mouches. I would use a J-9 or J-11. They will catch almost anything. Right in front of Notre Dame on the point is a great spot (but keep that on the down low)
  10. That is a Donkey. What about your WJ? Running 33s or are they metric measure can't really see your rims. Looks like a nice ride. 4.7 ho. about 6" of lift?
  11. Did you pay to go there? Flash them your edvantage card or OSSTF card or OCT card and you get in for free. That goes for all museums and science centres.
  12. I bought a boat today for my family to use. It is not much of a fishing boat but I will still fish out of it. It is an 18' cadorette bowrider with a 4.3l I/O. I looked at many boats in my budget and this was very clean. I would have loved to buy a fishing boat but with 3 daughters (8, 6, and 3) I thought I had better get something we can all enjoy. Check out the fishfinder. It is a classic. It also came with a nice shorelander trailer. I have to get rid of TONY now. here are a few pics
  13. Are you sure it was a musky? Just kidding.
  14. Those are some nice fish. Gbay is great for bass (actually pretty much any fish) Just a heads up for you. Don't run a swivel on your senko. It will collect loads of unwanted weeds. PS. Where's your mullet gone?
  15. Don't even get me started. He sent an email to eveyone saying how he caught this nice rainbow and when I looked at it it was a chinook. Then when he caught a rainbow he thought it was a chinook. Go figure.
  16. Ok, Here is the fish. It is a really healthy looking PIKE. Fat and all fins seem to be in great shape. He didn't have a measuring tape but he figures 40+ inches. He is 6'2" tall so that should give you some perspective. [(I have another pic but you can see exactly which boat in the Barrie Marina it was caught near)
  17. Bill, I just got off the phone with him and he swears up and down it was a musky. I have since imposed a rule about identifying fish. He is not allowed to ID any fish or send out emails until I have seen the pics. I will post them. LOL! I should get banned from here for starting such a story. I have heard of a few musky taken in Simcoe and a few in Couch so it wasn't as far fetched as one might think. When I was on the phone with him I asked him again and again if he wasn't confused and he said he was 100% positive it was a musky. the only 100% he was, was wrong.
  18. LOL. I will fix the background shot. IT will exactly the same as all the bass/perch photos. IT was in the Barrie Marina
  19. I will have pics tonight at 11pm. I will post them. I am anxious to see them as well. Oh , and here is the kicker. It was caught on a 2" crankbait using 8 pound mono, no leader!!
  20. My fishing partner went out to our bass spot with a mutual friend of ours today and they managed to catch a 17 pound musky. You don't see that very often on Lake Simcoe. THe bass fishing there has been a bit slower than usual. Hmmm, wonder if a big musky was scaring away the bass. I have not seen the pictures yet and my friend is not the best at identifying fish but he swears it is a musky and not a pike. (He once confused a chinook salmon with a steelhead) EDIT: I am so sorry about this. You have to forgive me. I can't believe that I came on here after my buddy tells me it is a musky and I see the pics and it is a pike. I don't know who is dumber, me for posting here before I saw pics or my buddy for his inability to identify fish species. I am so embarrassed. The fish looks nice and healthy but IT IS A PIKE NOT A MUSKY! I am going over to his house to punch some sense into him.
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