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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. I used my Ray Bans all summer, fall, and winter as well as the spring now and I have not had 1 problem with them. Hundreds of days fishing, cold, warm, rain or shine they have not been affected. Look at 95% of fishing pictures of mine and I'm wearing them. There great to have and a tool I have learned to use.
  2. 13th of April 2008 my display says
  3. Next year is the plan. I'll finally have some good rods and reels to be able to fish with and some cash to enter this stuff. See you next year haha.
  4. wow dude. Great process and boat, love the pictures. Continue adding to this thread pictures and stuff. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  5. Nice job, might give them a try this weekend.
  6. Nice catches...O I can't wait until bass season
  7. For me a 6.3:1 is a good all round gear ratio reel. Honestly it's not hard to turn the handle slower to make ur lure slow down...for some it is. Either way it makes sense about the high speed reels
  8. Not to sure with the rod but I've bought many items there(usually lures and terminal tackle) and have had to pay not 1 cent at the door. I pay online and it arrives. Again, might be different with a 1-pc rod but ordering tackle has never been a issue with me
  9. Dave Mercer is having his last seminar there on the Saturday at noon I think.
  10. Lmao, nice haha
  11. Thats good to hear they took care of you. Been waiting to hear of some Customer service from them. Bought a Abu Garcia Revo SX and hopefully another + a abu rod in a year or so...anyway if something goes wrong hopefully they will be great with me like they were to you.
  12. Hmm, thanks for the feedback JP. I like the idea of the Compre...maybe that with a 2500 Saros F would do the trick. As for line, I'll give it a try. I guess the sensitivity and no stretch would be great with tubes. Thanks for your feedback guys, Mike
  13. Nice to hear they were out checking. The white bucket crowd...love the labeling of them, good friend of mine get's that name all the time haha. Anyway, I was checked last year on Scugog(April) and well was underage for a license. Hope to get checked on the water a few times. Makes me feel good to have them out patrolling the area
  14. In My Opinion
  15. PM Sent. What class are you in of mine haha...just send me back a PM
  16. Asked one of the guys at Gagnon Sports and they should be getting them in within a month's time he told me.
  17. Power Pro...Stren...or Spider wire. Either way u look at it people have their favorites. IMO they all fade over lot's of time fishing and they are all strong. Personally Power Pro braid is the best. If you can find it on sale, Spider wire works just as well.
  18. Well here I go again lol. So, so far I've put two great rods into my new collection of bass rods/reels. Next is a spinning rod. Looking through my tackle bag I saw and remembered how much I loved to fish tube for weed edge largies and smallies. I'm looking into a fairly expensive rod and the reel will most likely be a Stradic CI4 2500...I'm just not to sure on the rod to get in a few weeks. IMO a 6'6-6'8 M action rod is all I should need. I had a older bob izumi rod that was a 6'6 and i liked it but with a old spinning reel it felt heavy..aka sold the setup. Contacted Gloomis to see what they recommended for a rod of this technique. Will gladly buy a Crucial if I can get some help on certain rods to go and hold/get a feel for. Just shoot some rod's I should have a read over and examine. Fished with 12lb mono and didnt like the stretch so much so perhaps 12lb fluorocarbon would be nice on a tube jig rod. Will be fishing tubes from 3/16oz-3/8oz...nothing heavier or lighter. Hope to hear some more good feedback! Thanks, MTBF
  19. I'm not sure about moving permanently but this summer I might be spending 2-3months NE of Kingston fishing bass for the summer(living on the water). Working out of a small tackle shop here and there with good bass fishing and family to visit it might be too good to be true. I just hope I can share daily reports out of my 12'tinny fishing bass haha
  20. Video #1 Video #2 Video #3 Hope you enjoy..I did
  21. Thanks for clearing that up for me guys. Really appreciate it. Looks like I'm going fishing today
  22. Hope there are enough left after telling people this but it seems to be that the Abu Garcia Revo Skeet Reese(Premier identical almost) are on sale for $100 less(279-179). Would like to buy one then get a rod for it later. Who has owned these reels, im sure they are flawless...just wondering if its worth the purchase.
  23. So...is it legal to fish up current to the locks?
  24. Member who gave me the info is not going to be mentioned...i never saw the others but boats were there fishing apparently
  25. Ok, so my buddy let me know something about the Scugog River...it's split in two lol. Apparently the north end of the river stretching from Scugog to Sturgeon(North of the Locks in Lindsay) is classified as the Sturgeon river and is open for fishing(not a sanctuary until May like the Scugog). I see the exception about the scugog river so am I in the clear to fish above the locks towards Sturgeon Lake? Would like to do some panfishing and possibly carp from shore. Thanks MTBF
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