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Everything posted by canadianboy

  1. thanks i got some normal gulp to so il compare and maybe write up a report with hopefully some pics of fish
  2. wow sorry somebody mentioned spider wire dont get it unless you are a really talented fisherman. im no amateur but when it knots 4 times in the first ten casts and took 25 minutes to get on my reel because it kept noting not a good sign im just going to stick with the ever reliable triline
  3. i definatly will shoot you an email because im for sure buying some before the weekend just not sure between leaches or minnows but becuase who caught eyes on the minnows(my fav. fish) i think im going to get those but i will wait and see a little bit longer for more feedback. hopefully the gulp will be a lot better quality then the bucket. how big were the eyes you were getting with the minnows. thanks canadianboy
  4. or how about you just let her have her own party and then instead of you and your family getting her a gift pool your money together and donate it to a worthy cause one she wont like that at first but in a few years she might think that was an awesome gift and its better than getting some toy or item that will be used for a couple of months then put aside. it may sound stupid to you but not to me and you could get a tax recipt if you donate to chrity or you could donate it to another worthy cause like my boat fund
  5. im going to go get some gulp alive before the weekend you know the bucket for 20 bucks and was wondering what people thought were better. i know theres a post similar to this but know we can all vote vote and decide the real winner. cheers
  6. sorry man but let them bite im was bitting my nails as i was reading this thread and i didnt even know what it was about. once you start theres seriously no chance because you subquensly do it. its like a quater back licking his fingers the only guy to ever break the habit was doug flutie by wearing gloves and taping them to his wrist. he only had to do this because his wide recievers were getting the flu and colds because his saliva would get on the ball. anyways if you want your kids to stop that bad put some salt on their nails when their asleep ot put tape over their nails.
  7. i too have caught pike in balsam i have caught one and my uncle has caught one in the past two years i would post a picture but its on my old computer that crashed in a storm a few weeks ago. does the mnr have any regulation are we supposed to report them or keep them and kill them because a musky fisherman told me in buckhorn if you catch a pike you must keep it report it to the mnr and kill it. is it like this in balsam?
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