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Everything posted by canadianboy

  1. i am interested in this to
  2. northstar boat insurance
  3. i just got my winter '09 issue a day or two ago but haven't been able to read it yet
  4. a hours meter if you want one just a good idea for maintenance purposes.
  5. i have a 47 inch toshiba regza lcd got it from costco for like 1800 4 or 5 months ago now they are like 1200
  6. good trade carlo and steen needed a fresh start and lee is a great player
  7. im a leafs fan only when they win and i think thast brian burke is a terrible gm the team that won in anaheim wasnt even his it was more so the prevoius gms he just came in at a good time you want a good gm look at darryl sutter
  8. i have a bag the ones that are always one sale at canadiantire they come with like 3 or 4 containers word is escaping me right now major brain freeze but yah got it for 12.50 half price its easier to organize things in and this way i always have room for other things that ill remember like a flashlight, sun lotion, and of course a camera for when i reel in the big one
  9. someone told me you need to troll against the wind for walleye
  10. what kind of fish is the first one?
  11. a friend of mine is a personal trainer and a high school gym teacher he says youre wasting your money with gym memberships, diets, and personal tariners. he says that the best way to build muscle mass is to do pushups, crunches, and situps in a row and then repeat do theese before bed and when you wake up you will begin to see results. you should probably start with 20 pushup, 20 crunches, and 20 situps and progress every week. if you are looking to losse weight than dont diet but cut out unnecacry calories. Example butter on bread, mayo on a sandwhich, and drink water instead of pop. ill show u how this works 80 calories for a slice of bread butter is added the 80 calorie bread is now 170. Sandwich say is 300 with some meat lettuce and some fixings you add mayo and then its a 450 calorie sandwhich. well thats a professionals view on the matter not me. BTW he has a masters of science, and bachelor of physical education
  12. serously i guess your not framilar with the 3800 series v6 theese will run at least 350 if properly maintaned if i were you i would go talk to a mechanic and see what he would be buying if he was in your situation
  13. check out the mazda 626 they sell pretty cheap and are some good cars check this one out to http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24094
  14. if it was me i would also look at honda accords specifically 1994-2002 models these are some great cars especially the 1998-2002 model my dad has an 02 v6 that has 160km on it and he has had nothing but regular maintnance and my friend has a 03 v6 and he has only had the battery die 185km in. if it was me i would be going honda but hey its you what is your budget?
  15. hmm i would get a mechanic to have a look
  16. i would think you should be able to hit at least 35 is this readings from the spedometor or gps
  17. i know some people with similar boats if its an open bow depending on length im presuming 18 feet probably 2500 pounds that should be going at least 35 if not 40 i would get the engine inspected and would look into a new prop as you might have it chipped that could meen you are losing alot of tourque. check the psi on the cylinders and check that the throtle linkage is ok and thats its not extremely tight and you just cant push the control alll the way. if theres nothing wrong its seriously not worth selling your old motor through a dealer get someone who knows boats and will do it cheap to take it out then you can sell that on the board or kijiji for a lot more than a dealer would give. with regardes to a new motor dont buy new way to expensive and it wont be worth it for resale just look on auto trader i often see plenty of 4.3 for around 2500
  18. whats your budget you might want to look at all wheel drive subarus good on gas awd it would even bee able to tow the maybe eventually to come 2000 pound load. I would look at the forester. I have an outback and absoloutly love it the only thing i regret is i got the 4 cyl and not the 6 and i only regret in stop and go traffic on hills. theres one near my work but other than that great car
  19. easy! one see a financil advisor if it was my money it would be going into the ING 4% intrest savings and then just continue to look for signs of a market upturn and invest some not all in Market Rated GIC's safe and the potential to earn alot of money
  20. people in venezuele also pay about 400% more for everything else as grocries so all they are doing is hurting there relations with oil rich countries because the lower gas and oil is just cancelled out by the coat of living sorry about hijacking this thread
  21. http://www.boatdealers.ca/boats/details.aspx?BoatID=42178 i thought this boat was a great deal and someone on the board might be intrested in it. it seems like a great price to get you out on the water
  22. the thing i cant wait for is when they discover anti matter (probably within the next 5 year) because if they can have a water bottle full of matter collide with a bottle full of matter thats enough energy for the entire world for half a year
  23. my question 3 to 4 years ago gas would be up to 3 cents cheaper at some stations and now the price is the same at all sations
  24. if it was me i would be looking into a jeep grand cherokee. i thin those are trucks are a legend lots of power with the V8. they are pretty cheap to you can get that dodge truck in an suv i think check out focus auto group i think they have a few grand cherokee v8 just so we know how much does your boat weigh????
  25. lake of the woods
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