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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Not another member that,s trying to get into the classifieds.

  2. And thats what brudders are for. Thank you brudder. ;0)

  3. When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie,thats amore.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bigugli


      26 for us next week.

    3. crappieperchhunter


      Deb and I hit 30 on Monday

    4. misfish


      Thats awesome guys,but I was just chilling listening to Dean Martin after a crappy day at work. LOL

  4. Guess I better get the beacon light out for the toon. It,s some foggy out there this morning.

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Yeah, I couldn't see land from the 85' are of Lake Ontario.

  5. Seems I have to log in everytime I come back here. ?????????

  6. Brian B is the way it will be. Let it be,let it be. Misfish was fun,but time to be me,Brian B. Let it be. Thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      Would like the first signed edition porkpie? LOL

    3. porkpie


      Absolutely dude... Can't wait!!! LOL

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Can I get the second?

  7. Looking for new waters (back lakes) has me as giddy as a young stud. It,s like I have been reborn.

  8. Decisions,decisions,decisions. Ah,which way do I go? Do I take the high rd? Do I take the low rd? Turn left,or turn right? Decisions.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terry


      shoot them all and let GOD sort it out

    3. fishnsled


      The low road puts you closer to the lake. ;-)

    4. misfish


      Yes Will,but which one? Decisions decisions.

  9. Sad day for Tony Stewart. I watched the video. It sure looks like he turned into the young man. Just saying. Turned my stomach

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      The audio is telling as well. The camera operator seemed to think he accelerated before impact.

    3. BillM


      Does anyone think Tony would actually try to hit the kid? The rear end stepped down before impact, it didn't go up the track.

    4. fishindude


      Running out onto a live racetrack...darwin award worthy for sure. Save the confrontation for the pits next time

  10. Day one complete. It was fun. 4am wake up call saturday,and on the road for what I have been told,will be nickle day buckets. Time will tell.

    1. misfish


      Oh,I know this lake. Unless it,s gone through extream changes,I dont see it. But an invite is an invite.

    2. spincast


      and the answer is....

    3. misfish


      My prediction was right. Sad to see.

  11. Half day of work to complete,then it,S 4 days of traveling and fishing. And the weekend looks MARVALOUS.

  12. That was a good workout getting back in. Holly storm formation batman.

  13. Day three on the toon. Who needs a fitness club membership. Kick and row,kick and row.LOL

    1. Terry


      varooom varooom

    2. misfish


      That was a good workout getting back in. Holly storm formation batman.


    1. misfish




    2. misfish


      Ya ya ya. Nice hold off.

    3. esoxansteel


      Good for Jr. Gordon needs to work on re-starts, and Jimmi is right where I like him

  15. I got that bobbing feeling . I hate that. Up and down,up and down. LOL

  16. Cant uninstall Norton 360. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      Ok now. online Norton tec got me all fixed up

    3. misfish


      Got rid of 360 and just went with your average joe anti.

    4. BillM


      Avasti + Malwarebytes Anti Malware is all you'll ever need


  17. Lew oclock has past and no musky report. Might as well go fishing. SIGH.

    1. jbailey


      woo sounds like a good way to pass the time!

    2. BillM


      I caught a crappie on a topwater lastnight. I thought for sure it was a rock bass :)

    3. Fisherpete


      Sorrrrrry Brian, working on it right now!!!

  18. Will- fish is very active. Maybe trying to get into the classifieds? LOL Welcome Will- Fish.

  19. I thought as the grandkiddies got older,they would be easier to handle. Not when all three are together. LOL I,m whipped. God love,m all.

  20. Hope you all didnt listen to DICK the weatherman. LOL

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Went,and was a good day!!Little rain early morning,but fine.

  21. HWY must be closed. Essa rd backed up big time. Im just waving at the passer byes. Welcome to Barrie. LMAO

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      biker died I think,4 hour wait as of 6pm,

    2. misfish


      Yup. Sad start to the weekend


  22. Dang hot in the plant this morning. Wish,n I was fish,n instead.

    1. Terry


      to hot to fish it's a drinking day in the pool, if I wasn't working

  23. Me tinks me go jigg,n dis morn,n.

  24. Funny. Life takes a turn for then best,and fishing seems to be the kicker to make it that so much more pleasant.

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