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Everything posted by misfish

  1. Great report and vid.
  2. I have drop back a lead of 25 to 30 ft this time of year.1.5 to 1.9 mph.
  3. She looks purdy now. Monday she gets new plugs and rotor and wires.Just so she purrs as good as she looks. Have a new name being made for her aswell.CHILLLAX,N
  4. You sure can boat some nice fish Cudz.
  5. Yep that motor was the deal in the whole package.
  6. The come back of the herring in Simcoe is amazing,and they are big aswell. Think we seen you out there.As we did see one boat jigging out there. What speed were trolling at? Lenght of lead?
  7. NO Im not jumping on Steve here. We all know that tourneys are under QUESTIONING about keeping and transporting and all that stuff. IMO taking a pic of dead tourney fish,is fuel. And like I said in my first post,Yeah dead fish happen. Again Congrats on your win Steve and Kelli.
  8. Nope,still have a job.LOL
  9. First off ,congrats. As a bass tourney guy,not sure I would want to add fuel to the fire. Yeah dead fish happen,but to post them in a pic ???????
  10. Heading out Thursday and going to to see.
  11. Where ? Here? Great day today,but rain and showers and cooler temps are coming again. The east coast is in for a smack down from Bill. Thier calling for 175 mph winds when he hits.
  12. Simply awesome fish you two boys caught. Sweet largies Jacques and Paul. Very impressive.
  13. How did ya do dagoat? There was a good chop out there still from the south.Perfect rigg,n water.
  14. Kinda what I was trying to say John. Very well said.
  15. There are many here. And TY OFC has some great fisher people,that can teach, and many can learn from.
  16. Nice going there Sinker. I have first hand reports that the cod have been hitting hard down home. Just add salt.LOL
  17. Interesting question. The prob I have with your question is TV stars. Why TV stars? As for ,the fish with who? Les Zackney would be my first choice. Not a TV star,but a great fisherman and great to hang out with. 2nd David Chong. Another great. 3rd sry I made him this pick but Mark Kulik. Now for the where. Simcoe with mark Couch with Les Erie with Chong. As for what Buckets/smallies with Les Smallies with Mark(drop shot) Smallies with David(drop shot aswell) You dont have to be a show star to know how to fish. Hell I learned from Terry how to flip and pitch for buckets and he,s no TV star. With that said,would love to spend a day out on Simcoe with Greg Klatt.Another thats not a TV star,but can catch fish like the ones mention. Good thread.
  18. Weekend past,there was a load of boats just out from big bay all the way across to the north point. Watched for a few minutes,didnt see anyone running for thier rods,but I did mark alot of fish. My lure of choice besides GB,s recommendation, would be orange/silver, silver fox. Did do a drive by BP and marked alot of fish in 90fow down 65 ft. Suspended whities I would think. The bay is warming up. The dip today was like bath water, out in 100 fow.
  19. cut ya down
  20. Take a swallow DAWG Yer one bad DAWG. There maybe hope tho for you. Im a dawg lord I know.
  21. LOL G. I came out to hear the livewell pump going one time. Yep, LIVE AND LEARN.
  22. It hurts,theres no dought about it. I carried alot of pain for my lose, never let it go until a few months ago. Remember the good and bad times,but always remember Brad,just dont dwell on the past. It will eat you up.Been there,almost cost me. Prayers for your friend and you.
  23. dat be a good,n. LOL
  24. Guess we have something in common after all. They stuck with us. Congrats to you and the lady.
  25. It,s thier right,to do, what ever they do. Shows a farce.Buddy does all this daring live moves and then theres the camera man right after. What ever.
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