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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Thanks for the report, must be nice to be catching some smallies so soon Great job with the camera as always, MTBF
  2. +3 and +4 for my dad and +5 for my uncle
  3. I can see it Roy but the link provided by danny worked out great. Thanks very much guys this means alot
  4. Ok, so here is the deal. For my forage fish collection this summer I need to collect 12 fish and photograph 3 of them. Along with a technical report and detailed charts and fish specimen forms I need a so called UTM map for each site where the fish was collected. I've tried google a bit but I can't seem to find a free UTM map. The area I am collecting in is part of the Leeds and Thousand Islands township with 2-3 lakes and rivers in the area. Where can I find one of these maps that I can print off to use. The local library might have a map but would like to prepare myself in advance just in case. And help would be greatly appreciated by this fello Fleming student Thanks, Mike
  5. Thanks for the viewing Brandon. The bird pictures suck I know lol, hoping to get some great pictures of fish and big birds...beavers, muskrats anything wildlife I think.
  6. Great fish for sure...solo pictures are hard especially with a big bow like u caught...try a sand shot next time if you are in the area of it
  7. Crazy pictures, love the picture of the bat having a drink of ice Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  8. Got my parents old camera a Kodak Easy Share Z7121S so went to the local creek today looking for some wildlife and got a decent crap of some birds and flowers. Have a look on my facebook album, http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/album.php?aid=167201&id=547374314 If that don't work then, http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=4022555&id=547374314 Thanks for looking, MTBF
  9. Nice job, best of luck next time. I was throwing spinners around log's and overhanging branches looking for small rainbows...missed a nice brown and had lot's of follows....think i need to downsize some more. Anyway lol, great report and best of luck next time. MTBF
  10. Didn't I say Pittsburgh was going to do well again...1 round done...on to round 2
  11. Nice Job Steve, I'm going to give the little fella's a try tomorrow fishing around banks and cover with small spinners. Thanks for the report, MTBF
  12. Was using a #6 circle hook(small) with some split shot and corn.. usually 1 piece on the hook. Would pitch it out to the school and wait for the little guys to suck it in haha...good fun
  13. Nice job, saw a guy catch some smaller trout while I was sucker fishing this morning. Thanks for the report, MTBF
  14. So as part of my summer project I need to complete a fish collection both with specimens and 3 photographed fish. I'm 99% sure I caught 3 white suckers today at a local creek but I have a question for a smaller fish I caught that looked like a spawning common shiner but it's a toss up...not very sure on it. My mom came out with me today and took some neat action shots and photo's haha. It was a first day back home after a year at fleming. Here is the fish I'm not 100% sure about. Caught it(as well as the others) on corn this morning. Here is a picture of the fish. Sucker time...enjoy My favorite haha The big 18"r Not to sure why but this fish was bleeding a but from the anal...didn't look to healthy. Thanks for viewing, MTBF Also, I got the coordinates from google maps but I need to include a photocopied UTM map of each location in this project...any idea where I can find something online that's free...google is my enemy lol
  15. Read the blog...seems to be getting a Yamaha 250 SHO Sweet rig JP, keep getting us pictures http://www.wfn.tv/jpgear/blog.php
  16. nice fish man, looked like fun
  17. What are those haha Nice pike
  18. Dave's great. Here is a album posted on Facebook of Dave at Gagnon's yesterday from our very own Brandon Broderick(if not already posted) http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/album.php?aid=159657&id=61927899276&ref=mf Looked like a fun seminar haha.
  19. Cool cool, I never really knew what it was haha. Interesting though, thanks for the link
  20. I got two of these Sand dollars I collected off the beach in Nova Scotia in 2008 and came across them at home today...are they worth anything to anybody? Parents said they were rare finds for me...every time they would go to Nova Scotia they would look for them and they never found any lol, I went and I found two. I'll put a picture up later tonight...just wondering what their value is that's all.
  21. Haha, looks like fun down there..was the water coooold???
  22. Find a nice Shimano Citica E...the new reels. There $119 US but go to Bass Pro, Le Baron or what ever store you choose and ask for them(tackle shops). They are nice reels and a great price, if able to I'll be getting two of them.
  23. Looks like the 300 E is $249.99 US on the Bass Pro Shops website. Sorry, can't get you a CDN price on the reel. Have a good birthday haha
  24. Pens win the cup.
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