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Everything posted by l2p

  1. I Also bought a new pin today, thought mine was in need of a major update. Heres a question ill ask for you, Are there any backing alternatives out there? i know about dacron annd not to use mono because it shrinks after it gets wet and what not so im interested to find out if there are other lines i could use as a substitute. thanks.
  2. ^^ actually i wouldnt recomend buying it period. i bought one and i cant even say its the worst reel ive ever owned. i hooked into a boot one season and the reel lip cut my hand when the salmon went for a run. it has a flimsy build and is held together by rivets, in the end u get what u pay for.
  3. raven has nothing but thumbs up from me! broke my im8 twice 1 time fish broke i unno how and snd time my fault 100 % both times raven replaced no questions asked... ive also lost the center screw for my vectra and apon emailing a raven rep with the story of what happend i get a new one in the mail no questions asked... raven FTW!
  4. ^^ i second billm, i do know that a couple of our water sheds have been recently stocked with atlantic juvi's so that second one could very well be an atlantic juvi. only way to tel for sure would be the tail, forked - atlantic and square would be a brownie!
  5. another reason would prolly be water condition. and by this i mean how clean the water is.. most of the creeks that flow into and make the whole highland creek watershed is all water runoff from our "clean" streets of scarborough... that being said migratory fish will always stray into any river than enters into lake ontario and ive seen substantial amounts of salmon in highland creek but have never heard of it being stocked in anyway at all, so im sure theres a couple in there. btw no hate here but ive heard that highland creek was closed all year.. for what reason i dont know i just heard this from a credible fellow fisherman. if anyone knows better please post as you stated the mouth looks prime!
  6. just makes you think about how some ppl make money, ya know! no hate here thier money thier choice on what they spend it on but some of those garages have millions just sitting there!
  7. there is a bugatti in there if you look hard enough =)
  8. http://www.l4ponline.com/showthread.php?t=36568 best way to kill 45 min. enjoy
  9. no difference.... although carefull out there when taking eggs from a dead fish cause if the co comes by and sees u with eggs and no fish then u will be worrying about a real problem!
  10. i always thought the ones with orange bellies aswell as fins were resies?!
  11. nice fish, even nicer of you for the release. i think i remember bumping into you on that same river not too long ago, keep at it!
  12. Gotta love those brownies! gotta admit i do have a soft spot for em, their mainly the reason why i got into fishing for salmonoids
  13. its the complete opposite for me, when i get into a fish i usualy wet one of my hands so that the reel spins smoother in my hand. that being said, ive never had the spool over spin on me!
  14. "A used setup is the way to go.. Can you get something decent for under $400 for sure.." yeuupp, i bought my frist set up used from the old generously proportioned.net board. it was a gloomis float reel paired with the old gloomis im6 for just under 200 but that was years ago, but it still lasted me 3 seasons before i had the feeling to replace em! go used for now since ur just learning
  15. Its like riding a bike. Hard at first but once you learn how to use one, you always know how to use one. btw just to let u know, once you join the club there aint no leaving haha. enjoy floatfishing
  16. i always wondered if ppl who ate too much lake o salmon would eventually grow a kype of some sort LOL
  17. I was aiming more at photos from any lake o trib from back in the 80s, i think it would be cool to see how people, gear, apparel and the fish looked before as compared to now you know what i mean?
  18. I for one am very interested about this, i have come across many guys on the river that have told the same story of how awsome it use to be back in the day. im sure theres a couple older folks on here that could show us some old school eye candy!!
  19. my friend owns a cottage on rosseau and we go there all the time during the summer, im not sure what island its called because theres plenty on the lake but theres one directly acros the lake from his cottage and we always always catch big smallies around it. it goes from 30 feet to nothin in a mere 10 -15 feet.
  20. duuuude sent u a pm!
  21. duuuude sent u a pm!
  22. awsome lookin pics!
  23. awsome man! i been meenin to go check my local marina and see if i can pick up a couple float fishing fat chunks of skien!
  24. awsome man! i been meenin to go check my local marina and see if i can pick up a couple float fishing fat chunks of skien!
  25. purple, purple, purple for hos! was at a pool full of hos a couple weeks back and we fished it right into dark, we soon ran out of tied roe as we usually just buy from a store so i threw on a purple pink worm if that makes sense haha. anyways long story short we ended up staying another hour and manage to finish a half pack of purple worms before we decided there was nothing else in our vests they would hit. btw did i mention the fact that they were smashing those purple worms?
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