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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Visit to the eye specialist was great. Had an orbital scan. The eye is still good, laser work has done it,s job and I was able to read 2 lines more then last time. The floater thing I have will be there for life,but other then that, it,s good to see.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. irishfield


      Betty will be glad you're not just feeling around in the dark! ;o)


    3. spincast


      good stuff man. I hear a river report coming soon

    4. Rodbender


      Glad to hear Brian

  2. It,s all about Karma.

  3. Anyone close to the niagara area that can do a pick up for me and meet later closer to barrie? Check the classifieds. Thanks

  4. Those ole byes in Cold Water are a hoot to fish with. Makes me think of moving there.

  5. We need rain. I cant stand watching a float in a river still like. Seen a good number of salmon that are locked in small pools.

    1. Fisherman


      Ya, we need a good dump to get things moving.

  6. One of the greats. RIP YOGI

  7. Note to self. Cut Jalepanos further away from nose. YEAH THAT BURNS ABIT.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fisherman


      Yup, did that once, eating cookoo wings and then went for a whizz.

    3. Rodbender


      oh Pecker fire LMAO


    4. Fisherman


      How do you put out pecker fire while at work. Tell the troops someones holding up Timmies and then run to the w/r and wash repeatedly.

  8. Another stupid fuel saving trip today. It,s mind boggling what I am getting out of this truck.1/4 tank, to Owen Sound and back with a detour to Creemore to see my brother. Even he was like,, WHAT .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fisherman


      Put a trailer behind it and see what happens.

    3. misfish


      Why? My boat fits in the box. LMAO

    4. Fisherman


      Bah, just did a round trip to Temiscamingue, 760km on 98litres towing a cargo trailer with ATV and a pile of camping stuff.

  9. Feel free to pm me if you were up the west side stretch of GBAY. On the road at 4am and wondering if I should just go straight up to the Sound. Thanks

    1. BowSlayer101


      I would, if you're fishing the rivers, you could make a detour through the upper stretches of the bighead, otherwise the sound would be your best bet and a few rivers to choose from if you don't want crowds.

    2. misfish


      I know all the back roads. Im just making a bee line up and stop on the way back and enjoy the day. Was just curious about the activety. Im sure I will have a great day. Thanks to those that pmed. Still got a few informants here.LOL

  10. Just when Im getting into transition mode, it gets summer like temps again.

  11. It,s only Tuesday, and I just put a marinated blade roast on the BBQ.

    1. misfish


      Wifes going to think I bought something today. I did, but only the roast and fix,ns.LOL

  12. Cant we all just agree to disagree??????????????? Hell, even Sen and leaf fans can do it. LMAO

  13. LMAO PT 2

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cheaptackle


      thats better than my caravan 3.3 - usually around 10/100 combined city/hwy avg in summer - less in winter or pulling trailers/loaded



    3. grizzlybri
    4. misfish


      I redid the math, it was more like $24. LOL

  14. Ever wake up one morning and say,,,,,,,,,,Lets just go for a drive? 4:30 am up and I said that to myself this morning. Took a drive along a path I remembered as a kid going camping with my pop. Cold water and honey harbour,are nothing like I remember as a 10 yro. The times,they are a changing. I knew that already though.LOL

    1. misfish


      It did though, bring back so many flash backs. As you pull into cold water, there the grocery store. I dought it was food land back then, maybe IGA.This is where pop always stopped to get the groceries for the weeks stay. Leaving town there was the beer store. Driving along honey harbour rd, I tried to find his old friends place on the water at the turn off we use to take. Nothing looked the same, except theres lots of green where water use to be.

    2. misfish


      Where we use to launch and head to an island to camp was no longer. Private property. I know it,s the place as I asked some older locals. What a shame. So headed home thinking about all the times we spent up there. Got to give my pop a call and tell him about the changes and thank him for the memories.


  15. Harper releases a live lobster from a trap. He,s got my vote,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NOT LOL

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. misfish


      From the early 80,s I was making great money for a young guy and family of 4. Im no where close to that these days. I probly lost more then I will ever make back. Hell, even when I retire, I,ll be living, but just that. They all want your money so they can live off of us at the end.

    3. wkrp


      I predict a Harpo Marx minority.

    4. misfish


      I think they are the three stooges myself.

  16. Hey boss. how much dust was on that lock? ;0)

  17. Mother nature,The salmon and steelhead would love some big rain please. If you feel the need to snow like out west, feel free to do that as well. What ever cools things down.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rodbender


      K that brought back some memories :D

    3. Freshtrax


      Now now, Some of us are still fishing the big lake

    4. misfish


      Now this is better. Starting to feel like fall. Thank you MN.;)

  18. I feel for the familys loss, but why do people/countries, think Canada need to take them? Take care of your own problems.

    1. Fisherman


      We can't save everyone, there's a limit to everything.

    2. misfish


      Yes. We have our own problems we cant even address for crips sake.

  19. So glad it,s friday. Not sure I could take another day in the plant at 38 deg. Can only drink so much water .

  20. Have a new baby arriving sometime in the morning.I cant wait til it pulls in and unloaded.

  21. What a morning on the water. Report in a bit. Upgrade for team 1.

  22. Boy I,ll tell ya. When you open a thread and dont notice the date and see some names, I think they are back. Then I see the thread is years old.LOL Getting packed up for some eyes and skis.4am blast off.

  23. Here comes the windy times now. Best get the trout,n rod and reel preped.

    1. spincast


      feels like september in august...i like it

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