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Everything posted by Bernie66

  1. If I had $200 to spend, there are a lot of reels I would look at before touching a BPS model. I am with Snidley.
  2. It's a double edge sword. You'll make the membership fee back in no time but spend a hell of a lot of money in return. My wife never leaves that place with less than $200 on our bill. Gas is also cheap if you can bear the line-up.
  3. I looked at the US flyer too and it doesn't look very good this year. Overall, BPS prices has gone way up. Recently, I received both the BPS master catalog and the Lebaron 2011 catalog. Most items were very similar in price or actual cheaper at LB. Pflueger patriarch $199.94 at LB, $199.99 in the BPS catalog (haven't check their price at VM). Yum stingers $4.99 BPS, only 3.99 at LB. The effect of the high loonie seems to be filtering down to the everyday consumer. The no tax promotion this weekend at LB is making their prices even more attractive and their stocks are pretty good this time of the year. I know what some of you may be thinking, I am not a LB employee or have any relations what so ever with them. I am just pointing out that the deals are better right now at the local stores.
  4. Simcoe was very kind today. Cloudy, -4celcius, very light wind and the whities were cooperative. I was out with a buddy near BBP today in around 85fow. Marked and hooked many fish but not one on the willams. All hits came off the jig off bottom. Most instance, as soon as we marked bait fish, the hits would come within seconds. Most people around us were catching fish too so I guess it was a good day all around for everyone.
  5. What about Daiwa? They make some nice reels in that price range. Weight isn't every, just make sure it balances nicely with your rod. Don't know about the Pflueger but a couple of friends that bought the CI4 were not very happy with it, especially during cold weather. If you can wait till the Basspro sale, they had some nice JDM Daiwa reels on sale lastyear. I am hoping they will have some more out this year.
  6. Don't waste your money on Okuma float rods. If you want something decent for a reasonable price, look at the Ravens. I think I saw one on kijiji. You'd rather have a good 2nd hand rod than a cheapo that he'll hate in a couple of years.
  7. It's called age. Same thing happened to Liddell. It catches up to you no matter how good you were.
  8. I agree with canadadude. BPS fluoro IS the cheapest (if you get it on sale) with one of the best overall rating in that tackletour survey. I've tried 6lbs to 14lbs as leaders with braided mainline in the last few years and have been very happy. No breakoffs yet.
  9. I've talked to many locals who fishes the Notti daily and a small batch of fish did go thru mid August but its been sporatic at best since. I am not saying there are no salmon in the Notti, just that the numbers aren't there anymore. Last Thursday was perfect, strong north wind with a bit of rain mixed in. There should have been fish pushing thru. Tried for four hours and all I got for my effort was a four inch rockbass. At least I can say I didn't get skunked. LOL.
  10. Yes, the Notti Salmon run isn't what it use to be. Fished the mouth and the Mc D sections and not even a bump on Thursday. It was a perfect day weatherwise, with a north wind, cloudy and light drizzle. The water was high, not too muddy but there was not a fish to be seen. Back a few years ago, there used to be a parade of boats that trolled the mouth at this time of the year. Didn't see one the year. Personally, I am giving up until the bows starts moving up.
  11. Just started using that knot recently. I like it. Also started using the albright to connect my braid to the fluoro leader this summer instead of the uni-uni. Landed a 39inch chinny lastweek with those knots combination without any problems.
  12. I use the albright. Its a very strong and compact knot. The tag ends comes out parallel to the lines. As for the glue, any dollar store superglue will do. You only need a dab. I use it as a confidence thing so I know there is absolutely zero slippage in the knot. This hasn't failed me yet.
  13. Right now I use the albright and I put a dab of superglue onto the knot after I cut the tag ends. The glue doesn't add much bulk to the knot and it gives me the confidence that there will be absolutely no slippage.
  14. There is an article at fieldandstream.com about the strongest fishing knots. There is an interesting knot call the Yucatan knot for joining lines of different size. Looks easy to tie. Never tried it but I'll give it a go next fishing trip.
  15. Nice fish guys. Where do you launch to get into Seymore? The only place I know of is downstream from Hastings. Any help would be appreciated. Thanx
  16. I bought the 2000 size. 8.1oz, paired it up with my 7'2 crucial drop-shot. Perfect combo. Light and sweet.
  17. I have a couple of these lures in yellow. I think they must date back to the seventies. If I remember correctly, they were made by Luhr Jensen. I picked they up at a dumpy tackle shop down on Kingston Rd in east end Toronto called Rebbies a few years ago. That place carries tonnes of out dated lures.
  18. Cod liver oil definitely works for steelheads. I've used it up in the GB tribs and Lake O tribs with great success. Put a few drops in the roe jar the night before and add a few drops directly on the bag after a few drifts. I know some guys even put their pinky worms in a jar with cod oil. As for price, Rexall sells their 500ml bottle for about $9-$10. I don't know about leaving oil on your hard bait though, even when I use it on my spoons I would wipe it off after each trip. It might eat into the paints and finishes and it'll stink up your tackle box. Give it a try. Goodluck.
  19. So you paid $5 to get in instead of the full $17. Saved a few bucks. Good for you. For those that don't shop often, it's a good way to get to all the local retailers all in one shot.
  20. "I can almost hear the beaver pooping". An asinine comment that needs to be explained for others to get what it means. What is it? Some kind of red neck trailer park made up slang. My comment was a nasty personal attack at you and if you don't get it, I can pm you. This IS a family site. Next time if you have nothing good to said SHUT YOUR TRAP. This is an open forum and my post merely expressed my opinion that the shows are no longer like they were in the old days. Many others share my sentiments. Hey Radnine, one last thing, THIS IS A SMALL WORLD!
  21. Here is my form of humor in reply. It's probably the same pooping beaver he wacks his little balls at those few times a month when she is in heat LOL!!!
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