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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. The things that make ya think. Leave Barrie 11:15 AM. Get to 401 and Dixie in 50 minutes. Head home at 4pm. Home at 6:15 pm. If Im not making 6 figures , drive aint for me. OMG.

    1. spincast


      yeah, and that's without the white stuff. You can't put a price on


    2. alexmedic


      Better than milk'n the system and collecting welfare!

    3. dhickey


      Are you kidding me? I did that drive for 10 yrs. 5am-7pm home. Stop your crabbing. Ice is on its way....Oh ya

  2. Jeter goes out in style, last game at Yankee Stadium. Love him or hate him,he is one of the greats of the game.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. asdve23rveavwa


      I agree with TimRM. He was good for the game!


    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Not to take away,We also had George Brett,Wade Boggs,Cal Ripken jr,also class acts in my books!!!


    4. spincast


      Jeter was a class act and you had to respect him as a player, despite what you though to of the team. A shoe in for the hall

  3. That was a 4 day long weekend I wont remember. Blown off the water twice and there,s no steel to be had yet. Hope the next ones better in 2 weeks from now. :0)

  4. The site seems to be getting faster now. Thanks.

    1. Terry


      not for me right now


    2. misfish


      Nope,took 10 minutes to get back on.

  5. Sometimes,family members go their own way. I totally understand that.

    1. spincast


      yeah, wherever it leads..

  6. Here comes the tundering and light,en. Just as Im ready to BBQ.

    1. misfish


      And here I run out of propane half way through. Atleast my grilled peppers got done for the winter.

  7. It had to happen. Seen alot of close ones this morning.Two cars trying to take the same real estate in traffic on the 400 south just before the 401. Im glad I dont drive that anymore..

    1. Rodbender


      I drive the 401 to Mississauga or Oakville everyday same crap

    2. misfish


      You can keep it. I cant believe how so many people are in a rush. Crazy driving.

  8. Anyone else getting the timed out pop up when making a post? At work and at home it has happened,so I know it,s not my PC.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. spincast
    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Just had one,box came up and asked if I wanted to resend,Yes,off it went.

  9. So many lakes,so little time. Wonder what ones I can cover with my up coming 4 day long weekend??????

    1. spincast


      well, you could do one each morning, and a different one each night???? that'd make a mitful

    2. Terry


      with the weather report I would say one lake..lol

    3. misfish


      One lake 3 rivers maybe.

  10. Funny how things seem much clearer these past months. They say change is good. Yup. .

  11. Eh,howz going,catching fish? Think your close enough,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DICK.

  12. Clock is ticking. The season is close to an end.

    1. spincast


      seems that clock gets louder each year?

    2. Terry


      We had joy, we had fun

      We had seasons in the sun

      But the wine and the song

      Like the seasons have all gone

  13. Ford brothers. LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BillM


      Ford was the best mayor Toronto has ever had, name someone better, lol

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Wonder if Doug will get the same support?

    4. misfish


      You don,t need to wish this on them,it,s their own undertaking.

  14. Me thinks neopreans, will be needed for this weekends toon fishing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      Saturday is going to be real fun, 7 and pouring rain...ill be in the boat with lined gortex jacket thank you very much

    3. misfish


      Naw Bill. That takes all the fun out of it.LOL

    4. Terry


      not all the fun


  15. Seems the only trigger for lighting up a cig is when I BBQ. I find that strange. Still stick free.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Terry


      ok time to give away the bbq,,I'll take it....lol

    3. Nipfisher


      Keep strong Brian

    4. jbailey
  16. It,s getting closer.

  17. Not a bad day on the greens. Good time,good friends and now to get the toon packed back in the Avenger,and put the clubs away til next Sept.LOL


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cheaptackle
    3. misfish


      I got some great cloud formation shots. Just uploading. Even the black birds were flying for cover.

    4. cheaptackle


      I just watched it come in until I couldn't see any more - quite the show!

  19. Looking at the radar,we might get some nasty stuff by 4 pm or so.

  20. Anyone hear whats going on at the Tiffin boat launch? Closed off,police and tow trucks present.

  21. How about that wind Davey? LOL

  22. I dont know Davey. Me thinks I,ll grab the fly rod and go streaming. Then again,everythings in the car,so who knows where I,ll end up today. AVENGER AWAY. :0)

  23. Ever have one of those days at work that when you got home and looked at the calender and said to yourself, damit, another 15+ years to go. I need some holiday time.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BillM


      I think I'll chase some Zalmons tomorrow!

    3. spincast


      I'm thinking the zame ting. Question is N shore or South shore


    4. Christopheraaron


      Ya I guess so, feels more like 50 years though ;)

  24. Should be an interesting fishday.

  25. Pay no attention to the guy holding that perch. Alls good OFC

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